“It doesn’t take standing in the shadows to see your darkest secret, Axel.”
[The Sharkman just stares into the mirror.]“What I became, and the things I did, they can never be forgiven. He makes me want to feed, Mike. He makes me want to become that thing again. I just want to atone for the things he made me do.”
“You can,” [Lane suggests.] “And I need your help.”
[The Sharkman turns to face Lane, who appears closer now that he’s stepped further out of the shadows. The two stand close, eye to eye almost.]“Hysteria has my daughter. He wants my life for hers, but I know it won’t be enough. I know that if I handed myself over, he’d kill them in front of me. I know it and you know it.”
[Axel nods.]“So I need you to find them, Sharkman. I need you to use the knowledge you’ve acquired of Hysteria and rescue my baby daughter and her mother.”
“How?” [He asks.] “How can I save them? I don’t know where they are. I wouldn’t have the first-,” [he abruptly pauses.] “Actually, maybe I do know.”
[Mike’s eyes widen in surprise.]“Will you do it? Will you risk your life to save theirs – to save mine?” [Lane pleads.] [There’s no hesitation. There’s no second guessing or time to think. The Sharkman nods.]
“I will,” [He agrees.] “I have to. Sayeth The Sharkman.”
[Mike lane offers him a handshake and he accepts, nodding stoically back at him.]MAKENA JAKANDE VS. OLIVER ANGST
[The decrepit tone of an unknown voice cries out towards the OSW Superstar, but he does not respond only to begin to seemingly sob. His upper body heaving in gasps of breaths. The man is a literal mental mess.]“Do not fear Royce” [A recognizable voice calls from the darkness.] “It will all be over soon!”
[It’s Muerte and he suddenly emerges from the shadows; approaching Royce in a devilish manner. The Great Reaper is proud of his work and he knows he has Mike right where he wants. Muerte takes a step; separating himself from his prey by only a few feet now and…]“You’re absolutely right!”
[With no tremble in his voice Mike Royce speaks out and follows up his statement of confidence by standing to his feet; glaring at Muerta with an intense expression.] [It was a trick?] [Muerte appears surprised even from behind his mask. His eyes widen in both shock and frustration at the show of disrespect he has been given, but it is not over.] [Royce thrusts his hand away from his body, sending something smacking into the chest of Muerte and falling to the concrete floor.] [A necklace? NO! It’s the teeth!!! The teeth Muerte taunted Royce with days ago now lay on the floor at the monster’s feet; cleaned and strung together by string.]“He didn’t need ‘em, Muerte” [Royce proclaims as he points a steady finger in the direction of his foe.] “But you may after I knock all yours out inside that ring!”
[Muerte is fuming as he slowly looks up from the ground; his fist balling up.]“I’m going to prove that The Best Looking Man Alive isn’t scared of anybody… regardless of how ugly they are!”
[Royce turns his back in defiance, making his way down the hall and towards the arena entrance while Muerte stands in still rage.] [Their match is next!]MUERTE VS. MIKE ROYCE
“Death shall set you free.”
[The lights go off and there’s a blood curdling scream. When they return, Muerte and Mike Royce have vanished, the latter unlikely to ever be seen again.]PREY
“Thunk no fool. Thunk know puny Hunter is nearby.”
[His eyes dart to a pile of leaves, kicking it up to reveal nothing under it. He does this to a few more piles before finally moving to the title. He slowly reaches up to it.]“Thunk take trophy then.”
“Then ya woulda struck first like the predator would.”
[Thunk shoves Greer back! THUNK SMA- GREER DUCKS IT! Cody grabs the titles as he rushes down the hall, turning around at the end and staring down the enraged Thunk.]“You wanna get your hands on this, then you gotta be the predator. I ain’t losin’ ta no prey. So when we enter that ring, you better bring it. The best hunter is the one walkin’ out with this trophy.”
[Thunk merely watches as Greer backs away with his title, slipping out of the hallway and leaving Thunk to stew in anger.]EDWARD NEWTON VS. JACK JECKEL
“You held up your end, Rose.” [North greets her.] “You did not betray our agreement and go on your fool’s errand.”
[Steph looks back at him with no fear in her eyes.]“I don’t go back on agreements.”
[North chuckles and nods to the ring.]“Then I bid you not to leave anything out there.” [He gets in her face, his adrenaline pumping.] “Go into war with all that you are and ever will be!”
