The King of Sin

Vincent HargravesPromo

Everybody has a price…they just don’t know it yet.

The camera fades in from static as we find ourselves in the backrooms of one of Hargraves many…many adult natured clubs. The man himself is walking down a hallway, bright velvet shirt opened to reveal his numerous chest hairs as he has one large arm over a innocent, very out of place young blonde who looks incredibly uncomfortable at Victor’s very presence before he guides them to a more…private like room. 

“Like I said Scarlett,  your precious little daughter is fine and well. However there’s just the matter of payment. Babysitting isn’t cheap. Food, room and board aren’t cheap, and I doubt you have the credits for what we charge but I believe we can make an arrangement, don’t you think?”

Vinny sits down on a leather chair, draped in what was once a fine towel. He slightly unbuttons his trousers, as he beckons Scarlett forward. She recoils in disgust as she goes to walk out.

“I guess we can just contact her father then, I’m sure he’d be pleased to have her back”

Scarlett turns back around into that shit eating grin as she reluctantly moves forward, dropping to her knees for his ‘favor’ 

“You promise that I do this and I can have my daughter back?”

“Oh of course my dear, I always repay my favors”


We fade back in as we find the pair further down the backrooms, right in front of brightly coloured, child-like door. Vinny pulls a thin key out of his pocket, unlocking the door before he steps back, gesturing to Scarlett to walk inside. 

“There you go Scar, like I promised. It’ll be sad to see you go but if you ever need babysitting in the future, please do keep me in mind, we always love the innocence of children here.”

Vinny laughs to himself, walking down the hallways as Scarlett slowly opens the door. She walks inside, her frame blocking the view before she drops to her knees, screaming in absolute terror. 

The camera fades back before we can see what lies in the room, revealing Vincent along with a few of his cronies watching the scene on a monitor inside Hargrave’s office. Vinny’s smile is wide as his cronies try to not look sick at what they see.

“What do you think boys? We got another hit on our hands?”

One of the cronies can’t hold themselves, rushing to the corner as he begins violently puking. Vinny shakes his head, getting to his feet as he signals at the other cronies. One slams their foot down on the back of the sick one’s head before the pair pull him up, bloodied, soiled and battered as Vinny drops to his knees before him.

“There’s always one. I can’t stand weakness so I guess I gotta got my moneys worth out of you. But don’t fret my boy, I just want to see you smile”

Vinny pulls out a large, rather deadly looking knife before bearing down on the struggling man, who begins to scream, the knife barely just beginning to cut in as the camera fades to black.