
In Luther Grim, Promo by Luther Grim

In the Groves, Luther Grim stalks a middle-aged man, seemingly enchanted by nature’s tranquility. As Luther prepares to strike with his patented spear, a fox springs forth, savagely attacking the man, extinguishing his life before Luther could act. 

A disheartened sigh escapes Luther’s lips, betrayed by the unexpected turn. Frustrated, he hurls his weapon, impaling the fox instead. He approaches the wounded animal, kneeling down beside it. 

“It didn’t have to be this way,” Luther murmured, his tone almost consoling. “But then again, maybe it did. After all, I know that you are nothing more than a ravenous animal. This is all that you know. Your hunger and thirst for blood is insatiable, and sometimes, you must do whatever it takes to satisfy that desire. But why… why did you have to come here?”

Luther’s gaze softened, the fox’s struggle for breath mirroring his own inner turmoil. 

“You must have heard of me, little fox? In Arcadia, everyone knows what happens in the Groves. I have terrorized families and bloodlines of many different orders. You were aware of the consequences had you been caught, but you didn’t care. It was the arrogance, the primal urge. The only thing on your mind was finding your next meal. It wasn’t your concern whether or not someone else had their dinner, or if I was watching. As long as you were satisfied.”

“And that is the issue,” Luther asserts. “In such a fervent mindset, nothing else matters. You came to my forest to stake claim in something that did not belong to you, little fox. You were looking to take ownership, to leave an indelible mark on these woods. And if I hadn’t dealt with this issue now, then it would have never ended. This is the dilemma that I face with Nergal.”

The fox coughed, each breath more labored than the last. A somber silence hung heavy in the air.

“She is a creature of voracity, much like yourself, little fox. The only thing on Nergal’s mind is ruling Arcadia. You could see as much with the way she invaded Aarman Fidel’s domain and took out his people. To her, that was only a stepping stone – a domino that needed to fall.”

“Just last week, she contaminated the body of a little girl, because that is what needed to happen. She wants to spread her pestilence – a plague, guaranteed to wipe out hundreds, maybe thousands, until there is no one left. And where does that leave me? In limbo. With fewer people to hunt, and fewer trophies to attain. That… that we just can’t have.”

“Because you see, I have roamed these lands, hunted its creatures, and laid claim to its territories long before Nergal was even a whisper in the wind. She wishes to take my livelihood from me. Yet, her hubris has blinded her to the fact that these woods, this land, its creatures, they are all mine. They are not hers to shape, to change, to destroy. But at Ring King, I am going to put an end to Nergal and her pestilence… once and for all.”

“It’s hunting season.”