[Rose sneers back at him.]“You’re going to get everything I have, Viktor.” [She stops for a moment to look down at the microphone in her hand.] “But I know to plan for all possibilities.”
[North steps back and raises an eyebrow. Rose continues.]“If I beat you tonight, you return to your village in shame and defeat to be a common man.” [She pauses to brush her hair back.] “But if you beat me, then I’ve decided I can’t just leave OSW. I love it too much. My heart and soul are here, and I’ve already gotten approval to serve as an interviewer.”
[North chuckles at her proclamation.]“Very well, little Rose.”
[He steps up to her, looking her right in the eyes.]“As we settle this tonight, our blood will be shed in that ring. Our souls will be laid bare to all who understand the language of combat. We will be closer than lovers and nothing will come between us until the dust has settled. Valhalla awaits me, and I will not spare you no quarter.”
[Rose seems to take this as a solemn moment.]“Nor I you, Viktor.”
[North nods in approval before walking out into the Tap Room.] [Rose only looks down at the microphone before starting to get her own head in the game.] [Someone’s career will end.] [But whose?]VIKTOR NORTH VS. STEPHANIE ROSE
[They have had two amazing matches in the past, but now Stephanie and Viktor face off one final time, the loser of this ultimate contest loses their career. Will the Rose Garden finally wither or will North get a one way ticket to Valhalla?]
[The bell sounds as North rushes forward, laying into Rose with heavy forearms as he’s unleashing all his rage on the young woman. Rose is whipped across the ring but she ducks under a clothesline, bouncing off the ropes with a deep armdrag. She delivers a second to North before leaping up with a headscissors as she flings North over the top rope to the floor below. Viktor slowly gets to his feet as Rose gets on the apron, rushing forward, LARIAT! Rose gets almost decapitated, plummeting to the wooden floor below. North powers her up to her feet, tossing her inside the ring as he rolls in after her, covering her limp body]
[ONE…TWO…Rose gets the shoulder up. North stomps down on her prone body, lifting her up before hooking her around the arms and delivering a series of knees that lift Rose up off the canvas with each one. North tosses Rose across the ring with a Belly to Belly into the corner but Rose manages to catch herself on the ropes, springboarding off with a Crossbody. North gets to his feet right into a Dropkick that sends him into the corner as Rose rushes forward, delivering a hard knee to the jaw, leaping up, FULL BLOOM! She hasn’t used that in months but this could well save her career as Rose covers, ONE..TWO…North gets the shoulder up!]
[Rose can’t believe it as anger gets the better of her, kicking North hard in the face as he tries to stand. Blood sprays from a possible broken nose as Rose tries to pull North up but is tossed away almost effortlessly as the Skull Splitter lets out an almighty roar, rushing forward with a massive Lariat sending Rose flipping in mid-air. North lifts Rose up by her hair, tossing her into the corner as he delivers a massive right hook before setting her up in the turnbuckles. North backs up, VALFATHER’S SACRIFICE!]
[North doesn’t cover, backing up as he urges Rose to her feet as she slowly stands up, GUNGNIR! The spear hits low, flipping Rose to the mat but North isn’t done, lifting Rose up from behind and up into the air before flipping her down FALL OF UTGARD! North lifts her limp body up again, a second FALL OF UTGARD! North tries to lift her up a third time but the referee has seen enough, stopping North as he quickly calls for the bell]
[The Skull Splitter retires Stephanie Rose in the most definitive way possible, a brutal stoppage as North’s berserker rage got the better of him. After tonight, VHS better watch out for a warrior like Viktor North]
“You do understand that we don’t require a table this long for a meeting between us two.” [Royal all but yells across the table.]
“Nonsense! We have prestige, Nigel! It is a common known fact that the longer the table the more important the person.” [Marvolo yells back between bites of food.]
“Well we must-”
[Royal sighs, Marvolo being so enthralled in his eating that he’s barely paying attention.]“I said we must-”
“Speak up from over there!”
[Royal stands up and marches to Marvolo, shaking his head in annoyance.]“We must speak about Bruce. He’s been a thorn in our sides for far too long and he must be removed. How do you propose we do that?”
[Marvolo chuckles.] “Simple! We must simply lock him up. You have a dungeon in here somewhere, yes?”“We tried that, but he fought against us. We must become ruthless if we are to finish him off. This is a serious matter and you must pay full attention and stop stuffing your mouth.”
[Marvolo finishes a bite of the food and shrugs.]“Why not ask one of the guards? They’re paid to help with things like this.”
