A Pandora’s Box beneath the earth.

TombstonePromo, Tombstone

Tombstone is stood in an old workshop. There are planks of wood on the sides with nails and all kinds of tools.

“The construction of a coffin requires great attention to detail and effort.”

He grabs a couple planks of wood and begins assembling them.

“First, like any box, you need a sturdy construction.”

Tombstone begins hammering nails into parts of the wood.

“What will be contained within these planked walls will never see the light of day again. They are destined to be buried six feet beneath the dirt and the living. This container will never be opened.”

He now has the construction of a box.

“Within this coffin will be a Pandora’s Box.”

Tombstone sighs deeply.

“Something that should never be opened.”

“It will be abound with sorrow. The depth of sadness he feels for the love of El Mariachi Vida and his resolved woes within their relationship. His heart will beat, pounding against the enforced wooden planks, desperate for its escape. His  blood will flow within like a river of love, seeping into the wood, never to be requited.”

He starts adding more nails.

“A disease of desire and greed fills his soul. He wants but cannot receive. He needs but cannot have. The desperation of disease pours from every inch of his being, yet he can do nothing about it. He longs for death, he sings for it, a sweet, nuanced lullaby of hope that it may take him, yet until the air has gone, it cannot reach his soul.”

The World Champion steps back to admire his handiwork.

“In this wooden tomb will rest El Mariachi Muerte.”

“Because I will put him there.”

“And it will be a Pandora’s Box of sorrow, disease and greed that should never be opened; not by me and not by Dr. Death.”

“But it will.”

“Inevitably, what is dead should stay dead. What is buried should stay buried. Do you believe it will be? Do you believe the Pandora’s Box will remain unopened and untouched?”

Tombstone smiles.

“They never do.”

“This box will be opened by Red Snow and El Mariachi will be released upon the world with his disease, his sorrow and his greed.”

“I cannot change that.”

“But I can put him there.”

“I can create the Pandora’s Box and this week, when El Mariachi Muerte stands before me, he will be led down, placed inside this wooden tomb and buried six feet beneath the dirt.”

“You should never fear the end, Muerte.”

“The end is where we meet.”

“And I will send you on your way.”

“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.”

“A Pandora’s Box beneath the earth.”