Season Three.
June 20th 2020 – December 19th 2020
27 Episode Season
Red Snow VI Finale.
Meanwhile, Redwing makes a triumphant return with a new and improved suit.
The Butcher is being held captive by The War Machine, on the orders of someone they don’t know. That person lets Colin know that he’s keeping him safe against his will.
Jessie Williams wants to find his father and requests that he goes to Lucid Falls with Sandy Rogers. Elsewhere, The Reaper knowing he came so close to answers with The Judge, demands to know how the Judge let his family get killed by mistake but is unable to explain.
Brent Kersh, realizing that his son Tank had been sent back from the future, confronts him in hopes of convincing him to go back. He’s met by resistance as Sanctus and Jay take him out. It’s soon revealed that a devastating fate awaits Brent Kersh should he remain with OSW.
The murder of Gabriel Drake is forefront on Banzan’s mind, so he goes to Candy Kane for help and Anonymous come after Alton Whitlock for his misdeeds.
Scarlett Storm convinces her Uncle to rescue her father and since he’d do anything for the niece he dotes on, he agreed.
The Blood Red Shark, looking for vengeance, began to stalk and hunt Redwing.
Wynona, Malice’s girlfriend, held a massive party to announce her engagement to Malice. Thom and Bishop were not impressed and couldn’t understand how a man like Malice had fallen in love so easily and quickly.
The more Brent Kersh tries to convince his son to go home, the more resistance he’s met with by Legacy. At Blood Red Summer, Michaela Lane goes to his home to try and convince him not to fight Sanctus and walk away, but he refuses.
In the ring, Edward Newton has one chance to save Luke’s life, only Edward doesn’t immediately show up. Luke and SeeSaw fight until Newton appears on the tron. He says he’ll get D’Ville what he wants but at Invasion he’ll have to fight for it. D’Ville agrees. Newton then proceeds to steal it from Mark Gouldern at the end of Blood Red Summer.
Mr. House kidnaps multiple men and women and makes them fight inside ‘The Fun House’. Sweet Alice and Redwing survive the respective nights of fighting.
The Riddler manages to deceive D’Ville, saving his brother with the assist of a flashbang.
Whitlock meanwhile is convinced that BEG is the man behind Anonymous, so he goes to find out. By the time he gets to BEG, he realizes quickly that BEG isn’t Anonymous when Anonymous shows up and attacks them both.
SeeSaw nearly kills Gouldern so that he can gain admittance to a Championship Match. Sigil saves him, but wants something in return, being added to the match. Gouldern retrieves his title stolen by Newton.
At Overlord, it’s revealed that The Butcher bought OSW after his wife died. The Skull Order convinced him to purchase it, offering him once last chance to see if his wife if he did. Meanwhile, someone breaks into the security facility holding The Butcher and rescues him.
At Invasion, Mefisto is killed by the Serial Killer who also killed Gabriel Drake. Kane and Banzan witness this, and become even more determined to find out who is responsible. Edward Newton is injected with the same serum that made Blood Red Shark. Major Thom meanwhile turns on The War Machine, later revealed to be The Butcher’s rescuer and Luke Storm wins the OSW Championship in a fatal four way. The Sandman wins Invasion but the IWF show up, invading OSW with Lance Norman at their head. Rain, Cowboy Jim Jenkins, Anna Goodchild, Jimmy Sartyr and Hayden Hardkore make a statement by decimating everyone in the match and Lance Norman reveals himself to be Mr. House.
As the war between IWF and OSW begins, The Butcher starts making movements to ensure they can’t get inside The Slaughterhouse. Edward Newton on the other hand begins morphing into something else thanks to the serum.
The IWF manage to get inside the building and begin taking people out. Cooter Hayes and Rick Plant show up, aligning themselves with the IWF. The war begins in the middle of the ring as members of the OSW roster stand up and fight back.
Edward Newton escapes his captivity, leaving The Emporium worried about where or who he now is. Sigil and Voynich align against the IWF. Rain and The Sandman finally come head to head, whilst Jimmy Sartyr finds himself aligning with Jessie Williams in his crusade to find his father – despite his IWF allegiance.
