Click.Static covers the screen as a Play ► symbol appears in the bottom right-hand corner.
Sigil’s mouth desperately gasps for air as he awakens hanging inside a chiller in the bowels of The Slaughterhouse. Propped up onto a meat hook by his cloak, he surveys the freezing cold chiller.
“It’s about time you fuckin’ woke up,” a voice says from across the room. It belongs to Zero, who approaches.
“What’s going on?” Sigil says, hoarsely.
“Voynich killed your ass, and we thought it pertinent to have a little chat when you woke up,” Zero says callously. “You wanted to know what our plans are with the bones and we want you to know your place and stay out of our business, or else.”
Suddenly, Sigil portals himself off the hook to behind Zero, clobbering him from behind with a brutal forearm. He grabs a meat hook and throws it in The Hackers direction as he gets back to his feet, crashing into his head.
Sparks fly from his visor, giving The Collector an idea. He grabs another hook and this time runs with it, leaping into the air with an assisted Planeswalker that ferociously knocks Zero backwards into the wall.
Sigil grabs him by the visor, attempting to pry it apart.
Only then, Zero seemingly powers down.
The Collector looks at him awkwardly, realizing in that moment that Zero isn’t himself. He’s being controlled. As the zeroes and one’s fade from the visor, they linger just long enough for Sigil to send those using Zero a message.
“Send your weapon for me at Ring King,” he growls. “Or I’m coming for what you’ve stolen from me.”
He pushes Zero by the visor back down to the floor, where he remains unconscious.

We’re starting this week’s show with a Trios match! From former world champs to men still trying to get the world’s attention, all types are featured in this match. Will the team of Banzan, Simon, and Corvus get the win or will Sir Renault, Sigil, and Darklord climb the mountain? We find out now!
DING! DING! Simon and Corvus are insisting Banzan start! You can tell they’re frustrated he still has a spot in the tournament! Darklord is in and he wants to prove even mountains are nothing against a Carthian! The two tie up and Darklord throws him with ease into Corvus!
Banzan is shocked and pulls himself up with the ropes! Darklord charges at him with a big boot! Banzan lowers the ropes out of desperation! Darklord falls to the floor! Banzan aggressively tags in to Simon! Simon climbs the top rope! Crossbody off the top! No! KNEEL!, a mid-air Spartan kick floors Simon!
Darklord slides back into the ring and tags Sigil! COSMIC LEAP! He teleports from the apron to right above Simon! Splash out of nowhere! He rolls Simon back into the ring! He tries to pull him up but Simon counters with a small package! One! Two! No! Kickout! Both men are up and Simon tags in Corvus! Sigil leaps to tag in Renault!
Corvus charges at Renault! Flash kick! No! Renault catches the leg and turns it into an exploder suplex! Corvus gets launched and Sir Renault is trying to pull him up! Corvus takes the eyes! BLACK HANDS BLADE! He hits the RKO and tags in both his partners! Banzan and Simon are in! They’re in opposite corners waiting for Renault to get up! He gets to a knee! They charge! He ducks and they crash hard into one another! Banzan rolls out of the ring and Renault picks up Simon! THE LAST CRUSADE! Sit out crucifix powerbomb! Renault covers! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Sir Renault has done it for his team! What a win over Simon, Banzan, and Corvus!

Backstage, Albert Shaw leads a small group of men and women around. They don’t look like a pleasant bunch, and wouldn’t look out of place holding pitchforks and torches.
Shaw shouts at them, directing each in different directions, and telling them where might be best to start their checks.
“Did I tell you you could stop to reply to a text message?” he shouts at one. “Get back to it! We have one objective and one objective only today. Bring me Pyre. At any cost.”
The camera pulls back to a wide shot and we see Pyre herself surveying the scene. She looks uncharacteristically nervous as she dials a number on her phone. Nothing. She dials again, and yet again there is no answer on the other end of the line. She dials a third time.
“Zero?” she asks, but it’s just his answerphone.
“This isn’t the time to go off-grid, Zero. I need you. Call me as soon as you get this.”
Pyre shoves the phone back into her pocket and lets out a short sharp breath. What exactly has she gotten herself into now? And with that parting thought, Pyre slinks into the nearest room she can find – the Boiler room.

With the flip of coin tonight could end in a blissful dream or a terror induced nightmare.
Two-Face and Mordecai lock up. Two-Face grabs a side-headlock, Mordecai counters backing him to the ropes and shooting him across the ring. Going for a clothesline, Two-Face ducks and comes back hitting square with a Calf Kick sqaure to face of Mordecai sending The Gatekeeper of Dreams staggering.
Two-Face pulls Mordecai in quickly looking for the Overdrive Neckbreaker but Mordecai counters flipping Two-Face into the air and hitting the pop-up European Uppercut… REALITY CHECK! Mordecai covers and gets a quick two count with Two-Face kicking out with authority. Mordecai picks up Two-Face by head. Two-Face elbows Mordecai in the gut, bending him over, and quickly hitting the Overdrive Neckbreaker… Two-Face just FLIPPED THE COIN!
Cover by Two-Face but Mordecai gets a shoulder up at two-point-five. Mordecai gets back to his feet and comes face to face with Two-Face again. Both men begin, to unload on each other with lefts and rights as the crowd begins to boo and cheer as they go back and forth.
Two-Face take the advantage by stomping on Mordecai’s foot and poking him the eye. Then in a move as if pulling a one-armed bandit in a casino. Two-Face grabs the head of Mordecai and drives it into the mat with the SPINNING REVERSE STO, HEADS OR TAILS it doesn’t matter as Two-Face pins Mordecai picking up the win.
Two-Face flips Mordecai on his head, picking up the win tonight.

