For Whom The Bell Tolls

TombstonePromo, Tombstone


He’s made his fight, on the hill, in the early day.

“In the moment he chose to disband a brotherhood and attempt a different path, everything changed. He and Victor were entwined as one, until Walther decided otherwise. Their unity broken and their bond shattered. The path to enlightenment – to the promised land they both agreed would exist, awaited. It was he, The Grimskull, who chose differently. It was he who chose a different path.”

“That path became a hill of his choosing.”

“Now every time he thinks back to the moment he rejected his supposed destiny, a constant chill fills him deep inside.”

“Running through the endless grey of decisions he made, they fight for their right to be right. But who is to say which of them truly is?”

“Could it be Vision, and the Third Eye?”

“Or Grimskull and his Ministry of Pain?”

“And now stiffened wounds test their pride as they go to war with one another, the remnants of family crashing against their hearts like the sea bashing against a coastal barrier. It seeps through, only Grimskull is still alive, seeing through the raging glow of molten steel.”

“The Preacher having gone insane from the pain he surely knows.”

“There will be a time when you both take a look to the sky just before you die, knowing it’s the last time you will – perhaps at the hand of each other. The shattered goal of destroying one another filling your soul with a ruthless cry of desperation.”

“It will soon be over, will it not? The carnage and wreckage of two men once on a similar path to a destination that you split, Walther. It must come to an end and when it’s over at Red Snow, at the crack of dawn, when all is gone except the will to be – you will both have blinded eyes to see.”

“Such is to say Grimskull, that this war you desire with Vision, in retribution for when he made those bells toll for you, will mean nothing. An eye for an eye and the entire world goes blind. By the end of it, you’ll be just as blinded as he. For that, you will realize once and for all that despite your pain, your suffering, your sheer power of determination and will to seek vengeance, that time… marches on.”

“You’ve chosen your hill.”


“Can you hear it, Grimskull?”


“For whom the bell tolls.”

“And when the bell tolls, that’s your end.”

“You should never fear your end, Grimskull.”

For the end is where we meet…

And I will send you on your way.