Moirai finds herself kidnapped by two unknown assailants, revealed to be Cody Williams and Tyler Brooks – another two former IWF roster members who’ve invaded OSW. They kill her, making their presence known.
Lance Norman claims that the IWF have invaded OSW because they’re fed of OSW impacting the lives of everyone; but The Butcher suspects there is much more to it.
Edward Newton finally surfaces only he isn’t the man we once knew; he’s Nygma. The Laughing Man.
At Chain Reaction, The Skull Order warn The Butcher that there are factions fighting for the same thing Sigil is. Wynona stops Major Thom from seriously destroying Malice. He tells her who Malice is and that he was only ever with her under instructions of someone else. Anonymous return after a brief absence to remind Alton Whitlock that they’re still coming. Nygma, Shark, Sandman and SeeSaw pick up the Chain Reaction win, Luke Storm being kidnapped and held hostage by another returning IWF member; Legion.
After Redwing saved Storm from Legion, the IWF and OSW geared up for Warzone: IWF vs. OSW, where they’d settle this feud. Sigil with Voynich’ help began looking for the next crystal. In the meantime, Reaper and Redwing teamed against Judge and Shark. Nygma on the other hand infiltrates the Emporium Asylum with a Molotov cocktail.
D’Ville and SeeSaw barely escape the Asylum burning down and D’Ville tells SeeSaw there’s only one way to destroy Newton. Malice, feeling miserable about what Thom revealed to Wynona, starts to spiral. Bishop tries to stop him.
Bernie McCallister shows up for the IWF, helping Cooter Hayes to reform Inverse Functions. Alice meanwhile can’t help but see flames and goes to Pyre for help, forming an alliance.
BEG joins Whitlock in his battle with Anonymous, declaring that it’ll take both of them to get the job done. Green wants to return to the OSW and Whitlock will allow him, should he help hm.
At Warzone: IWF vs. OSW, the IWF pick up a huge victory over the OSW. The Butcher is gifted The Peacekeeper by Major Thom and The Guild, but only the pure of heart can use it. Tyler Brooks, CXDY and Hayden Hardkore form The Terror Squad. Mark Gouldern is brutally murdered by Rain and Lance Norman, who take his business interests. By the end of the show, Neville Sheldon returned to use the Peacekeeper on Legion, saving Storm’s life and killing The Demon in revenge for what he did to both Sheldon and Spires years earlier.
At Ring King, SeeSaw and Nygma face off in the Toy Box, in which SeeSaw does what he’s done to everyone who’s stepped foot in there and killed him. Only it was proved to not be Nygma after all, but a dupe instead. Nygma set fire to the Toy Box, burning it down. Jessie Wiliams finds out that Ash is alive. Major Thom asks Wynona to choose between he and Malice; she chooses Malice. Redwing makes it clear that he’s going to save The Blood Red Shark from the monster he has become. Nygma goes on to become Ring King. BEG is kidnapped by Anonymous and his crew. Luke Storm gets some news that stops him from giving the Ring King Crown he previously won to his brother Nygma.
As the reign of the Laughing King begins, we’re introduced to his lackies – The Laughing Stock. It was also revealed that Mark Gouldern was an investor in OSW, but held no power. The Butcher arranges the end of this war at Red Snow. Meanwhile, Wynona and Malice’s marriage is announced for Heartbreaker. The Terror Squad are sent after Sigil and Voynich to try and find the location of the crystal by Lance Norman.
Michaela asks Brent Kersh to face her at Heartbreaker because she loves him. She wants him to go home and leave Legacy alone; leave Tank alone.
Whitlock struggles knowing BEG has been kidnapped and is moments from death as Anonymous intend to kill him.