Recorded Earlier.
Panic. Cael Gable drives his car down a long dark lonely road, with a very twitchy and nervous Israel Grimwolf beside him.
Their headlights illuminate the path head, with Grimwolf looking over his shoulder behind them frequently.
The Nekken.
Lightning suddenly strikes the road, causing them both to panic and swerve down an embankment into some trees. The crash causes the airbags to explode, and both men stumble out of the car.
“I saw him,” Grimwolf panics. “He was in the fuckin’ road, me hearty.”
Gable looks up at the treeline, watching as a silhouette approaches the edge of it, fog, and mist behind him.
“We have to go,” he demands.
Grimwolf agrees and both men set off on foot through the trees.
“We need to get to The Slaughterhouse,” Grimwolf announces. “We need to find a way to stop him.”
“Maybe where we really need to go is the water,” Cael suggests earnestly. Israel immediately stops and looks at him. “What?”
“That’d be the worst place we could go. If you think he’s powerful here, you won’t like him in the water, matey,” he says with a shake of the head. “He’ll sink us, drag us to the locker and keep us there forever.”
“You escaped,” Cael reminds him. “If it comes down to it, we need to strike him where he least expects it.”
The Captain gulps.

A foul evil from the darkest depths of the ocean, the Nekken makes his OSW debut to drag a soul to the bottom of the sea but can The Impaler survive Davey Jones or will he have thousands of souls to take down to the locker?
The bell sounds as Impaler rushes forward, nailing the Nekken with a series of furious lefts and rights that barely seem to affect the tentacled creature. A spinning elbow staggers back Davey Jones a few steps before Impaler rushes to the ropes, bouncing off with the ADAM SMASHER!
That huge Lariat doesn’t put down the Nekken but leaves him uneasy on his feet as the Impaler rushes to the ropes, trying for another but rebounds right into SHIPWRECK! That huge Big Boot nearly turns the Impaler inside out.
Impaler slowly stumbles up to his feet into a monstrous right hand before he’s lifted up high into the air, POWERBOMB…A SECOND…A THIRD! The Spirit of the Sea nearly puts the Impaler through the mat as the Nekken drops to his knees, looking to finish the Impaler once and for all.
Gripping the Impaler by the throat in a chokehold, that foul and putrid water flows from the Nekkens mouth as he begins to give Legion a watery grave before Impaler quickly taps out while he still can!
The Nekken takes another soul here to the depths as Legion could not overcome the monster of the Deep

“This again?”
The voice of Leif Helvig greets us as we find the Beast sat on a bench in his locker room. He’s getting ready for his match while Darklord and Banzan stand before him.
“The truth is always revealed in the end.” Banzan states. “Something is not right about this situation, and we don’t have much to go on.”
“I am beginning to grow tired of waiting for my promised war with Earth’s greatest warrior,” Darklord adds.
Helvig stands up, smirking at the Carthian.
“We can go right now, if you want?” He taunts.
Darklord tenses up, but before he can do anything…
Skittering across the ground, we find none other than Phineas Moody. The Ringmaster kneels over a dazed Darklord.
“They said the gods were dead!” Moody melodically exclaims. “But what do we have here? A God King?”
While Leif Helvig looks on, seemingly amused, Banzan tries to stand up, but Moody strikes him with his cane.
“You’re an interesting specimen. I could have done great things with…”
Sir Renault is here, and he is on a mission.
Stepping over the giants that have been downed, Renault grabs Moody by the neck.
“You asked me to vanquish you?” He growls into Carnevil’s face. “Allow me to indulge you!”
The enraged Sir Renault charges towards the brick wall with Moody’s body in his grasp. With everything he has, he throws the Ringmaster into the wall…
Phineas Moody has vanished, but Sir Renault can still hear a whisper on the air.
“Now you understand. The show must go on…”
Red eyes flash in Renault’s mind, but when he shakes it off, he only has the refreshed duo of Darklord and Banzan before him. Banzan nods to him, showing respect.
“If you wish to see how someone finishes a battle,” Helvig interrupts, “Callihan will serve as my example to you.”
The Beast leaves the room, leaving the others to awkwardly look at one another.

The Dark Detective and The Metal Shadow face off and look to make an immediate statement!
Tenchu rushes at Knightlord who side-steps out of the way. He runs the ropes and comes rushing back only to catch a big boot to the face for his troubles! Tenchu peels him off the ground but Knightlord pays him back with a dropkick that staggers the big man.
Knightlord hops onto the turnbuckles with bat-like agility and comes flying off the top witha crossbody. Tenchu catches him mid-air and drops him across his knee. Tenchu is’nt done as he lifts him back up onto his shoulders and dumps him on his head with a death valley driver — LETHAL BLOW!
Tenchu pulls Kaine onto his feet by the throat and lifts him into the air. JUST A BITE! Knightlord is biting Tenchu! Tenchu lets go and staggers back as Knightlord checks for loose teeth. He kicks him in the knee, dropping him down and then plants him with a kneeling DDT!
Knightlord confidently sizing him up. He walks right into another chokehold. Tenchu releases it and turns him around and hits him with a overhand chop to the back. He hooks the arms — ODOWARA SENT! THE SPINNING INVERTED DOUBLE-UNDERHOOK FACEBUSTER! NO! Knightlord spins out… He hooks the arms — NIGHT RAID!THE SPINNING KILLSWITCH! COVER! ONE! TWO! THREE!!!
The Shadow bat emerges victorious in a hard fought battle against the Kodokushi!

