Who I Want To Be

Jackson CadeJackson Cade, Promo

“Who do you want to be?”

“Those words rang in my head, it was a question I’d asked myself every day of my life when I was younger. What did I want to do, who did I want the world to view me as?”

“For the longest time, I think the answer was simple. I wanted to be an officer. A hero.”

“So I went to work. I spent my days training, working out, and studying until I had a badge sitting on my chest.”

“I was who I wanted to be, wasn’t I?”

“At least, I thought so.”

“Turns out being an officer isn’t enough.”

“Before I knew it, I was thrust into the most demented, deranged case of my life as I hunted down Jasper Redgrave through the levels of Arcadia. Every twist and turn had me questioning myself and just who I was.”

“Once I saw the carnage, the brutality, I no longer wanted to be a mere officer.”

“I wanted to be a savior, to be their angel.”

“But when I made that choice, all I accomplished with those faux wings in my back was getting baptized in the blood of the citizens I failed to save.”

“Once again, I had no idea who I wanted to be.”

“No rank, no wings, no purpose.”

“And, for the first time, someone else asked me who I wanted to be.”

“Something flipped inside of my brain.”

“Looking at the task placed in front of me next week, I finally think I have an answer to the question.”

“Standing in the ring atop Arcadia are three men who have done nothing but toes the lines of legality in Arcadia.”

“Dr. Death extorts the poor and helpless with his medical practices, forcing every last credit out of them simply to allow them another chance at life.”

“Drewitt going on a warpath through the streets trying to kill Tombstone only to put poor Igor Mortis in a coma for doing his job.”

“And Colt Ramsey… A  nosey little shutterbug releasing propaganda and stalking Arcadia’s citizens with no care for their privacy or safety.”

“You’ve been allowed to run rampant, unchecked throughout the levels while the APD sit back on their laurels and simply watch it happen.”

“It just made me realize that someone needs to step up and do what needs to be done. It needs the Law.”

“And the Law is exactly who I want to be.”

“I’ve witnessed more gore than the good doctor has ever seen.”

“More death than Drewitt has ever died.”

“And more corruption than Colt could ever hope to capture.”

“I’m the man for the job, the lone Arcadian who has what it takes to bring laws to an unjust system.”

“All I’ll need now is a new badge.”

“And the World Title looks like the perfect fit.”

“So get on your knees, put your hands behind your heads, and surrender.”

“Because the Law is coming to Arcadia.”

“And nobody is above the Law.”