At Heartbreaker, it’s revealed that Bishop is a monster hunter and is responsible for the deaths of Aesop, Drake, Kane and others when he cuts Banzan in half with a Shotgun shot and watches him regenerate. Whitlock defeated Anonymous, so they murdered BEG on the tron. Anonymous then revealed himself to be BEG and the footage to be a ploy, attacking his former enemy turned friend in Alton to prove that he’d been playing him all along. Brent Kersh couldn’t be scared off by Michaela and agreed to a match with his son Tank at Red Snow. At the wedding between Malice and Wynona, Sigil interrupted to kill Malice and then Wynona, revealing Wynona to be a member of the Skull Order who’s holding the crystal Love. Voynich couldn’t believe he did this and was betrayed by the violence. The Butcher meanwhile came out, mourning that Sigil had just killed his daughter – another shocking reveal.
On the road to Red Snow, Luke Storm’s father has a burial that Nygma wasn’t invited to. When he arrived uninvited, he was furious that his brother kept this from him. Banzan and Bishop went to war. Voynich, furious that Sigil would kill for the crystal and used him to get that information, seeks revenge. Jessie William’s hunt for his father leads him once again through The Sandman, a route in which he takes with friend Jimmy Sartyr assisting. SeeSaw begins to wonder what the truth of his conception is. Voynich and The Butcher team up in an attempt to try and trap Sigil, but fail. Luke Storm is determined to save his brother. Redwing receives the antidote for The Blood Red Shark but can’t convince him to take it.
At Red Snow, OSW defeat the IWF with a turn by The Terror Squad, banishing them from the OSW. The Butcher mocks Norman for getting his son to turn on him, but a mysterious figure drops from no-where and murders Brooks in front of CXDY.
SeeSaw defeats and kills his father inside The Toybox, coming to learn that he was created by his father in a laboratory and that most of his memories are fake. He turns his back on SeeSaw, becoming something else.
Banzan defeats Bishop but refuses to kill him, despite having ample opportunity to do so.
Meanwhile, Monty Straight is revealed to The Judge and Reaper as the reason why universal balance was interrupted and Reapers family had died. Reapers wife was on his game show and chose death, allowing Reaper to live.
Redwing managed to save The Blood Red Shark, injecting him with the serum. When Shark returned to normal, he was unable to withstand the injuries he received by Redwing originally, and died once again in his arms.
Alton Whitlock after ending his saga with BEG, met a mysterious stranger in the car park who wanted him to stay. Whitlock refused, got into his limousine and it blew up. He survived, but found himself brutally disfigured.
Jessie Wiliams found his father and fought The Sandman to rescue him. Jimmy Sartyr sacrificed his life so that Jessie could take Ash and help him escape the dungeon.
Brent Kersh fought Tank, getting paralyzed in the process. It was revealed that Brent’s destiny was to become paralyzed but Tank never knew he was the one responsible for his fathers injuries. Given that he’d spent his life looking after his dad, he always blamed him, and never knew it was actually his own fault.
The Butcher ensured Lance Norman couldn’t get a crystal or his hooks back into OSW and murdered him. BEG created a new super group, inviting CXDY and Zero to join him.
To end the season, Luke Storm defeated Nygma to retain his Championship only to have The Sandman invade and defeat him for it. As the show went off the air, The Sandman brutally murdered Nygma, who Luke had injected with the antidote earlier, who in his returning humanity sacrificed himself for his brother.
Knowing that he couldn’t stop Sigil alone, The Butcher rose Darby Sorrow from his grave to join forces with him and Voynich, calling themselves Dead On Arrival.