Earlier in the show.
Faces of Reason walk down the corridor heading towards their locker room.
“Did I tell you you could stop to reply to a text message?” they hear. “Get back to it! We have one objective and one objective only today. Bring me Pyre. At any cost.”
Simon pokes his head around the corner.
“It’s Albert Shaw.” he says. “And it looks like he’s searching for Pyre.”
“We think we should help him,” says Two-Face, a smile crossing his face.
“Ah,” says Simon. You want to undertake a Queen’s Gambit. We leave ourselves vulnerable in an attempt to make our opponent leave themselves even more vulnerable in trying to counteract us.”
“No,” says Two-Face. “We already have the advantage. See?”
Two-Face points in the opposite direction, and as Simon looks in the direction he’s pointing, he sees Pyre hang up the phone and shove it back into her pocket and dart into the boiler room.
Simon smirks and motions at Two-Face to follow him.
“Albert,” he shouts. “Call off your mob, the only men you need to help are right here.”
“Are you barmy, mate?” Shaw replies. “Why would I work with you two?”
“We have a common enemy,” says Two-Face. “We take Pyre out and we both have a clearer shot at those tag titles.”
Shaw shrugs.
“You ain’t wrong. Sure.”
“Excellent,” says Simon. “She’s just over there.”
He points over his shoulder with a thumb.
“In the boiler room.”

A week removed from the crucifixion of a holy knight, the Ringmaster moves onto another man of faith. Can Moody demoralise and debilitate the latest Bellatori or will Sanctus manage to remain steadfast in the face of purest evil?The bell begins as Phineas rushes forward with surprising speed, grabbing Sanctus by his mask and pulling him forward into the Bearded Lady’s Kiss Headbutt, staggering back the luchadore before his head is nearly taking off with a vile Lariat. Moody peels Sanctus up off the mat, nearly caving his ribs in with a stiff shot to the gut before tossing him over his shoulders
THE STRONG…SANCTUS GRABS HOLD OF THE ROPES! Bellator uses them as a springboard, delivering a stiff dropkick to the back of Moody’s head before flipping over with a spike DDT! Sanctus doesn’t cover, instead rushing up to the top and leaping off
TERRA TREM…MOODY ROLLS OUT OF THE WAY! Sanctus rolls through, rushing right into a stiff european uppercut before he’s thrown high into the air for THE STRONGMAN! FALLWAY SLAM! Moody pulls Sanctus up off the mat but Bellator slips out, delivering a hard enziguri to the back of the head before lifting Phineas up high, rushing forward with YAWEH’S SIGN…
THE DAZZLING, EXCITING, EXTRAORDINARY MR MOODY! The Bullhammer hits flush to the back of the head as Moody backs up, waiting for Sanctus to get to his feet before rushing forward. EXTRAORDINARY MR MOODY! A second Bullhammer knocks Sanctus out cold as Moody drops down for the ONE…TWO…THREE!!!
The Ringmaster emerges victorious once more as pure evil emerges victorious over the Light here tonight.

The dark secluded corners of the Slaughterhouse are seldom places where honest and upstanding folk conduct their business, but more often than not, places where one can have the feeling of being watched. Eyes looking upon them as shady deals are conducted in the shadows.
So when we find a figure like Viper Roberts slithering towards such a place, naturally, our instinct is to follow unnoticed. Especially if our name is Deathnote and we suspect the Head Snake of manipulating him to divulge information. The Shinigami sticks to the shadows, keeping distance but remaining close to earshot even as two of Viper’s snakes appear. Hushed whispers ensue, which we cannot quite make out.
“Victoria… Hank…”
Viper Roberts greets them by name, but the remaining conversation slips beneath our ears. We hear but whispered snippets.
“… information …close to …matter of time…”
With his notebook out, Deathnote flips through the pages, stopping at a certain point and kneels with pen drawn. Scribbling furiously into the book, it is not long before he tucks is back into his attire and watches on once more.
“…what is required of you…”
Suddenly, not one but both of the snakes that Viper is secretly meeting with fall silent. Almost as one, they collapse, choking upon invisible air. Viper doesn’t look concerned, but a touch confused. Deathnote steps out of the shadows, tapping at his chest almost to indicate his notebook safely stowed there.
“Oh no, Viper. More of your snakes dropping dead at your feet? Not your doing this time I take it?”
Viper looks beyond frustrated, but he quickly hides his frustration under an unreadable mask.
“You have my attention…”
Deathnote moves forward towards Viper.
“Well, you seemed so interested in my book and certain information contained within. I wanted to make sure you knew exactly what can happen if you cross me.”
He looks down upon the two bodies, eyes still staring blankly and lifelessly at the ceiling.
“To be fair, I’d be doing the world a favor to give you the same fate. You hold up your end of the deal Viper.”
Deathnote walks away, Viper slithering after him, leaving his two dead snakes lying in his wake.

