Doom stands, looking at the Ring King crown on display inside Olympus. It’s guarded inside a glass case.
[Doom] The jewel maketh the crown.
[Doom] Could you imagine having just one jewel in your possession? You happily bring it into your world. At the beginning, you’re not entirely sure of its worth.
He places a hand on the glass.
[Doom] You just know that you want it more than anything. Owning it isn’t a simple task. You must protect it. There becomes a deep rooted attachment to it. Every single day you look after it, shine it and watch over it.
[Doom] You don’t want anything terrible to befall it; it’s yours and sooner rather than later, it becomes everything in your world.
Doom removes his hand.
[Doom] That jewel has a value to you beyond anything you’d ever imagined. It’s special. You’d do anything to make sure that its kept safe and in your possession. Nothing can interfere with it. Nothing.
[Doom] But then one day, despite your best intentions, wishes and dreams, the jewel is no longer in your control. You can’t decide its fate. It may as well be lost to you, and you’re forced to let it go.
He pulls a tool from his pocket and uses it to laser a hole in the glass case large enough for his hand to fit in. With a little pressure, he pulls a jewel from the crown, breaking it off.
With the jewel in his gloved hand, he squeezes tightly, turning it to dust. He opens his palm, revealing the green hue therein.
[Doom] You’ve long been the jewel in your mother’s crown, Felix. She brought you into this world, protected you from the family curse for as long as she could and harbored you safely in her possession.
[Doom] Until one day, she had to let you go.
The green dust glints.
[Doom] And when she did that, she could no longer control what Felix Foley, her crown jewel, would be. In her possession, you dimly glimmered – a flickering of value and worth. She made it her mission to protect you and ensure that the only shining you did was in the way she wanted, avoiding the family curse. Out of it, you had the chance to became worth something much more.
[Doom] But you see Felix, you’re now in my possession.
He wiggles his finger, watching the green dust move.
[Doom] And I don’t value you.
Doom closes his fist and slowly releases the dust from within it to the floor.
[Doom] You may have been your mothers crown jewel, but you’ll never be mine.
[Doom] To me, you’re nothing. You’re a jewel to be crushed, eviscerated, and tossed aside.
He stamps on the jewel dust, laughing to himself.
[Doom] You’re but dust in the wind.
[Doom] Your mother tried her best, Felix. If this were her crown, you’d adorn her head.
He sneers.
[Doom] But this crown belongs to me.
[Doom] And that? That appears true.