Octane #207- Ballad of a Deadman:
Anonymous defeated Mefisto with the Gunpowder Plot
Candy Kane defeated Monty Straight with Payment Deferred
Bishop defeated The Judge with the Last Gasp
Moirai defeated Mark Gouldern with Fate Sealed
Voynich defeated The Plague Rat and Redwing with the Eight Wonder on TPR
Brent Kersh defeated The Blood Red Shark with the Southern Discomfort
VHS Championship Match: Malice defeated Alton Whitlock with the GORE to become the new VHS Champion-Malice is the 32nd VHS Champion
Rewind Championship Match: Banzan defeated Reaper with Magga
Ambulance Match: Luke Storm defeated Junkrat with the Downpour into the Ambulance
Double Feature Championship Match: Sweet Alice defeated Seesaw with Off with Their Head to become the new Double Feature Champion- Sweet Alice is the 27th Double Feature Champion
Edward Newton defeated Sandy Rogers with the Enimga Theorem
OSW World Championship Match: Sigil defeated Jessie Williams with the Planeswalker to retain the OSW World Championship
Sanctus Bellator defeated Jay Jeckel, Michaela Lane and Tank Kersh with Impertio on Jay Jeckel
Octane #208-Dark Days:
Voynich defeated Seesaw and Anonymous with the Eight Wonder onto the steel steps on Seesaw
Bishop defeated Candy Kane with the Last Rites
Legacy defeated Mefisto,Redwing,Monty Straight and TPR with the Lightpiercer on Mefisto
Invasion Qualifying Match: Mr Sandman defeated the Blood Red Shark with the Bloody Mary
Invasion Qualifying Match: Banzan defeated Alton Whitlock with Magga
Invasion Qualifying Match: Junkrat defeated Malice with a sudden rollup
Invasion Qualifying Match: Moirai defeated The Reaper with Fate Sealed
Invasion Qualifying Match: Brent Kersh defeated The Judge with Lonestar
Invasion Qualifying Match: Jessie Williams defeated Sweet Alice with a small package
Edward Newton defeated Mark Gouldern with the Engima Theorem
Blood Stained Summer:
Voynich defeated TPR with the Eighth Wonder
Moirai defeated Candy Kane with the Fate Sealed
Junkrat defeated Monty Straight with the Rip-Tire
Double Feature Championship Match: Sweet Alice defeated Mefisto with a roundhouse kick to retain the Double Feature Championship
Sanctus Bellator defeated Brent Kersh with Impertio
Sandy Rogers defeated Jessie Williams with Quicksand
OSW Tag Team Championship Match: War Machine defeated Legacy with Last Rites on Michaela Lane to become the new OSW Tag Team Champions- War Machine are the 30th Tag Team Champions
Alton Whitlock defeated Anonymous with the Better World
The Blood Red Shark defeated Redwing with the Feeding Frenzy
The Judge defeated The Reaper with Restoration
Seesaw defeated Luke Storm after choking him out with the ring ropes
OSW World Championship Match: Mark Gouldern defeated Sigil with the Disruption to become the new OSW World Champion- Mark Gouldern is the 26th OSW World Champion
Funhouse Night One:
Anonymous defeated Jessie Williams with a wrench shot to the skull
Anonymous defeated Alton Whitlock after slicing his ear off
Banzan defeated Anonymous with a curb stomp through a cinderblock
Sweet Alice defeated Seesaw after drowning him in water
Sweet Alice defeated Banzan with a flurry of axe handles to the skull to move on to Overlord
Funhouse Night Two:
Blood Red Shark defeated The Judge with a Piledriver on the concrete
Blood Red Shark defeated Michaela Lane after Lane vanished
Junkrat defeated Sigil and the Blood Red Shark after Junkrat wrapped a noose around Sigil’s throat
Redwing defeated Junkrat with Darkness Falls to move onto Overlord
Octane #209-Tooth and Nail:
Morai defeated Voynich with Fate Sealed
Candy Kane defeated The Reaper and Malice with You Only Live Once on Malice
Mark Gouldern defeated Mefisto and Monty Straight with Planned Obsolescence on Monty Straight
Tables Match: Bishop defeated Brent Kersh with a top rope Last Rites through the table