OSW’s resident journalist attempts tonight to gain some insight into an undefeated phenom but has Callihan picked off more then he can chew with the Beast of Slaughter?The bell sounds as Helvig rushes forward, nearly decapitating Callihan with a mammoth clothesline. Callihan barely hits the mat before he’s picked up by the throat with one hand and thrown head first into the turnbuckles. The Reporter barely hits the steel though before he’s nearly driven through the damn buckles with a brutal boot that busts him wide open.
Callihan stumbles out of the corner, swinging wild strikes that Leif easily deflects before a huge right hand sends him down to one knee. Helvig peels him up to his feet, trapping both arms before beginning to rain down headbutt after headbutt, opening up that wound wide. LOW BLOW!
Jimmy manages to stop Leif for a moment with that kick to the dick, Callihan slipping out of the headbutts before delivering a NEWSFLASH! The Yakuza Kick hits flush as Helvig staggers back, wiping away a trickle of blood from his lip, watching with one eye as Callihan spins around. BYLIN…HELVIG CATCHES THE CLOTHESLINE!
Helvig delivers another brutal headbutt before tossing Callihan clean across the ring with the VALKYRIE KALLAR! Callihan crashes to the mat in a heap as Helvig backs up, urging Callihan to his feet as the reporter does…FRIGORA! Helvig nearly cuts Callihan in half with that sickening spear but he’s not done as he drops down, mounting Jimmy as he begins delivering RASERI I SLAKTERIET! Helvig beats Callihan into unconsciousness as the referee has to pull him off to stop the brutality.
Leif Helvig remains undefeated here in OSW as he absolutely destroys Jimmy Callihan here tonight

The door to Kaine Knightlord’s locker room splinters open as Jessie walks in with his Boomstick slung over his shoulder. The Dark Detective merely looks over his shoulder, nonplussed by the sudden arrival.
“You’re subtle, aren’t you?”
Kaine stands to his feet as he speaks.
“Only for assholes like you. If the oh so great detective knew Mordecai and Sandman were going to partner up and kill me, why didn’t you get there sooner?”
“Sometimes seeing is believing.”
“Fuck you, Kaine.”
A smile reveals his fangs as Kaine glares at the Prince.
“Really? Listen, kid. You may think you’ve walked on the dark side, seen all the monsters you can imagine. You’ve only seen a sliver.”
Kaine leans in close to Jesse’s ear, merely a whisper between the two.
“Only as much as someone like me has allowed you to see.”
Kaine leans back as an anger rises in Williams’ eyes.
“Creatures like Mordecai and Sandman? I’ve seen plenty like them over the years. No matter how much they may hate each other, blood is thicker than water. They were always bound to come alongside one another. You just happened to be in the crossfire when that reunion happened.”
Jessie pushes Knightlord back and aims the Boomstick at Kaine. The HellBat grins, again. He puts his fingers to the barrel and shoves it to the side.
“Please. You don’t think I know how your little toy of compensation works? You don’t scare me with that.”
Jessie quickly turns and drives a stake into the chest of Kaine. The Vampire Detective has a shocked look on his face.
“You shouldn’t have done that.”
Jesse grins as he shoves the stake deeper.
“Let’s see how you feel waking up again after being killed.”
Kaine collapses on the ground as Jessie walks out.
A few moments pass and Kaine takes a deep breath, the first deep breath he’s taken in a very long time. His eyes are blood shot red.
“I’m going to kill him!”
A rage overtakes him that is beyond human.
“I’m going to fucking kill him!”
Kaine gets to his feet and staggers to the shattered remains of his door. The first person he sees walk by screams as they’re pulled into the locker room.
“You’ll do just fine!”
The scream disappears into a gurgle as Kaine feasts violently on the poor victim.

Both men are fighting for their lives against unearthly things but in the here and now they are looking to take another step towards becoming THE KING!
Gable entices Williams into a bout of chain wrestling but the grappling game is very much Gable’s forte and he has The Prince quickly controlled with a rapid repertoire of wrist locks. Williams isn’t much interested in this kind of technical exhibition though and breaks up the clinic with a stiff headbutt, then an uppercut!!! Slingshot off the ropes for a tornado drop kick….GROOVY ECLIPSE…and the first cover….ONE! TWO! KICKOUT!
Both men quickly to their feet, swinging arm from The Prince but The Olympian ducks under and clasping Williams from behind, Gable hands out some TEN KARAT brutality to his opponent. Ten consecutive German suplexes has Jessie unsure if he’s still among the living or the dead.
No cover from Gable, he’s lining up Williams and locks in the SILENCE IS GOLDEN….rear naked choke has The Prince in trouble. He’s fighting with everything he’s got but Gable is a master of his craft. Fading fast, Jessie is hit with sudden inspiration. He hits the gauntlet and the boosters propel them backwards into the turnbuckle. Gable releases, Williams spins…BOOMSTICK!!! Superman Punch.
The Prince hits the top rope as Gable flops to the mat. CALL OF THE CHOSEN!!!! KNEES UP!!! Gable lifts The Prince….THE PUGHPLEX!!!! Williams CUT down!!! Cover for ONE! TWO! THREE!!!!
Gable moves into the Ring King final four!

