Needle and Thread.

In Colt Ramsey, Promo by Colt Ramsey

It’s amazing what you can do with a needle and thread, isn’t it?

In fashion, the pair help to create many an outfit by bringing together pieces of fabric, bringing together elements that seem ordinary and unifying them into something that stands out among the rest as spectacular, even breathtaking.

After all, any ol’ piece of cloth on its own looks well and good, perhaps…but with the right amount of care and precision of the needle and thread, it becomes a beautiful dress, a gorgeous blouse, or even a full three-piece suit that can impress the most demanding of critics.

Under more dire circumstances, however, a far thicker and more sturdy thread comes into play…and the needle is used on the body. The care and precision becomes less artistic and more surgical in nature…and can be used to hurt or heal.

The healer can mend flesh that has been torn part, even sewing body parts back on in the most drastic of situations…but not everyone is so benevolent in motive.

No, that needle and thread can be used across the lips of someone they despise, sewing the mouth of their enemy shut to stop them from ever speaking their truth.

And wouldn’t you know it, ol’ Colt Ramsey knows someone who’s quite handy with these…isn’t that right, Narcy doll?

There was a time when you put that needle and thread to use purely for the sake of putting together the finest outfits that Arcadia has ever seen, work that impressed even the Baron…but it wasn’t enough, was it?

You took to using such tools for a far different purpose. You would claim you were healing all of Arcadia, stitching together an Uprising with the goal of taking Zeus down once and for all…but what of those who question your motives?

Those people find their mouths sewn shut by the great Designer, their voice cut off from speaking their truth…but you cannot shut us all up. You only have so much thread to weave, Narcissa…and it’s running out by the second.

And I’m here to put a stop to it, dear. Colt Ramsey has come to take that needle out of your hand, to stop you from silencing the people’s voice.

And then, I will show you just what I can do with those tools, myself. Because I fancy myself a tradesman, Narcy doll…I’ve learn a little bit about the craft.

In some ways, I have you to thank for the knowledge. After all, studying up on you has been a curious story indeed. The fashion designer who nearly threw it all away for a revolution…a cause centered around what, Narcissa?

Revenge? Jealousy? It’s of no matter to me.

My focus is on making sure the people’s voice is heard from the rooftop…no matter what. I will take away your needle and thread, sew your mouth shut, and then rip their stitches apart.

Because these people want to be heard, Narcy doll…and you’ve got to give the people what they want!