A Hero’s Journey

In Dr. Death, Promo by Dr. Death

I’m walking through a maze.

It’s dark, foggy, and the twists and turns have me second-guessing my every move.

It’s easy to get lost in maze like this. Every turn more likely than not will lead to exponential wrong turns. But it’s what may lie around the corner of each turn that is the true source of distress.

You see, this maze is inhabited by possessed, bloodthirsty creatures who will gladly pin you against any given dead end and murder you in cold blood.

That’s why you can’t afford to choose the wrong path in this maze.

You’ll end up dead.

How do you survive the maze then?

You have to come up with a game plan to evade any mythical beast you may come across, which means you have to understand their strengths and weaknesses.

If you see a centaur? You won’t be able to outrun it, but you can dodge its arrows which it slings at you until it runs out of ammo.

The mandrakes will screech and shrill, messing up your psyche and forcing you to hallucinate from the sheer power of their sound.

Cover your ears. Remove that sense from vulnerability to their attack, and keep your focus on moving forward, or else you’ll never make it to the end.

And if you make it to the center of the maze and you come across a Minotaur? Well first of all, you better have an extra set of undergarments handy. Second of all, you must understand that these creatures, while menacing and hulking, are dull. They see you, and they see red. So you know that beast is rushing right at you full speed.

So what do you do?

Slide to the left. Or slide to the right. You’re a matador now, and if you can outsmart that Minotaur you can reach the end goal.

If you have a game plan you cannot fail, for  the labyrinth walk is the hero’s journey. As long as you come prepared, when you cross that threshold you begin your transformation. And with every right or wrong turn, with every trial and tribulation, you take yourself to the point of revelation. And they revelation is this:

You hold the knowledge.

You hold the power.

And you are the one to be feared.

For from the depths of this darkness within the labyrinth comes transformation.

Transformation into something bigger. Something greater.

And it doesn’t matter if you come across a centaur, or a mandrake, or that Minotaur, because you have the tools to overcome them and make it to the center of that maze.

And when you do you have completed your journey—

And you’re a hero.

A legend.

A mythical creature.

And you can claim that labyrinth as your own.

I have crawled from the darkest depths to conquer OSW.

I’ve made it to the end of the maze here.

OSW is my labyrinth.

And it doesn’t matter if you put Colt in between me and my destination, because I will conquer you.

And I will complete my journey.

A hero.

A legend.

A myth.

Colt Ramsey, the doctor will see you now.