[The NXT Level Arena.]
[It’s empty.]
[Except there’s one person that sits upon a steel chair in the middle of the ring.]
[Jasper Redgrave.]
[Around the ring, a cage comes to a clunking stop, surrounding the ring.]
“I’ve spent my fair share locked away behind bars. Caged like some sort of animal.”
[Jasper stands up, pacing around the ring.]
“For months, I was locked away in Death Row. Months without seeing light.”
“Locked away, denied the luxuries of freedom. No visitors. Barely any food.”
“Forgotten by all of Arcadia..”
[Jasper stops his pace, reaching out to grab the cage.]
“Do you know what happens when you cage an animal?”
“What happens when you force that animal to fight for their next meal?”
“There wasn’t a single waking moment down there on Death Row that I wasn’t on edge.”
“Inside that cage, I grew more vicious. The things I saw while being locked away caused me to become more violent.”
“And as each day past, my hunger grew.”
“With that, so too did my determination.”
“It was with that determination that I was able to kick and claw my way back to the land of the living. It was that hunger that allowed me to break free from the shackles that had been placed upon me.”
[He smirks, his eyes wandering up and down the broadside of the cage surrounding him.]
“And now here we are, just a few short days from being caged again.”
“Only this time, I won’t be locked away in solitude.”
[Redgrave steps forward and hoists himself up onto a sitting position on the corner turnbuckle.]
“At NXT Level, DOOM will join me inside this steel cell, and only one of us will be allowed to leave.”
“So answer me this, DOOM.. how hungry are you?”
“How determined are you?”
“When you step inside this ring and this cell locks us inside, you will be far away from any outside help.”
“No gadgets, no friends.. nothing will be there for you to rely on.”
“Inside this cell it’s man vs caged animal..”
“And this animal is starved, DOOM.”
[A dry chuckle is given.]
“In fact, I’ve been locked away for so long, I feel like I haven’t eaten in weeks.”
“But with that hunger comes determination.”
“With that determination, I am a step away from finally settling that mighty hunger that has been growing in the pit of my stomach.”
“This week, I can guarantee you one thing, Doc.”
“All of that violence and viciousness that I harnessed on Death Row will be waiting for you inside this steel cell.”
“Because I’ve worked too damn hard to line up my next meal, and I won’t be letting some fool in a mask take ANYTHING off of my plate.”
[Jasper hops off the turnbuckle and saunters across the ring where a cage door is open.]
“I have yet to meet a man who’s been able to keep this animal caged..”
[He steps through the door.]
“And I won’t be meeting him now.”