Short Circuit



“It’s safe to say, I’ve infiltrated my fair share of systems..”

“Through the knowledge encryted behind those many firewalls, I have learned great things.”

“Things that are unspoken. Things that shouldn’t be known by other great minds.”

“It should be well known that the security that protects this information is locked away tight.”

“Every great system starts with a strong firewall. This firewall makes up the exterior of their protection. In most cases, it’s enough to stave off any intruders.”

“However, every firewall has a weakness. And that weakness can be exploited and ripped right open.”

“You inject that weakness full of memory packets. You overload their system until it’s on the brink of shutting down..”

“And then you flip the killswitch. You send your own signal into the server and you override the security. You take full access of their server and then it’s within your hands what you do with it from there. Whether it’s taking that vital information that was once protected..”

“Or short circuiting the entire system and send it crashing into a downward spiral.”

“Recently, I’ve stumbled upon something intriguing in my searches.”

“There’s a unique system within the Arcadian Police Department that has peaked my interest.”

“Tactical Examination Correspondent. They call him TEC.”

“An automoton that represents the police force here in Arcadia. A system that I fell holds some very, very valuable information.”

“On the exterior, TEC proves to be a mighty firewall. One clad in metal with the inability to feel. A robot that’s programmed to serve one purpose, and presents a badge as the means to carry out such tasks. A firewall that seems not to have many cracks on the outside.”

“But I know what you are, TEC. I know that you’re a lost creation living on a past full of lies. I know that you don’t know what your true purpose of being created was.. but most importantly, I know that you feel lost and alone.”

“And that’s the only weakness that I need. This week, the two of us will cross paths. Who would have thought a automoton of all things would fall victim to the head games of emotions? I will stoke the fire of those lies that you live upon, and I will exploit your unsurity to it’s fullest.”

“Because your story, it intrigues me too. And I think within the system that is TEC may lead to some of the most valuable and priceless information a lowly hacker such as myself could get their hands upon.”

“Nothing will stop me from getting what I want.”

“I’ve never come across a system that I couldn’t hack.”

“I will inject you with miles of useless code, rendering you a useless piece of technology barely capable of passing the butter.”

“I live for games like this, TEC. At the end of the night, it’ll be me standing with my hand raised while you’re carted off as just another pile of junk mechanical components.”

“Consider yourself short-circuited, bot.” [/terminal]