
VisionPromo, Vision

Most of humanity relies on its sense of sight as its primary sense to navigate this world. People, in lamens terms, trust what their eyes see.

Yet our eyes are designed to lie to us.

In its true form, light is energy; electromagnetic radiation. In the electromagnetic spectrum, there is only a very small band of visible light which our human eyes can perceive.

Yet light is all around us.

White light, we know it as. A combination of every coloured wavelength within the visible spectrum, creating that which our eyes perceive as different hues, colours and tones.

I see a prism.

When this white light passes through the prism, is it dispersed. White light is split into each individual wavelength, hues separated into individual coloured beams of red, green and blue and we can perceive them independently.

Every colour our eyes see is created by objects reflecting and absorbing different amounts of these coloured wavelengths.

Your lives reflect that which your eyes perceive, but which coloured hue governs your perception?

For months now, we have been basked with the red hues of fear. When Arcadia first saw that red light, the attacks began. They associated that red light with danger. Fingers were pointed, accusations were made… But answers were never found.

Yet I heard the fear in Wolfe’s voice as that ring shook, the desperation. He acted only as the red light had governed him to do so. Seeing only red, and ignoring the green and blue tones in his single-mindedness.

Similarly, there are those that see the green light as a colour of hope. The machines that adorn Dr. Death’s clinic bleep with green hues. The green neon light of Club 40 also welcomes its patronage in with open arms.

Yet, the green light hides any manner of sin and lies. Clinics and clubs are where Arcadians go to have their dreams crushed under Zeus’s rule.

Blue light tells of the pain that must seemingly be endured in this life. Grimskull preaches this, his mentality solely focused on the pathway from pain to freedom. A mindset of blindness, lacking necessary empathy.

You all simply cannot see that the light controlling you has passed through a prism. That you’re not perceiving the whole situation, but a single beam of the full picture.

My vision is wider than your pathetic visual spectrum.

I exist in the realm others cannot perceive. From ultraviolet to infrared light. From the narrow spectrum of gamma rays to wide-sweeping radiowaves, your eyes miss almost all the visual information that exists around us.

Your eyes simply do not see what you think they do.

That is what has blinded Arcadia.

But as the lambs are slaughtered, no more will they be blinded by narrow-mindedness.

I feel the light as it is dispersed through my prism.

I sense what your eyes never can hope to. I sense the world in a different way.

Not a world of perceived colour, of light that guides you to the wrong paths but a world of awoken truth.

Close your eyes so that you may truly see.