The Burned Man is seen attempting to assemble a generator with the parts he stole from the booth earlier this week. He’s currently halfway finished with building it, but he’s struggling to put the cooling system together. With an exhale, he steps back from his work and takes a minute to look at a blueprint he also managed to snag off camera.
“As I sit here, building a new generator for a cannibal, I try to convince myself that what I’m doing will be worth it as long as I save at least one life.”
He scans over the given model for another quick second before heading back to work.
“It isn’t easy, however. While I work on replacing what I destroyed, I find myself thinking about all the people I’m damning to a terrible fate by Blacktooth’s hands. Hundreds, if not thousands of people are going to be killed and eaten by him and his gang the moment this engine is finished.”
He sighs deeply as he picks up a container full of water to pour into the cooling system.
“Normally I frown upon such massive collateral damage in order to save just one person. Regardless of how important that single life might seem, I felt that saving hundreds of lives was more meaningful than just saving one.”
The mummy scoffs.
“That’s how I felt when Ares and his band of crooked cops started to tear apart all of Arcadia looking for Zeus. With everyone fearing for their lives or suffering from the aftermath of a brutal interrogation, nobody that was caught in the crossfire would think that rescuing the Baron would be worth all this mess.”
He pauses for a brief moment as he fills the cooling system to the brim.
“That is, until Blacktooth revealed he had Faith held captive. My son is more than just my successor and all I have left of my old self. He’s an integral piece of the future that Arcadia deserves.”
With the water bottle just about emptied, he tosses it aside and grabs a few pipes to screw in.
“Much like this generator means the world to that devil, James means just as much to the world we live in. I might be a hero of legend, but I’m also a relic of the past that’s gone up in flames.”
The survivor stays silent for a minute as he screws in a pipe.
“So yes, this single life means more to Arcadia than the hundreds of thousands that will soon be in your meat locker. I’m aware of how hypocritical it is, but this boy will be the one to bring in a new era for millions of Arcadians in the future.”
“However, if I find out you removed as much as a fingernail on that boy, I won’t hesitate to make sure you and your gang aren’t a part of that future. If you choose to fan the flames of my anger, you just might get burned.”
We leave TBM to assemble more of the generator as we cut.