The Appointment

In Promo, Tombstone by Tombstone

[edgtf_dropcaps type=”normal” color=”” background_color=””]T[/edgtf_dropcaps]here was once a man sent to Agora to buy provisions by his friend.

He came back trembling with fear, his face a pale rendition of its usual color. He claimed that when he was in the marketplace, he was jostled by a man that he recognized to be Death himself. He looked at the man and made a threatening gesture, scaring him.

Terrified of what he saw, the man begged his friend to borrow a horse so that he could ride away from Agora as fast as he could. He would take the steps to Olympus in a single bound, where Death would not be able to find him.

The man lent him his horse, watched his friend mount it and ride away as fast as he could.

Curious about why his friend was so scared, the man went to Agora. He searched the crowd until he recognized Death. He approached him and demanded to know why he made a threatening gesture to his friend.

Death, perplexed, said that he did not make a threatening gesture. He was simply surprised.

Why, asked the friend.

Death said that he was astonished to see him here in Agora, for he had an appointment with him tonight in Olympus.

Destiny – it’s a fickle beast, is it not, Drewitt?

At Ring of Dreams, I gestured to you that what is dead, should stay dead. I told you that you were an abomination to the balance of Arcadia.

You killed Theodore O’Toole, hopped on your horse and rode away.

I’ve been chasing you ever since.

You have galloped across Arcadia in avoidance of your destiny. You have been tortured, cut, beaten, burned to death and buried alive, only to return each and every single time – ready to gallop further and further away from the destiny that has been set before you.

You’ve ran from me, terrified of what I might do next. Terrified of what your destiny might mean in my hands. Terrified of meeting your eventual and undeniable end.

Unaware and unknowing that the path you’ve galloped is in fact your destiny.

A destiny that has in fact led you to tonight, to Red Snow. It didn’t matter how hard you spurred that horse, or how fast you rode, our appointment was always destined to be here. It mattered not how many times you perished or how many times you resurrected.

It mattered not that Colt perished too, however frustrating I find it.

Our appointment was always Red Snow.

For that is the end of our tale; the end of your destiny. Because you see Drewitt, the end is nigh and the man who kidnapped you knew it.

You’re terrified, I know.

But every gallop, every beat, every step you’ve taken has led you to this appointment and at Ring of Dreams, I was astonished to see you there when tonight is truly the end.

And you should never fear the end, Drewitt.

The end is where we meet.

And I will send you on your way.