Dark Chocolate Lemonade

Teddy O'ToolePromo

Hello children!

Hi Mr. Teddy! What glorious treat will we be trying today?

Well, children, that is an interesting question. You know, in spite of my reputation, not all of my ideas have been a hit.

They haven’t?

No. Actually, some of them have been flat out terrible. But investors… Well, lets just say someone wanted you children to kick the wheels on the old idea cart.

So it’s going to be yucky?

You’ll have to judge for yourselves.

Introducing… Dark Chocolate Lemonade!

A product meant to offer both the sweet and tart nature of a lemon, with the bitter and full-bodied taste of 100% cacao dark chocolate.

Go on. Don’t hesitate. Just bring it to your lips and give it a taste.

…It tastes… 

You can say it.

…Like you were confused…

Confused? No. No not at all. If anything, the drink itself is confused.

And that’s precisely the problem.

In any good beverage, you’ll find all the flavors have a way of coalescing into one flavor, becoming one whole. But it seems no matter how much I tried to force this union, when you pour a cup of Dark Chocolate Lemonade, the two flavors remain distinct and apart from one another inside the same cup.

I like the chocolate part, Mr. Teddy.

Well, I like the lemonade.

Aye, children, therein lies the rub.

Two distinct flavors are perfectly natural when they compliment one another.

But these flavors… For whatever reason, they seem to compete with one another.

But because they’ve been combined and forced to share the same glass, neither truly wins out.

In a way, Dark Chocolate Lemonade is a story as old as time. The battle between light and dark, good and evil, authority and uprising.

But unlike those stories, in Dark Chocolate Lemonade, neither side wins out. They remain forever at odds. They wage war, eternal.

When you drink Dark Chocolate Lemonade, at times the light and sweet lemonade is most prominent on the palette.

At other times, the bitter dark chocolate rises to the forefront of your tastebuds.

It was quite a conundrum for me on how to solve that problem.

What did you do to fix it, Mr. Teddy?

Well, I quite enjoy Dark Chocolate. And I fancy lemonade very much.

And it occurred to me that, though they say opposites attract, such combative tastes don’t belong in the same cup, so–



Don’t be alarmed children. Don’t be alarmed.

The cup… It just exploded, Mr. Teddy.

Yes, that happens eventually, every single time you pour a glass of it. The flavors… They become unstable when forced to mingle with one another in the same cup. Eventually, they become so combative with one another, they destroy the container that houses them.

And so, it occurred to me that this is the natural occurance of two forces that combat one another inside the same container.

Eventually, the container explodes.

This is a mess, Mr. Teddy!

Aye, it is. But who can clean up this messy mess?

The Candy Man can!