Tooth Decay Match: Mr Sandman defeated The Plague Rat after 40 Winks allowed him to rip out TPR’s teeth
Octane #210-Telegon Towers:
Candy Kane defeated TPR with Payment Deferred
Voynich defeated Reaper with the 8th Wonder
Jessie Williams defeated Monty Straight and The Judge with Booyah
Luke Storm defeated Anonymous with Downpour
OSW Tag Team Championship Match: Redwing/Blood Red Shark defeated War Machine with Blood Money on Bishop to become the new OSW Tag Team Champions- Redwing/BRS are the 31st Tag Team Champions
Sigil defeated Alton Whitlock with the Planeswalker
Sweet Alice/Morai/Banzan defeated Junkrat/Mr Sandman/Brent Kersh with the Down with Rabbit Hole on Junkrat
Mark Gouldern defeated Seesaw after surviving a war in Telegon Towers
Octane #211-Every Rung:
The Blood Red Shark defeated Reaper with Blood Money
Redwing defeated TPR with the Killing Joke through a table
Luke Storm defeated Monty Straight with Thunder
Junkrat defeated Candy Kane with the Concussion Mine
Voynich defeated Anonymous with the Eighth Wonder
Seesaw and Mark Gouldern defeated Jessie Williams and Sandy Rogers with the Disruption on Sandy Rogers
Legacy defeated War Machine with the J.U.G.G.A.L.O on Major Thom
Double Feature Championship Ladder Match: Alton Whitlock defeated Sweet Alice after a huge headbutt from the top of the ladder to become the new Double Feature Champion- Alton Whitlock is the 28th Double Feature Champion
War Machine defeated Alton Whitlock/Anonymous with the Last Rites on Anonymous
Rewind Championship Match: Banzan defeated Morai with Magga to retain the Rewind Championship Match
OSW World Championship #1 Contendership Funhouse Match: Redwing defeated Sweet Alice after Darkness Falls into a pool filled with tacks to become the #1 contender
Invasion VI:
Candy Kane defeated Mefisto with You Only Live Once
Monty Straight defeated TPR with Straight Shooting
OSW Tag Team Championship Match: The Judge/BRS defeated The Reaper/Redwing with Restoration on Redwing to become the new OSW Tag Team Champions- Judge/BRS are the 32nd Tag Team Champions
VHS Championship Match: Malice defeated Bishop with War Crimes to retain the VHS Championship
Alton Whitlock defeated Anonymous with Better World
Voynich defeated Sweet Alice with Tutankhamun’s Wrath
OSW World Championship Match: Luke Storm defeated Sigil, Seesaw, Edward Newton and Mark Gouldern with a springboard Lightning Strike on Sigil to become the new OSW World Champion- Luke Storm is the 27th OSW World Champion
Invasion VI: Mr Sandman wins the Invasion briefcase
Octane #212-When It Rains:
Pyre defeated Malice with Dancing Flames
Sweet Alice defeated Korra with Down the Rabbit Hole
Bishop defeated Monty Straight with Last Rites
Brent Kersh/Jessie Williams/Mr Sandman defeated Judge/Reaper/Redwing with the Southern Discomfort on the Judge
Blood Red Shark defeated Cowboy Jim Jenkins and Jay Jeckel after stealing the pinfall from Jenkins
Mark Gouldern/Alton Whitlock defeated Banzan/Candy Kane after Gouldern rolled up Banzan
Sigil defeated Seesaw with the Planes Walker
Luke Storm defeated Voynich with the Dawnbreaker
Octane #213-Unlucky 13:
Bishop defeated Korra and Redwing with Last Rites on Korra
Morai/Junkrat/Mark Gouldern defeated Sigil/Seesaw/Pyre via the Disruption on Sigil
VHS Championship Match: Reaper defeated Malice with the Shotgun Blast to become the new VHS Champion- Reaper is the 33rd VHS Champion
Double Feature Championship Match: Alton Whitlock defeated Sweet Alice with the Better World from the top of the cage to retain the Double Feature Championship
OSW Tag Team Championship Match: Blood Red Shark/The Judge defeated Monty Straight/Candy Kane with Restoration on Monty Straight to retain the OSW Tag Team Championship
Luke Storm/Voynich defeated Rick Plant with the Eight Wonder