[Royal rolls his eyes and looks to a guard in the far corner from him.] “Fine, you, why not give us an idea? Do it or you’re fired.” [The guard nods and walks forward, as he gets to the far end of the table, he speaks up.] “I say he revolts.” [Before Royal can question the guard, the guard has leaped onto the table and began to run towards Ocean’s One! FRONT DROPKICK! MARVOLO BARELY AVOIDS HIM AS HE CRASHES THROUGH THE CHAIR! The guard is quick to his feet, tossing his helmet to the floor. IT’S BRUCE VAN CHAN! Royal grabs Marvolo and retreats, demanding his guards attack Bruce who takes them out with ease.]“You can run now, Nigel. But when we meet in the ring there are no guards to hide behind. Neither you nor Marvolo has any tricks you can use to put me down. It’s you and me, and I refuse to back down.”
[Royal glares a hole through Bruce, Marvolo hurriedly pulling him the rest of the way out of the room as Bruce stands tall among the battered guards.]DOUBT VS. HYDE
“What’s wrong with you, Hyde? You don’t seem yourself?”
[Hyde is on his hands and knees. He grunts something unintelligible…]“What’s that? You seem… uncertain about what you are trying to say. Speak up!”
[Hyde looks up, but something seems different. He grunts something again.]“Unnn….”
“What? I can’t understand you. You’re going to have to speak up if….”
[Suddenly Hyde lunges forward and grabs Doubt by the cloak. Then we see it. Hyde’s milky eyes have cleared up and are a clear brown.]“RUN!”
[Doubt turns to flee, but Hyde spins him around and kicks the emotion in the gut. He hoists the Showcase Champion onto his shoulders… FEAR MACHINE!! Doubt is leveled and rolls out of the ring! A roar, ear-shatteringly loud and begins convulsing again! He flails on the carpet and the lights begin to flash. He screams in the ring, and the voice changes intermittently. The lights continue to fail and Hyde jumps over the top rope and leaps over the barricade into the crowd. He tosses fans out of his way with little effort and runs through an emergency exit door.] [The camera follows into an alleyway outside the Tap Room where Hyde slams into a stack of empty kegs. He knocks the stack like bowling pins, grabbing one and tossing into a brick wall, which breaks the masonry. He roars again and punches a massive fist into a steel dumpster, denting the metal. He roars again and begins to convulse fully, falling onto the pavement… a nearby light glows especially bright and then pops with sparks flying. We are plunged into darkness and we hear a guttural howl that slowly transitions into the screams of a weak man. The cameraman fumbles and finally gets a light turned on and there were see it. In the trash and rubble of the alley. Dr. Panax, bleeding from his broken hand, toes in all angles, and looking very malnourished lies in Hyde’s rags. The scene fades as the sound of an ambulance siren fills the night.]KING ROYAL & MARVOLO VS. BRUCE VAN CHAN
“We showed him why not to mess with our Kingdom! So, about the feast that he so rudely interrupted, should we go back to eat now or should we take a moment to let the crowd bask in the glory of Number One?”
[Marvolo flexes in front of Nigel, giving a gun show as the King merely chuckles under his breath. Marvolo’s face instantly turns to a quizzical expression as he leans in.]“So just celebrate more or?”
[DISCUS CLOTHESLINE TO THE FACE! ROYAL JUST TOOK MARVOLO DOWN!]“You poor fool. You still think this was something we did? You’re mistaken, the victory over Bruce was all my work, you simply rode my coattails along the way.”
[Marvolo wearily works to his feet, using the ropes for leverage. His smile is gone.] [The only expression on his face is that of a man with a broken heart.]“Now that I’ve used you and got what I wanted, I no longer require your service. You are the weakest link, fool. You’re but a jester and this King no longer finds you humerous.”
[Marvolo turns to his former friend. He tries to plead, but Royal doesn’t listen. BIG BOOT FROM ROYAL! Marvolo hits the ground, Number One too shocked to fight back! Every attempt to stand is met with a boot. Eventually, he stays down.] [Ocean’s One no longer stands tall.] [All must bow to the King.]THUNK VS. CODY GREER
“We need to get him to the hospital,” [says the first paramedic.] “He’s having a heart attack.”
