Painting without Sin

Destructo BoyDestructo Boy, Promo

Imagine a world flourished by the sin of colours.

Visualize the greens of envy, the yellow of cowardice, the purples of pride. The blue hues of sorrow, the dark pinks of seduction and the crimson reds of self righteous rage. This world is overcome by the overwhelming darkness, these sinful colours drowning out any purity until not a trace of the white remains.

Now imagine a world distilled into a dull grey.

Where the sins are safely packed away inside their little box of pigments, where the innocent can live free and clear without the fear of drowning in the stain of evil’s paintbrush. A sanitized, white utopia where the world is simple. Boring, lifeless, without true meaning but safe and secure for all the innocents who have dreamt for something better their entire lives.

Since I can remember, I’ve fought to colour in a better world but us heroes are always just equipped with dull, washed out pencils while those who play the system, they wash out our every effort with a single brush stroke. So here comes a group that’s equipped with the same tools they are, who can finally paint on a canvas this world needs. White washing away the corruption and everything grey in life itself for the greater good.

But the problem with the ACA’s vision is they focus so much on the evil and decadent sin trapped deep within Pandora’s canvas is they forget that art is subjective. Hues only represent sins to the ACA because they can’t percieve anything else, when in truth, colour doesn’t just represent darkness.

The greenest shade of courage, the bright yellows of inspiration, the royal purple of pride in ones self. The pink of infatuation, pure and innocent that flourishes into the deepest red of simple love. 

And the simplest, innocent hue of them all. The bright blue of Hope. 

And I’ll be damned if I let you wash a single inch of that away Kleen.

Because a true canvas that will stand the eons of time needs to embrace everything, good and bad, purity and sins. Censor every bit of art that offends your precious little minds Kleen because come Pandora’s box…I’m painting that canvas with your blood and drawing out every little shred of sin you have in your hypocritic bones.

The pride as you spew your drivel to the masses you so believe need your preaching.

The envy as you realise a single moment in my presence means more to them then a lifetime in yours.

The wrath as you try to censor someone whose very work actually tries to make Arcadia a better place.

The fear when you realise I am done fucking around with monsters like you and the ACA.

Your canvas might be the one Arcadia is infatuated with, the one it seemingly needs to wash away the shackles of praising Zeus’s chosen artists but my masterpiece is one they deserve. A work of art that unites this world and one you and the ACA will wish was lost at the bottom of the box forever.

Pandora’s Hope.