Forgotten Orca

Jasper RedgraveJasper Redgrave, Promo

[A dark, damp warehouse.]

[In the center of the room, standing as the focal point, is a massive tank full of water.]

[Standing in front of that tank is Jasper Redgrave.]

[He stands there with a firm and sturdy posture, his head held high and his hands folded behind his back as he looks into what appears to be an empty water tank.]

“The open waters are vastly unknown.”

“Though many can see the water, very few know of the wonders and dangers that may dwell in the depths.”

[A small fish floats into view and across the tank carelessly.]

“At times, the water can seem calm and peaceful. The guppies and clownfish of the seas can swim freely without a care in the world.”

[The fish swims around a piece of coral, but gets caught. It wiggles and flails until its free, but the crimson red hue of blood fills the area.]

“In the blink of an eye, fortunes can change.”

[A great white shark appears off in the distance of the tank. It’s large and it’s mean.]

[And it’s hungry.]

[The predator stalks it’s prey, the fish unbeknownest to the shark’s presence.]

“Just as in life, there’s always a bigger predator out there waiting to cross your path. No matter how big and angry you may look, there’s always another out there licking their chops, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.”

[Right on cue, the shark strikes forward at the injured fish.]


[There’s blood, and lots of it.]

[The waters turn turbulent. There’s a lot of commotion.]

[And when the chaos settles, the little fish swims away.]

[Instead, it’s the shark who has met it’s untimely end as it now finds itself in the clutches of an orca whale.]

“Much like most of Arcadia, the shark had eyes too big for his own good. In his tunneled vision, he neglected the orca. He forgot that to the orca, he was just as weak and vulnerable as the guppies and clown fish that he preyed upon.”

“The same can be said for The Blue Shark of OSW.”

“With the Kingdom by his side, he’s come here looking to prey upon the guppies and clownfish that make up the general population.”

“Together they hope to achieve some sort of justice..”

“But there’s no such thing as justice here in Arcadia, now is there?”

[The Artist turns to look dead into the camera. A cold, sinister smirk spreads across his evil face as continues.]

“I’m a free man, after all.”

“For the better part of a year, I’ve been locked away. Kept away from the spotlight which rightfully belongs to me.”

“Just like the orca, all of the sharks of OSW have forgotten about me.”

“But thanks to the lack of the very thing you stand for, I’m a free man, Shark.”

“You may have come to Old School Wrestling looking to somehow establish an order of peace and safety amongst the people of Arcadia. You set your sights on the small fish, the one’s who don’t really pose a threat to what you stand for.”

“But you’ve forgotten about the orca.”