Continued from #250…
“Viper Roberts is just the latest in a long line of people who’ve screwed you over.”
His voice low, Two-Face looks at Vivian with sharp eyes.
“Like you?”
Vivian Whitlock has just slapped the shit out of Two-Face, slapping the scarred side of his face with all she has.
“How dare you?” She says, jutting a finger into the chest of a shocked Two-Face. “I stood by you from day one. I watched you make compromise after compromise with evil people. Don’t think I don’t remember Imperium. Blackveil. Gouldern. Green. They all tried to break you, but you held firm. And I was so fucking proud of you.”
Two-Face looks up at her with a cold rage in his eyes as she continues.
“But that fucking Snake finally did it. He killed my husband, and turned you into…” She gestures at him. “…this.”
With explosive rage, Two-Face practically walks right through her, pushing Vivian up against the wall. Before she can open her mouth, he presses the cold hard steel of his sidearm up against her chin.
“We think you’ve said enough.” Two-Face growls. “It’s about time…”
“For what?” Vivian says, conscious of her predicament. “Are you really going to pull that trigger?”
Keeping the gun to her chin, Two-Face steps back, reaching into his pocket to draw out his coin.
“Heads. You live. Tails…” He trails off. He doesn’t need to say it.
He flips the coin up in the air.
But Vivian snatches it out of the air!
“This fucking coin is your excuse, isn’t it?” She says.
“Give it to me!” Two-Face roars.
“No.” She fires back. “Whatever that monster inside you is, whatever you think the scars on your face make you, it’s all encapsulated in this coin. It’s your excuse to be a monster. Without it, what are you? What do you want?”
“I want my fucking coin.” Two-Face says, pushing the gun tighter to her chin.
Vivian sighs, pushing the gun away from her head, never unlocking eyes with Two-Face.
“And I want my fucking husband back.” She retorts.
At an impasse, she gets right in up in his face, nose to nose.
“That coin won’t kill Viper Roberts. It won’t end your pain. It only prolongs it. The only Two-Face around here is the heads and tails of your coin.”
She pulls the gun up right under her chin again.
“If you’re going to kill me, it’s going to be your choice. Not that coin’s. What does Alton fucking Whitlock want to do?”
Tension thick between them, the couple stand staring at one another, a single tear rolling down Whitlock’s cheek.
Alton Whitlock, that is.

The pirate will stare into a reflection tonight but will he see the shimmer of victory or the despair of defeat by CXDY?
Straight into a collar-elbow tie-up. CXDY is the more proficient technician, arm wrenching the pirate then doubling him over with a thrust kick to the gut. Next, CXDY is off the ropes….BIG IN JAPAN!!!! Grimwolf ducked under the arm and after that a pivot and rotation…KEELHAULED!!! NO!!! Second To None evades the elbow….YOUR! FORETOLD! DESTINY! Roundhouse kick connects flush. The Gold Standard with a cover for ONE! TWO! SHOULDER UP!!!
The Reflection lifts The Horror of The Deep. Here comes the strike flurry…another roundhouse kick….Grimwolf ducks under….KEELHAULED!!!! HE GOT ALL OF IT THIS TIME!!!! A discuss elbow that roared from the depth of the Seven Seas! Grimwolf continues the assault with repeated stomps, seven in total, then the eighth a curb stomp….PIECES OF EIGHT!!!! Grimwolf hooks the legs for ONE! TWO! KICKOUT!!!
Grimwolf sizes up his opponent, his fist balled. CXDY rises….HEART PUNCH….DODGED!!! CXDY with the ropes rebound….BIG IN JAPAN!!!!! Another cover…ONE! TWO! THR-KICKOUT!!!
CXDY peels Grimwolf off the canvas. Can The Reflection reach another PERFECT ENDING? He can’t because Grimwolf reverses with a backdrop. As CXDY rises….BROGUE KICK GRIMWOLF!!!! CXDY bounces off the ropes straight into DEAD MAN’S CHEST!!!! Cover for ONE! TWO! THREE!!!
Grimwolf sails into the semi-finals!

Faces of Reason and Albert Shaw, the unexpected trio, head towards the Boiler Room door.
“And you know she’s in here?” Shaw asks. “This ain’t no trap?”
“My fractured friend here saw her dart in here just moments ago,” Simon says.
“She’s in there for sure,” Two-Face adds. “Cross our heart.”
“Then let’s go get her,” Shaw says, cracking his knuckles.
They round the corner, but as they reach the door it opens with a force that nearly takes it off it’s hinges, the door swiping Two-Face across the head in the process. Pyre steps out of the boiler room door, and Simon and Shaw step forward, still liking their odds two-against-one.
“Wait, wait,” Pyre says, holding one single finger out. “Let’s even this up a little.”
Pirate Gold step out of the shadows of the boiler room and they go straight for Simon as revenge for the hospital attack previously. Pyre heads for Shaw, dealing him a few stiff shots and slamming him head-first into the wall. Meanwhile, as Two-Face stands, recovering from the door to the head, Grimwolf darts across and dropkicks it directly into the top of his skull, sending him back down again.
The three take out their rage on Faces of Reason and Shaw some more, until the fight is gone out of them. Their Queen’s Gambit has failed. The three victors stand tall over their foes.
“See you at Ring King, boys,” Pyre says, and she and Pirate Gold leave.

A bad motherfucker meets a crazy sonofabitch but only one of them can make it to Ring King!
SeeSaw springs into action, he’s windmilling like a demented mole digging a hole. Pyre cocks a look at the psychotic bastard and fireballs his ass!!! SeeSaw rockets across the ring and into a turnbuckle. Pyre goes locomotive but SeeSaw catches her momentum, exploding with a GORE that almost breaks the ring mat into two! Mr. Make Believe scoops up the Fire Bitch…SPINEBUSTER!!!! SUPERFINE TURBINE BLAST!!!
Pyre has been smoked and SeeSaw holds her down for ONE! TWO! THREE-NO!!! SHOULDER UP!!! The Toybox King scrapes All That Remains off the mat, lifting her onto his shoulders….BIG WHEEL….COUNTERED!!! Neckbreaker from Pyre. Next she springboards off the middle rope, lionsault connects. Hook of the legs…ONE! STRONG KICKOUT!!!
Pyre flickers back into action, off the ropes, here comes a Rolling Thunder leg drop….SeeSaw rolls away! Mr. Make Believe grabs that bad motherfucker and bulldogs her into the middle turnbuckle. The Fire Witch is prone, SeeSaw launches the FLIGHT OF THE ORNITHOPTER….BUT HE’S BLASTED BY ANOTHER FIREBALL!!!! The Toybox King is on fire and he’s screaming….NO! He’s cackling like a kookaburra!
Pyre off the top rope….DANCING FLAMES!!!! SeeSaw is silenced for ONE! TWO! THREEEEE!!!!
Pyre’s flame burns brightly into the Ring King extravaganza!

