
Luther GrimLuther Grim, Promo

I’ve been huntin’ since I was a boy, Cade.

Tha fundamentals were always clear. It didn’t matter what I was huntin’, tha fundamentals were always tha same.

It was broken down inta phases.

Phase one.

You gotta gear up for tha right game. Dat shit is fuckin’ paramount. If you’re goin’ afta a deer, than you need tha right rifle. If you’re gonna hunt a fuckin’ fish, you betta bring a rod.

Tha right fuckin’ equipment, Cade. It ain’t hard.

When you went huntin’ on dat piece of shit Redgrave, how you go about your business? You took hopes and fuckin’ prayers like a pussy. Hopes you could capture him. Prayers he didn’t stalk and hunt you first.

Phase two.

Once you’re on tha hunt, ya gotta track your target. You gotta keep an eye on it. It ain’t about movin’ in for tha kill at tha first sight of his fuckin’ goofy lookin’ face. Dat’s dumb shit.

You watch. You fuckin’ lurk in tha shadows and brush. You take ya time ta understand dis mothar fucker.

Dat weren’t you though, was it boy?

Naw, you jumped in head first like a fuckin’ chump. You ran straight at dat mothar fucker like a bulldozer and he saw you comin’ every step of tha way.

Tha right fuckin’ methods, Cade. It ain’t hard. 

Phase three. 

Strike when tha fuckin’ time is right.

Sounds simple, huh?

With tha right equipment and tha right method, ya know when tha right time ta strike is. Ya know when ta move and when ta stop. Dis part ain’t rocket science.

If ya got everythin’ else right, this part of the fuckin’ deal is a got damn lock.

But not when you did it, eh? Naw, dat shit ended badly. You ended up in a fuckin’ hospital bed cryin’ like a little bitch and tha baddie got sent down ta Deathrow.

Ain’t it funny dat dese mother fuckers in charge think you’s good game for Luther Grim. How tha fuck does dat make sense in any fuckin’ language? You ain’t a hunter, Cade.

And when ya step inta dat ring with me, I’mma pummel the livin’ shit outta dat ass. I’mma whoop ya from corner ta fuckin’ corner cos’ I come prepared.

I’mma be preparin’ you like a meal, boy.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

And my plate is gonna be full.

On Monday, you step inta tha fight pit with Luther Grim and only one of us is any kinda fuckin’ hunter. Only one of us knows how to prepare, track and kill his got damn prey and it ain’t you, boy.

Ya can’t survive, Cade.

You jus’ can’t.

Dat ain’t on you ta decide, son.

That’s on me.