Rewind Championship Ladder Match: Banzan defeated Jimmy Sartyr, Mr Sandman, and Jessie Williams after the Magga to Mr Sandman to retain the Rewind Championship
Octane #214-Edward Newton:
Tyler Brooks defeated Jessie Williams with Your Foretold Destiny
Pyre defeated Brent Kersh, Monty Straight and The Blood Red Shark with Awakening on Brent Kersh
Reaper defeated Chort with a rollup
Redwing defeated Seesaw with Darkness Falls
Sandy Rogers defeated Bishop with Feeling Blue
Mark Gouldern/Anonymous/Alton Whitlock defeated Malice with the Better World
Jay Jeckel/Tank Kersh defeated Voynich/Sweet Alice with Jay Walking on Sweet Alice
Luke Storm defeated Hayden Hardkore with the Downpour
Chain Reaction 2:
Tyler Brooks defeated Chort with Your Foretold Destiny
VHS Championship Match: Monty Straight defeated Candy Kane and Reaper with the Big Deal on Candy Kane to become the new VHS Champion- Monty Straight is the 34th VHS Champion
Malice and Bishop defeated Major Thom with a rollup
Mark Gouldern defeated Alton Whitlock with the Disruption into a steel chair
OSW World Championship Match: Luke Storm defeated Redwing with the Downpour
Chain Reaction Match: Emporium defeated Team IWF, Sigil/Voynich/Alice/Banzan and Jessie/Brent/TheJudge/Junkrat (Sweet Alice eliminated with the Verdict, The Judge eliminated with the Saving Grace, Seesaw eliminated with the Five Point Palm Exploding Technique, Junkrat eliminated with the Planeswalker, Voynich eliminated with the Boomstick, Jessie Williams eliminated with the Magga, Jim Jenkins eliminated with Bloodmoney, Blood Shark eliminated with the Thrillride, Hayden Hardkore eliminated with the Forty Winks, Anna Goodchild eliminated with the Deep Sleep, The Sandman eliminated with the Southern Discomfort, Banzan eliminated with the No Laughing Matter, Jimmy Sartyr eliminated with the No Laughing Matter, Sigil and Brent Kersh eliminated with the Enigma Theorem)
Octane #215: The King’s Horses:
Pyre defeated Chort with the Dancing Flames
Ring King First Round Match: Blood Red Shark defeated Bishop with Blood Money
Ring King First Round Match: Jessie Williams defeated Sweet Alice with Booyah
Ring King First Round Match: Banzan defeated The Reaper with Magga
Ring King First Round Match: Redwing defeated Seesaw with Darkness Falls
Ring King First Round Match: Voynich defeated Alton Whitlock with the Monolith
Ring King First Round Match: The Judge defeated Sigil with Restoration
Ring King First Round Match: Nygma defeated Monty Straight with Ain’t No Laughing Matter
Ring King First Round Match: Junkrat defeated Malice with the Rip Tire
Luke Storm defeated The Sandman with the Downpour
Octane #216: Fallen Empire:
Sweet Alice defeated Cody with the Tea Party
Ring King Quarter Finals Match: Voynich defeated The Judge with the Eighth Wonder
Luke Storm and Mark Gouldern defeated Alton Whitlock and Anonymous with the Disruption on Anonymous
Ring King Quarter Finals Match: Jessie Williams defeated Junkrat with the Boomstick
Ring King Quarter Finals Match: Banzan defeated Redwing with the Magga
VHS Championship Fatal Four Way Match: Bishop defeated Monty Straight, The Reaper and Tyler Brooks with the Last Gasp on Monty Straight to become the new VHS Champion- Bishop is the 35th VHS Champion
Ring King Quarter Finals Match: Nygma defeated Blood Red Shark with the Ain’t No Laughing Matter
Warzone: IWF vs. OSW:
Team IWF (Rain,Jimmy Sartyr,Hayden Hardkore, Rick Plant, Tyler Brooks and Anna Goodchild) defeated Team OSW (Reaper, Sweet Alice, Redwing, Monty Straight, Voynich and Sigil) with a rollup on Voynich
The Judge defeated Hayden Hardkore with the Restoration through a table
Jim Jenkins defeated Mark Gouldern with the All Aboard The Train To Go Fuck Yourself
Alton Whitlock defeated Cody Williams with the Better World
Blood Red Shark defeated Tyler Brooks with the Blood in the Water
Jimmy Sartyr defeated Jessie Williams with a hip toss through a table
