Every predator, no matter what their method of destruction, no matter who they feed off or how many bodies lie in their wake remember that single white whale that was just out of your reach and that defining moment when they were helpless at your feet. Mine was the purest soul who ever breathed Arcadia’s air.
Good hearted, kind, exemplary even to the gods themselves, Jacob was so pure his very presence was sickening. The very first time I laid eyes on him, I knew his corruption would be my lifes work so I threw everything at this man. The finest feasts fit for gods, the most bountiful booze even Zeus would salivate over, pleasures of the flesh that Aphrodite herself would quiver in anticipation for but nothing worked.
Until he laid eyes on her.
Marigold was a beautiful brunette, smart, charming, seductive and she appealed to some deep, beastial part of his brain. He avoided Eden after that yet she kept running into him wherever he went, putting his restraint to breaking point until a single kiss drove him over the edge.
And one night turned a pure soul into a depraved sinner.
Months later, I invited them both back to Eden after closing and saw first hand just how far Jacob had fallen. Barely more then a wild animal, utterly devoted to her every movement like she was the air itself, his very existence revolved around her life.
The screams that come from him when she slit her own throat weren’t even human.
See Luther, both of us are monsters. We devour the weak and decimate the strong, blood drenches our hands in waterfalls of viscera but we couldn’t be more different. Sure you have your little hunts, you plan, you stalk, and you gift your prey a violent and quick demise. You’ve taken down some of the most powerful things in existence but one predator to another, you are the most basic of bitches I have ever seen.
Any hoodlum with a knife can end a life, it’s quick simple and easy and even if the battle preceding is truly great, the legacy it leaves keeps them alive. Killing is childs play, the real power is decimating a mans worth to his very core, eliminating someone’s very existence, mind body and soul to the very molecular level until they beg you to release them from this mortal coil.
That Hunter, is artistry you cannot understand. That is why you are who they call for something quick and easy, for a violent and messy demise that will be forgotten in weeks but for something truly memorable that will last eons,
They whisper my name.
You want to know why I destroyed Jacob? Simply because I could and come Uprising, you shall meet the same fate he did.
Bring your Hunt and though I shall bleed, I will tear your very existence into ribbons until the only thing you will ever desire is the ice cold hand of Hades around your throat.
As you wish, I shall deliver.