What kind of teeth do you have, little fishy?
That mythological creature you compare yourself to has many.
Nurse and angel sharks have dense flattened teeth. They use these to crush their prey when scouring the ocean floor.
The Devonian had needle-like teeth. They fed on small and medium sized fish, including their own kind. These teeth were effective because they can grip the slippery and evasive.
The Great White had pointed lower teeth and triangular upper teeth. This combination was useful for cutting large prey. They had evil serrated edges to cut the prey so that they were easier to swallow in smaller chunks and pieces.
Different kinds of sharks have different kind of teeth.
You’ve shown a wide range of teeth, little fishy. You have your dense teeth – the crushers, those who go out and do your dirty work. These little ones are the gnashers you crush your competition with.
When you send the needles out, those are the ones responsible for your drugs, your sex and your alcohol. These little toofers are needle like, digging into the slippery and desperate people of Arcadia.
And then, last but not least, you’ve shown your pointed lower teeth. These are the dangerous ones; these are the ones you use when someone has pissed you off or needs punishing. These are murderous teeth.
Those are my favourite.
So, how does little ol’ me overcome so many gnashing teeth? How do I stop your jaw from clamping down on me and crushing, needling and smashing?
I’m no dentist, little fishy.
But I think we all know exactly how a shark gets sent on his way, don’t we?
A little boop on the snoot.
A little punch in the face.
And I’ve been punching you in the face non stop for three weeks now.
Over and over again I’ve been pummelling your little shark face, knocking teeth out left and right. I’ve been smacking you around.
That’s how you beat a Shark, Drexl.
You punch it in the face.
Snip Snip.