Humanity is obsessed with light.
They see light as a symbol of hope. But when one really boils it down, all they speak is nonsensical bullshit.
Because truth be told, light does nothing but bring us a false sense of comfort.
I see an eye.
Unable to turn away, nor blink, the eye is forced to stare into a bright light.
Initially, the eye responds positively to the light. The pupil constricts as the eye adjusts to the light. It seeks out the light and finds comfort in the brightness it provides.
The more the eye stares at the light, the more the tears wash over it to try and protect it. It feels pain, and this is a necessary part of life. For these signals tell the eye that the light has stopped being a visual aid, and has become a source of agony.
Yet the eye cannot look away.
The more that the eye stares into the bright light, the more damage that is done. The light-sensing receptors become overstimulated, and injures the retina. Stare at a light that is bright enough, and permanent damage can occur.
In short… That which in man obsesses over can be the very thing that blinds us.
Such is the way with humanity.
Arcadia is a dark place, where the common man can feel downtrodden. Desperate men cling desperately to any shred of hope that they can find. When Zeus opened the doors of Old School Wrestling, the beacon of light that shone from Olympus’ flame was lit.
The more the titans battled, the Arcadians adored the light of their new fame and could not look away. But the light that shone brightly only served to blind them to the truth.
These Titans, more often than not… Are undeserving of the light they have been thrust into.
Be they maniacal madmen with an affinity for death and blood, those that have fallen from grace or those that simply failed at other means of life. The Titans go to war, because there’s no other way up this hierarchical bullshit that Zeus has created.
War is upon us.
In that war the light shines, blinding from the truth those that are stupid enough to look directly at it. Truth that the only true winner of war is the hand that sets the soldiers into the battlefield. We Titans will fight, maim and claw at a chance to be the light.
Forgetting that the real monsters are the ones shining the light in the first place.
Blinding the masses.
I perceive the light in a different way. I can show you how to see past the light that blinds to that which the lightholder doesn’t want you to see. He shines the light to keep you in check, casting the dogs of war for his own sport.
Blinded by his light.
When war comes to Arcadia, I will gear up with the rest of the Titans. But I fight not for Zeus’s light. I fight to spread my own message. Step away from the light…
Embrace the beauty of darkness.