One-Eyed Man

In Luther Grim, Promo by Luther Grim

They say in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

A proverb as old as time, suggesting that among those without sight, the slightest edge can grant one dominion over all.

You have adopted this principle, haven’t you, Vision?

You pride yourself on your ability to navigate the darkness, using your intellect and supposed enlightenment as beacons in the night. You navigate the terrain of the mind, avoiding the pitfalls and traps that ensnare the common man. 

You claim that your lack of sight has opened your third eye, that you perceive the flow of the match in ways others cannot fathom. Your mind has become your kingdom, and you fancy yourself its sovereign, ruling with the scepter of strategy over the physical limitations of your body.

But what good is a king when his kingdom is the squared circle, and his subjects are the very laws of nature he tries to rise above?

You have convinced yourself that your lack of sight has opened up inner vistas, that your perception is heightened to a level where you transcend the physical limitations of the world.

You claim to hear what we cannot hear, to know what we cannot know. You speak of the laws of physicality as if they are mere suggestions, as if you have excelled the very fabric of this sport through your sheer mental prowess. You have crowned yourself ruler of a kingdom built on the intangible, on the idea that you can outthink and outmaneuver what you cannot see.

But you see, Vision… the ring, my domain, it does not bend to the whims of your enlightenment. The ropes do not vibrate with the frequency of your third eye’s whispers. The mat does not yield to the weight of your philosophy. In my realm, the one-eyed man does not rule. Instead, he becomes the hunted. And I am the ultimate hunter. 

Soon, you will step into my world, where foresight is measured not in ideals, but in split-second reactions. Where every move is a calculated risk, every strike a definitive answer to the riddles you pose. You believe you are playing chess in a world bounded by four sides, Vision, but I am the crushing reality that plays by a different set of rules.

For I am the embodiment of the physical laws you so arrogantly dismiss. The sweat, the blood, the pain – they are my subjects, and they bow to no king, least of all one who cannot see the peril that stands before him. Your kingdom of the mind will be invaded by the brute force of reality, and there will be no place for you to hide.

Because you see, Vision, I am the storm that will ravage your serene landscape of thought, the cataclysm that will shatter your illusions of grandeur. And when the bell tolls, it will not herald your reign, but the end of your delusion.

For in my domain, the only truth that reigns supreme is the unyielding law of combat, and by that decree, I will dethrone you with the ferocity of a beast uncaged.