[Before we know what’s happening, they’ve gotten him on a stretcher and begin rushing him towards the exit. The doors fly open, and their ambulance is waiting. They load him in just as he passes out, slamming the doors behind them.] [The camera turns around, showing Bruce’s bag on the floor, right where his body dropped. Attached to the zip is a photograph; it’s him, his wife Paige and their son Bruce Junior.] [We close in on the photograph of his smiling family.] [His fate unclear.] [The future uncertain.] [What the hell just happened to Bruce Van Chan?]THE SHARK VS. SMILEY
[The fallout of the destruction of the Asylum is felt here tonight as The Shark seeks vengeance against one of the men who made him a monster, Smiley. Can the Shark get his retribution or will Smiley unleash his bloodlust once more?]
[The bell rings as The Shark rushes forward nailing Smiley with a hard knee to the jaw before slamming him to the mat, mounting the Deranged One and driving down furious lefts and rights. Smiley manages to slip his way out, dodging a wild right as he rolls to the outside, trying to give himself some breathing room. The Shark climbs up to the top rope, sizing up Smiley, CROSSBODY BLOCK! The Shark slams down on Smiley, smacking him with a few hard lefts and rights before uttering a wild roar, the crowd cheering his actions as he pulls Smiley up by his hair, tossing him back into the ring]
[The Shark sizes Smiley up, waiting for him to get to his feet before rushing forward, leaping over him as he tries to Sunset-Bomb to the mat but Smiley catches him in mid-air, STEPFORD SMILE! Smiley gets to his feet, chuckling maniacally as he lifts The Shark up, driving a few hard knees to his midsection before spinning him around and snapping him to the mat with a hard neckbreaker. Smiley doesn’t cover, instead going up to the top rope as he sizes Sharky up for a moment, TRAUMA…MISSES! Smiley staggers to his feet, holding his ass in pain as he walks right into a running headbutt!]
[The Shark lifts Smiley up to his feet, delivering a hard kick to the gut before a DDT drills him into the mat. It’s the Shark’s time to head up to the top rope as he leaps off FIN-ISH HIM! The Headbutt lands flush as The Shark covers, ONE…TWO…Smiley gets the shoulder up. Shark tries to pull him up to his feet but gets his eyes raked as Smiley tries to fish-hook his mouth. The Shark bites down out of instinct, Smiley pulling his fingers out as soon as he could, but The Shark still draws blood.]
[Smiley staggers back as The Shark seems transfixed by the blood on the canvas. He shakes his head, trying not to give into his bloodlust but as he turns around, CHELSEA GRIN! That momentary breather gave Smiley the chance he needed to come back as he lifts The Shark up, grabbing him by the throat, drilling him with a hard knee to the jaw before fish-hooking him once again, leaping up HIDEOUS LAUGHTER! Smiley drills The Shark as The Sharkman looks unconcious on the mat. A sickening smile comes over Smiley as he covers, ONE…TWO…THREE!!!]
[The Sharkman tried his best to get his revenge tonight but traces of what the Asylum did to him cost him tonight as his former bloodlust gave the Deranged One just enough to put him down.]
[We’re just moments away from the biggest showdown in Tommy Hawk’s career. He stands inside the ring, his hands clasped and waiting for Frank Harrison.]
[As the fans cheer and beckon his opponent, the despicable politician walks out onto the stage with a microphone.]
“Tommy, Tommy, Tommy,” [he snarls, shaking his head.] “I can’t believe you showed up. I thought you’d take this opportunity to run as far away as you could from me.”
[Hawk shakes his head, receiving a microphone.] “I do not run, Frank Harrison.”“I can see that. After everything I’ve put you through since August of last year, here you stand. I created the Wendigo that haunted you day and night. The very same Wendigo that brought you conflict with Austin Fernando – the very same one that turned out to be Jon Davenport in disguise. I armed that racist bigot with a militia of mercenaries and turned that rabid dog loose on you and your people. I set your houses ablaze, I forced you to commit crimes that saw you arrested and then I enslaved you.”
[The severity of what Harrison did sends the audience into a rapture of boos. For seven months, this man has tormented Tommy Hawk.]“For seven months, I’ve had my wicked way with you, Tommy. I sent you to prison, I gave you your freedom and now I’m going to take your briefcase. This is the end of the line.”
[Tommy disagrees.] “No, you will not take any longer. You have taken mercilessly. You have ripped my people from their land and turned me into a savage. You took my freedom, you took my world and turned it upside down but you could not take my spirit. Where is Jon Davenport?” [He asks with a shrug.] “Where is your Wendigo? Where are your mercenaries, Frank Harrison? Tonight, this is the end of the line. Tonight, I will make you feel the pain and suffering of my people, or I will die trying.” [Harrison shakes his head.]“I’ll give you one last chance to walk away, Tommy. One last chance.”