Backstage, we find Callihan looking worse for wear after his match against Leif Helvig…but he has a sense of hope about him, like a light in his eyes.
Because not long ago, he received a hot tip regarding his investigation into Tenchu, with a hint of the clan he once belonged to.
Callihan recites the word to himself as he heads down the hallway, picking up the pace as he heads toward the exit. Suddenly, without warning…a whistling cuts through the air.
The sound of a sword rushing from its sheath…quickly followed by the sickening sound of it cutting into flesh.
Callihan’s flesh.
The journalist’s eyes widen in shock as he looks down, panicking at the sight of a katana through his chest.
He stumbles toward a nearby wall, catching himself with his hands as he drops to his knees.
And just as quickly as the katana cuts into him, the sword is pulled back out.
Callihan turns as he falls to the floor, seated against the wall as he stares in shock at the source of his attack.
A cold, metallic glare and an equally stoic tone of voice.
“I warned you not to stand down…the knowledge of my clan stays within these walls.”
With that the AI makes his exit, leaving us to watch Callihan struggle to speak much less cry for help as the light of hope fades from the journalist’s eyes.

Sanctus Bellator.
The Holy Warrior runs through the backstage area, delving deeper into the Slaughterhouse. He’s running, but from what? The masked wrestler slides into a nearby room, slamming the door shut and backing away as quickly as he can!
The Gold Standard has wild eyes as he breaks down the door! Sanctus looks on in fear and anguish, backing into a corner! “Cody! There’s no reason to do this! I can help you!” Sanctus begs, pleads as CXDY raises the axe overhead.
“I’m doing this for my family, Sanctus! You think I want to kill you? No! But I’m doing what I have to do!” CXDY rears up to swing his axe! And Sanctus? The Holy Warrior merely nods his head, holding his arms outstretched in acceptance.
Three razor sharp daggers fly out from the darkness beyond the doorway, each one finding its mark in CXDY’s body. The Gold Standard drops to a knee, gasping for air as a punctured lung fills with blood! From the doorway walks Corvus, the Crow shaking his head as he walks up to CXDY. In one quick slice, he puts CXDY out of his misery.
“I’m sorry. I really am,” Corvus whispers as he watches CXDY collapse to the floor beside him, a last blade buried in his neck. The Crow looks towards Bellator.
“Why did you…” Bellator starts, only to be cut off by Corvus holding up a hand.
“I don’t kill without reason, Bellator. The Impaler promised CXDY he’d find his family if he tortured you. He offered a similar deal to me, but he couldn’t buy my loyalty.”
Sanctus is silent as he watches Corvus lean down, closing the eyes of CXDY’s corpse. “Thank you, Corvus. Is… there any way I can repay you?”
The Crow shakes his head, pointing towards the door. “You can leave. I have no business with you, nor you with me.”
Sanctus nods, making his leave, taking a glance back at CXDY with a frown before exiting the room. However, as he leaves, a shadow soon enters. It looms over Corvus for a second.
Three hammer blows cascade into Corvus’ skull! The assassin slumps dead over CXDY’s corpse. And as he lay deceased, we get a view of his assailant.
The Impaler.
“You should have taken the money, Corvus. Now I had to go and silence you.”
We watched as Impaler exits the room, disappearing as soon as he’s out of sight.

Both were made it the Ring King finals night last year, but there is room only for one this time around. Two former OSW Champions, but who will challenge for the throne?
There is new fury about Voynich and he’s taking it to Banzan. Chop after chop after chop to the chest of the Zen-sai but it’s like a pickaxe chipping away at the face of a mountain. BANZAN EXPLODES!!! Shoulder charge to drop Voynich. The Buddhist drags Best Kept Secret onto his feet…DROP TOE HOLD!!!! Voynich with a counter, off the ropes and a knee drop….DENIED!!!! Banzan rolls away.
Both back to a vertical base, again Voynich the aggressor but Banzan turns the momentum against him, folding Best Kept Secret with a DUKKHA suplex. Banzan hooks the legs but an easy kick out on ONE! from Voynich. Banzan peels Voynich off the canvas, lifting him onto his shoulders but the Austrian slides free….ISHTAR GATE LARIAT!!!
No cover from Voynich though; he knows he needs more. He removes the turnbuckle cover. Voynich grabs Banzan, trying to introduce his face to steel but The Mountain counters and lifts Voynich right onto that top rope!!!
Banzan climbs up with him…OUTTA NOWHERE….MONOLITH!!!! FROM THE TOP ROPE!!! Cover for ONE! TWO! THREE!!!!
It’s no big secret Voynich moves to the Ring King finals!

