
Lux BellatorPromo

Sin is no new concept.

For as long as there has been people walking this earth, there has been sin. On the first day, God created light to compliment darkness, darkness complimented light. The night gives way to the day.

With a bite of an apple, Eve brought that darkness into this world. And man has been sinning ever since.

Balance was destroyed, and darkness infiltrated the Garden of Eden. It’s been infecting this world ever since.

In the darkest of night, light is all the more important. What is not of the lord is sin, and I have seen this world at its very darkest.

It was darkness that claimed my father, sin slowly infiltrating his mission.

That same darkness almost claimed me.

It was darkness that unleashed that plague upon the world, and darkness that threatened to end it.

When man walks in darkness for long enough, they learn to embrace that which surrounds them. They learn to embrace sin.

Yea, I have walked through the valley of the shadow of death… And I fear no evil.

For He is with me.

And I with him.

Matthew’s gospel tells us that we are to be the ‘Light of the world’, vos estis lux mundi. But where is light most effective? Where is light most essential?

We do not realize how much light a single flame gives off until that light is snuffed out.. And they’ve been trying to snuff out my light for years.

Those that embrace the shadows, like Mike Lane does seek to make it embrace me. Those comfortable walking in darkness, enduring it and using the shadows to their own advantage. But light illuminated the deepest shadows and reveals all truths.

Others relish in sin itself, bathing in their darkness as Lee Crowley does. Souls lost to Sodom and Gomorrah that must be revealed in the light of repentance before they can infect the world.

Then, there are souls like so many that have fallen victim to the virus of sin. Those that have waged their war, as Jensen Cussen has against his own Virus, losing sight of the true light in the process, now merely lost in the dark.

Darkness invades them all, where I stand as a beacon of truth. That darkness cannot fight darkness, evil cannot rid evil. Only light may do that.

As long as there is breath in my lungs, light remains.

‘Walk while you have the light, so that the darkness will not overtake you. If you walk in darkness, you do not know where you are going. Become the children of light.’

I exist as the only remaining source of His truth in this dark-infested world. And you will not snuff out my light.

At Ghosts of the Past, my light will burn brighter than ever – for a city on a hill cannot be hidden. I stand, clothed in truth, ready to take my stand.

I will forever remain your symbol of light, hope of salvation for a better future.

Accipe lumen et imperte.

All you have to do to receive the light is believe.