[Hawk stands defiantly.]“Never!”
[Frank Harrison climbs into the ring, unbuttoning his shirt with a grin as this match gets ready to explode here tonight.]FRANK HARRISON VS. TOMMY HAWK
“I will not grant you the mercy of ending your pathetic life.”
[And with that Frank Harrison passes out from his wounds. The referee tentatively reaches out and raises Tommy Hawk’s hand in victory. Tommy walks to the back as paramedics rush to Harrison’s aid, who barely escaped with his life, and his OSW career has come to an end. After all these month of torment, Tommy Hawk has finally prevailed.]HANDOVER
“Michael Lane.”
[A voice emanates from the centre of the ring, inside a crowded tap room. It’s Hysteria, and he’s stood alone, ready for Mike to hand himself over.]“It is time.”
[Without any music or spotlights, Mike steps out into the bar, his hands on his hips. He carefully walks towards the ring, sliding under the bottom rope. Whilst Hysteria tilts his head, chuckling faintly, The Shadow produces a microphone.]“Hand yourself over to me, Michael. Place your life in my hands and I will-“
[Lane cuts him off.] “You’ll what?” [he asks with a grimace.] “You’ll release my family? I think we both know that irrespective of what happens here tonight, you’ll never release my baby girl.” [Hysteria laughs.]“What’s the matter, don’t you trust me?”
“This started because I wanted justice. You’ve hurt so many people, Hysteria. You’ve killed, maimed and ripped violently through families like they’ve never mattered,” [Lane admits with a bowed head, slowly lifting it to meet the evil eyes of his nemesis.] “And if to receive that justice, I have to sacrifice, then sacrifice I will.”
[Knowing that The Sharkman hunts for his baby girl, The Shadow pretends.]“Then why don’t you just die?” [Hysteria mocks.] “Hand yourself over to me, just like we agreed and I will spare them. The only sacrifice you’ll make is your own life.”
[Mike Lane shakes his head, ‘no’. He’s putting his faith in The Sharkman.] [Hysteria shrugs.]“So be it.”
“Hysteria, you’re under arrest for murder,” [he yells at him.] “Kidnapping and assault. I told you that I’d bring you to justice, you son of a bitch!”
[As Mike Lane rolls him out of the ring and follows, they step onto the wooden floor of the tap room with a thud. Onto the stage steps Agent Dufrene, the man who once plotted with Hysteria and lost his family to the Mad Mastermind.]“You’ll never get her back, Lane!” [Hysteria giggles.] “Never!”
[He hands him over to Dufrene, who gladly frogmarches him through the doors towards the backstage area. With the fans cheering, Mike steps backwards, walking towards the ring to grab his World Championship when the tron flickers.] [Static.] [In a dark, dingy, disgusting room, the sound of a baby crying echoes throughout, sending shivers down your spine. With Hysteria captured, Mike looks towards the screen with a desperate eye, hoping that The Sharkman made it in time.]“Rock a cry baby, on the tree top. When the wind blows, the cradle will rock. When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall. And down will come cradle, baby and all!”
[The voice isn’t that of The Sharkman. No, it’s twisted, sadistic and terrifying.]“I’ve never been one to babysit. There must be something about my smiling face that terrifies poor children. Or maybe it was the torture, I’m not quite sure.”
[The camera pans around to reveal Smiley, standing over the cradle. There’s blood splattered up his chest and face, turning his once yellow face paint a horrifying shade of red. He reaches down to pick up the baby, cradling her in his bloody hands.]“Hysteria asked me not to harm the baby, which I thought was far too kind of him. He said ‘if anything happens to me, use her’ and whilst I much prefer the idea of torture, perhaps he has a point. Then, he always did have a soft spot for children.”
[We look towards the ground, noticing The Sharkman unconscious at his feet.]“Alas, the same couldn’t be said about your former beau.”
[Carefully, the camera turns to the right, where blood soaks a mattress. It looks doused in it.]“And I simply couldn’t help myself.”
[Below, on the cold concrete floor next to the bed, the body of Destiny lays, blood all around her. We can’t see her face, nor can we see if she’s breathing.]“Turn that frown upside down, Mike. You made the wrong decision once, but everyone gets a second chance; even you.”
[He laughs, rocking the baby back and forth.]“So smile, will ya?”
[Static.] [Cut.]