Clouds of smoke filter into the darkness, each one filled with jumbled images.
Happy people. Sad people. Death. Life.
Above it all, we find Mordecai and the Sandman. Standing together, they watch as these clouds float before them.
“This is our world, brother.” Mordecai states. “Yours to torment, and mine to defend.”
The clouds before them are dreams. This is the dream world.
“If you betrayed the Williams boy just to show me this, it was a very shortsighted plan.” Sandman responds. “Why would I imprison myself here when I can have freedom to torment both the sleeping and the awake?”
Silence from Mordecai for a moment.
“My mission, the reason I found a tether to the waking world to begin with, is to return this place to the status quo, to return you here.” He says finally. “Alliances with the awake were never my concern.”
Sandman laughs.
“That’s it, then?” He says mockingly. “You received a taste of what lies beyond this prison, and all you want to do is return us to it? You expect me to just let this happen?”
“No.” Mordecai responds quickly. “I do not expect you to be willing at all. Nevertheless, it will be done.”
The clouds and darkness all fade into light as Sandman and Mordecai are revealed to be standing atop a building in the city.
“Until I discover how to break that tether, we will remain bound to one another.” Mordecai continues. “Williams will desire revenge against me, as he already hates you. Kaine Knightlord has been assaulted by the boy. He would be an ally to us.”
“Three on one.” Sandman scoffs. “Sounds like overkill.”
“War makes for strange bedfellows.” The Gatekeeper says, amused. “I have arranged for our battle include others. The Monk and the Carthian have been attacked by the Ringmaster, who has an issue with the Crusader.”
“You’ve put it together nicely, Mordecai.” Sandman says. “I’m impressed. It will be a battle for the ages. The Judge and the Jury have decided. It’s time for the Executioners to do their duty.”
Mordecai merely nods.

In the parking lot of the Slaughterhouse, Luke Storm and SeeSaw are brainstorming about their film. Luke begins to speak.
“So, do you know what you’re going to do when I give you the signal?”
SeeSaw grins and answers.
“More than you do, Storm, Voynich won’t be ready for anything after this.”
Luke nods.
“Good, remember to do your damage but leave him ready to battle, it does need to be feature length.”
SeeSaw laughs.
“Right, this isn’t to satisfy an algorithm, it’s to make movie history. Let’s get prepared.”
SeeSaw and Storm place hidden cameras everywhere, they want the best angle for Voynich’s reactions.
Voynich exits the building and Luke Storm walks up to him.
“Hello, Voynich, glad to see you could take on your fears and climb another mountain again.”
Voynich rolls his eyes.
“Thanks but what do you want?”
Storm smiles and throws an elevator pitch.
“I don’t know if you’ve heard but I want to start directing films, not just act in them. Would you be interested in being part of one?”
Voynich chuckles.
“Why the hell do you think I’d do that?”
Storm looks annoyed but continues to sell the project.
“First of all, as you can see, you’d make good money.”
Voynich shakes his head.
“I don’t need your money, what else do you have to offer?”
Luke grins.
“Glad you asked, if there’s one thing I’ve learned about making movies, it’s that people will come out of the woodwork when they know you’re successful. If your father sees you on the big screen, he’s bound to come your way.”
Voynich sighs.
“Anything for him, when does filming start?”
Luke snaps his fingers.
SeeSaw bumrushes Voynich and tackles him to the ground! Luke Storm pulls out a GoPro to get good shots up close.
SeeSaw shouts.
“It’s time to play.”
SeeSaw rains down massive headbutts on Voynich!
It’s looking bad for Voynich but he punches SeeSaw in the throat!
SeeSaw is clutching this throat in agony!
Voynich pulls himself up and levels SeeSaw with a massive lariat.
Voynich walks and looks directly at the camera.
“Playtime is over.”
Voynich storms off and he doesn’t see SeeSaw sit right back up and speaks to the camera himself.
“No, it’s just begun.”
Luke Storm puts the camera down and begins to applaud.
“Well done, couldn’t have asked for a better scene one.”
SeeSaw smiles.
“Thank you, wait until the next one.”
Luke Storm nods.
“What I wanted to hear.”