Major Thom/Bishop defeated Cooter Hayes/Bernie McCallister with a cheating rollup on Cooter Hayes
Anna Goodchild defeated Banzan with the Lord’s Judgement
Brent Kersh defeated Rick Plant with the Lonestar
Rain defeated Mr Sandman with the When it Rains from the top of the cage
Luke Storm defeated Legion with the Downpour
Ring King VI:
OSW World Championship Match: Luke Storm defeated Mark Gouldern with the Downpour to retain the OSW Championship
Ring King Semi Finals: Banzan defeated Jessie Williams with Dukkah to advance to the Ring King Finals
Tyler Brooks defeated Chort with the Guiding Light
OSW Rewind Championship Match: Banzan defeated Monty Straight with the Samudya to retain the Rewind Championship
Voynich and Sigil defeated Sweet Alice and Pyre with the Planeswalker on Pyre
Seesaw defeated “Nygma” in a Toybox match
Jay Jeckel and Sandman defeated Brent Kersh and Jessie Williams with the Raw Deal on Brent Kersh
Malice and Bishop defeated Major Thom with the Buckshot Gore
OSW Tag Team Championship Match: Blood Shark and The Judge defeated The Reaper and Redwing with the Blood Money DDT on Redwing to retain the OSW Tag Team titles
OSW Ring King Semi Finals: Nygma defeated Voynich with a cheating rollup to advance to the Ring King finals
BEG and Alton Whitlock defeated Anonymous with the Financial Crisis
Ring King Finals: Nygma defeated Banzan with Ain’t No Laughing Matter to become the 2020 Ring King
Octane #217: Hail The Laughing King:
Reaper defeated Vex with the Shotgun Blast
Blood Red Shark defeated Punchout with the Bloody Rain
Bishop defeated Jac Bastard with the Last Rites
Legacy defeated Terror Squad with the Impertio on Cody Williams
Junkrat defeated Pyre after she got stuck in the exploding ring
Seesaw defeated Sandy Rogers with the Teeter Totter
Nygma defeated Jessie Williams with Ain’t No Laughing Matter
Sigil defeated Monty Straight, Luke Storm and Sweet Alice with the Planeswalker on Sweet Alice
OSW Double Feature Championship Match: Alton Whitlock defeated Redwing with the Better World to retain the Double Feature Championship
Rain defeated Jimmy Sartyr with When It Rains
The Lost Tapes:
Seesaw defeated The Sandman and Blood Red Shark with a rollup on The Sandman
Anonymous and Monty Straight defeated Jac Bastard and Sweet Alice after escaping their handcuffs
VHS Championship Match: Jessie Williams defeated Bishop with the Booyah to become the new VHS Champion- Jessie Williams is the 36th VHS Champion
Rewind Championship Match: Banzan defeated Junkrat, Cody and Tyler Brooks with Enlightment on the Mountain on both Cody and Tyler Brooks to retain the Rewind Championship
Redwing defeated The Judge after hooking him up onto the ladder
Double Feature Championship Match: Pyre defeated Alton Whitlock and The Reaper after Dancing Flames on Alton Whitlock to become the new Double Feature Champion-Pyre is the 29th Double Feature Champion
OSW World Championship Match: Luke Storm defeated Sigil after a Downpour allowed him to slap the last corner to retain the OSW World Championship
Octane #218-Heartless:
Anonymous defeated Sweet Alice, The Reaper, Redwing, Tyler Brooks and Junkrat with the Gunpowder Plot on Reaper to become the #1 contender to the VHS Champion
Cody, Jac Bastard and Seesaw defeated Monty Straight, Punchout and Sandman with a Woody’s Roundup on Sandman
VHS Championship Ladder Match: Bishop defeated Jessie Williams after just pulling down the belt to become the new VHS Champion-Bishop is the 37th VHS Champion
OSW Tag Team Championship Match: Collector’s Edition (Voynich/Sigil) defeated The Judge/Blood Red Shark with the Eight Wonder on the Blood Red Shark to become the new OSW Tag Team Champions-Collector’s Edition are the 33rd Tag Team Champions
Double Feature Championship Match: Pyre defeated Alton Whitlock with the Dancing Flames to retain the Double Feature Championship
