For The Children

Narcissa BalenciagaNarcissa Balenciaga, Promo

Once a wise man said not all who wander are lost.

Let me expand that with if they are lost, maybe they’ll find something before the world finds them.

Imagine a child in the woods, panicking and alone.

The definition of truly lost, she is crying, seeking any way to get out of there.

Every sound that breaks through the natural calmness adds another beat to her heart’s tempo.

A stick breaks, a bird cries, a howl in the distance, you can hear the beats when the rest of the woods is still.

She has three options, stay in the woods exactly where she is and endure the chaos, run and try to find a way out of her daunting situation, or pray and hope that something bigger than herself saves the day.

Let’s split these options and find out each individual outcome.

Working backwards, let’s start with prayer. After all, when you can’t do things on your own, look towards a higher power the Colt Ramsay way.

She closes her eyes and begins to pray, little to her knowledge, there’s a hunter in these woods and a person on all fours hunched down to pray looks an awful lot like tonight’s dinner. The last sound she’ll ever hear is the gunshot going off. The higher power is there waiting for her in her final home.

Next option is running, trying to find her way out of the woods. She runs as far as she can until she sees a clearing. She has made it out of the woods but she has no idea where she is. She walks down a road until a cop pulls her over. She tells him her name and address. He takes her home to a father who yells at her for what she was thinking and a brother that is more disappointed in her being there than relieved she’s back home.

The boys in blue helped her get to safety but really just made her face her awful family conditions. Might as well call her CJ Thorpe.

Lastly, she stays and embraces the chaos, finds out how to stop fearing the world and start living in it. It’s loud and scary and yes, she misses her creature comforts but she embraces it and makes it all hers, she grows up in it stronger than anyone expected and when she joins civilization, no one is ready for her.

This is my path, my way. A child is made for chaos and can handle the world’s old ways crumbling better than any of us give her the credit for.

Ramsay, you say for the children from the same place all religious folks say it, from a place of control. It’s not for them, it’s for you.

When I say it , I mean it.

For the children is for the people.

For you Cade, the only child you care about is yourself. CJ was a boy lost in the world and behind the steel trees of prison, I helped him out and you should’ve been excited but you were too self-absorbed to be a brother over a cop.

For the children means even the ones who strayed.