Just last week, Luke Storm and Viper Roberts went to war in a clash of champions…but tonight they look to coexist against Deathnote and Albert Shaw!
The arena plunges into darkness, only a single strobe light remaining to light up the entrance way in between vigorous pulses. The build to “Unsainted” by Slipknot begins to play as a thick smoke crawls across the stage.
As the guitars begin, Deathnote slides out from behind the curtain and stands atop the entrance ramp, with his head lowered and his hair hung over his face. The lyrics begin, as Deathnote snaps his head backwards, peering up from side to side at the crowd through the flickering light before beginning his slow descent down the ramp way.
He slithers under the bottom rope and crawls across the ring mat to his corner where he pushes himself into a Raven-esque sitting position against the turnbuckle, glaring across the ring as…
The pulsating riff of Crazy Trains fills the Slaughterhouse. All in attendance turn their attention towards the entrance ramp and out steps Blood Money Inc. enforcer, the Guv’nor, Albert Shaw.
Drinking in the boos from the crowd, he cracks his knuckles and swaggers down to the ring. Picking up the pace the closer he gets, taking one final deep breath sliding into the ring, where he and Deathnote give a knowing glare at the entranceway…
The lights begin to flash like a paparazzi’s camera as Deep Purple’s “Stormbringer” hits the Slaughterhouse. Smoke fills the entrance tube as the lyrics kick in.
Drivin’ like rain
There he is. Hollywood Luke Storm walks through the clouds like a lightning bolt to stand at the head of the ramp. He removes his sunglasses as he takes in the booing crowd, a cocky grin on his face.
With a nod and smile, the Real Deal marches down to the ring, ready for war…but he wisely stays on the outside, raising his fists in the air in defiance of his opponents.
Crack the sky
Stormbringer coming
Time to die
It’s time for war as Storm stares down Deathnote and Shaw from the outside, awaiting his tag partner for tonight…
The lights go down and the Slaughterhouse falls deafly quiet. A fire suddenly ignites at the head of the ramp, spitting burning embers which crackle and pop in the air; breaking the silence.
The first few guitar licks and the opening line ‘Reach Out, Touch Faith’ follow, prompting the arrival of Viper Roberts, who appears from behind the inferno carrying a wooden stave with a snake head carved on top.
He places the head into the fire, setting it alight, before slowly making his descension on the ring. He joins Storm in entering, the men staring down Deathnote and Shaw as the ref calls for the bell.
With the bell sounding off, we start things with Deathnote and Storm trading lefts and rights, each looking to wear the other down in the early goings of this main event.
Deathnote eventually gets the upper hand here, as he whips Storm into the corner before launching himself at the Double Feature Champion, slamming him even deeper into the turnbuckle!
The size of the Author of Death forces Storm to crumple under the pressure, falling to the canvas as Deathnote starts stomping away with a smirk on his face.
Satisfied with the damage done, Deathnote lifts Storm to his feet before launching Hollywood into the opposite corner with an Irish whip, running over with a tag to Shaw!
The pair trade stomps to the midsection of Storm, each looking to wear him down even further as Deathnote finally makes his exit. Shaw sends Storm to the ropes, but a clothesline attempt gets ducked by Hollywood, who catches the Guv’nor with a clothesline of his own on the rebound!
With that, Storm quickly somersaults to the corner where Roberts awaits a tag, bringing the World Champion smack dab into the action…and smack dab into a clothesline by the Guv’nor!
Shaw looks to take his frustrations out on the Head Snake, laying into Roberts with a right hand before mounting up, hitting some elbow strikes!
Over and over again goes the elbow of Albert Shaw, until he reaches the full ten!
Shaw gets to his feet, taunting Roberts as the champ gets back to his feet. The Guv’nor has had enough of waiting and rushes the Head Snake…but Roberts has removed his snakeskin belt, and cracks it on the shoulder of Shaw who drops to a knee!
Viper continues the attack, whipping Shaw across the back!
Roberts is really laying into the Guv’nor here, making a statement with every whip of the belt. When he’s finally had enough, Viper drops the belt to the canvas before bringing Shaw back to his feet.
Deathnote runs in, and things have broken down as chaos ensues! Storm and Deathnote go at it with lefts and rights as Shaw gets back to his feet…as does Roberts! Viper with a kick to the gut of the Guv’nor!
Roberts connects with the DDT this time, planting Shaw’s noggin right onto the canvas as Storm sends Deathnote over the top rope and to the outside! Roberts goes for the cover!
Storm can’t believe it, but Roberts stays undeterred as he brings Shaw back to his feet…but the Guv’nor still has plenty of fight left in him! He fights off Roberts before charging at Storm, sending Hollywood over the top to the outside to join the Author of Death!
Deathnote is back to his feet now, using the opening to lay into Storm with some kicks before sending him into the steel post as Shaw continues the fight on Roberts back in the ring culminating in a neckbreaker!
Shaw shouts abuse at the World Champion before turning his attention to Deathnote back on the apron, chomping at the bit to go after his prime target. The tag is made, giving the Author of Death an opportunity to go after the Head Snake…who quickly rolls out of the ring, slinking away to catch a breather!
The frustration is mounting for the Author of Death, who leaves the ring to go after Roberts…but the Viper has laid a trap, and springs it on Deathnote with a hard right hand! This creates an opening for Roberts, who takes advantage with an Irish whip sending Deathnote crashing into the steel steps!
Deathnote looks out of sorts as Roberts slithers back into the ring, enjoying the result of his handiwork as Deathnote slowly begins stirring again. Shaw, on the other hand, doesn’t give the Head Snake much breathing room as he ambushes Roberts from behind!
Storm slides into the ring, sending Shaw out over the top with a dropkick…but Deathnote slides back in as well, and goes for the cover on Roberts!
Storm taunts the Author of Death, who rises to his feet looking to take a pound of flesh from the Double Feature Champion as he charges…only for Hollywood to send him into the canvas with a drop toe hold!
Storm heads back to his corner as Roberts returns to his feet, a smirk on his face as Storm reaches out for the tag. Roberts obliges, as Deathnote gets back to his feet once more…
Viper rolls out of the ring after that wraparound neckbreaker, but to his surprise Deathnote arises again, staring down the champion before Storm blindsides him!
Storm manages to get a big win for himself and Roberts tonight, at the expense of Deathnote and Albert Shaw!

The Hall of Skulls.
Sat around the large oak table, the three remaining Terrors await the arrival of their boss and leader, Black Skull. He shortly thereafter enters the room, making his way to the head of the table.
“We’re in the final stages of our plan,” he announces proudly. “At Ring King, we’ll advance upon Voynich and initiate the next phase.”
The Warped chuckles.
“What about me?” He muses. “I haven’t been called upon in quite some time.”
“They know of our existence now,” The Darkness chimes in. “They’re not going to be fooled by your trickery or my spells. They’re fighting back against that inner demon; I can feel it.”
“That’s why I’m here,” The Endless interrupts.
Black Skull crosses his arms.
“I was surprised to say the least. Our relationship was always a torrid one,” he says directly to Black Skull.
“Needs must,” he growls back. “Listen, Sigil can’t get to me if you do what I’ve brought you all back to do. At Ring King, we enact the final part of our master plan and then at Red Snow, we finish it.”
The Darkness rubs his hands together.
“We kill Sigil?” He queries happily.
The Black Skull nods.
“We kill Sigil.”