Banzan defeated Luke Storm with the Samudya
Octane #219-Heartbroken:
Voynich defeated Redwing with the Eighth Wonder
Blood Red Shark defeated Jac Bastard with the Blood Money DDT
Sandy Rogers defeated Tyler Brooks with a rope assisted body splash
Alton Whitlock defeated Jessie Williams with the Better World
Banzan defeated Seesaw with the Magga
Nygma/Luke Storm defeated The Judge/Reaper, Bishop/Pyre and Monty Straight/Cody with a schoolboy on Pyre
Jac Bastard defeated Vex and Punchout with the Gypsy Kiss on Vex
Pyre defeated Bishop with the Dancing Flames
Sigil, Voynich and Straight defeated Terror Squad with the Planeswalker on Tyler Brooks
Rewind Championship Match: Sweet Alice defeated Banzan with Off With His Head to become the new Rewind Champion- Sweet Alice is the 33rd Rewind Champion
Seesaw defeated Nygma with the Teeter Totter
The Judge defeated Reaper, Blood Red Shark and Redwing with the Perfect Balance on Reaper
Sandy Rogers defeated Jessie Williams with Quicksand
Alton Whitlock defeated Anonymous with the Better World
Brent Kersh defeated Michaela Lane with a small package
OSW World Championship Match: Luke Storm defeated Rain with a top right Lightning Strike to retain the OSW World Championship
Octane #220: Dean Martin:
Alton Whitlock, Blood Red Shark and Redwing defeated Seesaw, Reaper and The Judge with a rollup on Reaper
Banzan defeated Jessie Williams with Magga
Jac Bastard defeated Monty Straight with the Gypsy’s Kiss
Pyre defeated The Sandman with Dancing Flames
Voynich defeated Sweet Alice with Eighth Wonder
Luke Storm defeated BEG with the Downpour
Sigil defeated Bishop after headbutting him into the fire
Octane #221-Fairytale of New York:
The Judge defeated Banzan, Jay Jeckel and Monty Straight with the Verdict on The Judge
Redwing defeated Pyre with the Killing Joke
Sanctus Bellator defeated Seesaw after exiting the classroom door first
Sweet Alice defeated The Sandman with Down the Rabbit Hole through a table
Jac Bastard defeated The Reaper with Sparked Out
Tank Kersh defeated Jessie Williams with the Kersh Slam from the top of the cage
Alton Whitlock defeated Tyler Brooks via countout
Luke Storm defeated Blood Red Shark with the Downpour
Sigil defeated BEG after a Planeswalker allowed him to bury Berkshire alive
Octane #222-Tapeover VI:
Jessie Williams, Jac Bastard and Monty Straight defeated Cody, Tyler Brooks and Jimmy Sartyr with the Boomstick on Tyler Brooks
Banzan defeated Pyre with the Dukkha into the flames
Blood Red Shark defeated Reaper with the Blood Money
Alton Whitlock defeated Bishop with the Better World
The Judge defeated Redwing with the Restoration
Sandman defeated BEG with the Forty Winks
Luke Storm defeated Sweet Alice with the Downpour
The Butcher defeated Sigil with a brutal combination of hammer blows
Red Snow VI:
Monty Straight, Jac Bastard, Banzan and Major Thom defeated Cody, Tyler Brooks, Anna Goodchild, Rain and Rick Plant after Cody and Tyler Brooks turned on Team IWF
Seesaw defeated Doctor D’Ville in the Toybox after beating him to death
Bishop defeated Banzan after Last Rites on a broken chair leg
The Reaper defeated The Judge with Final Judgement
Redwing defeated The Blood Red Shark with the Claymore into the exposed turnbuckle
Pyre defeated Sweet Alice with Dancing Flames
Alton Whitlock defeated BEG with the Financial Crisis
Sandman defeated Jessie Williams with the Sleep Paralysis
Tank Kersh defeated Brent Kersh with a top rope Canadian Destroyer
Voynich defeated Sigil with Tutankamhun’s Wrath
OSW World Championship Match: Luke Storm defeated Nygma with the Lighting Strike/Downpour combination to retain the OSW World Championship
OSW World Championship Match: The Sandman defeated Luke Storm with Sleep Paralysis to become the new OSW World Champion- Sandman is the 25th OSW World Champion