
In Jash Khan, Promo by Jash Khan

Jash Khan sits as a little boy in the lap of his mother. She bounces him on her knee as men ransack her house, throwing things into boxes.

“Prime real-estate, that’s what this is, innit?” One of the thugs says to her as she holds Jash close.

“Where are we supposed to go?” She begs.

The thug shrugs his shoulders, nonchalant. He doesn’t care. They continue throwing their things into boxes as Jash’ mother stands up with him in her arms.

“It’s okay baby,” she soothes him. “We’ll be okay.”

“Mr. Rahn sends his regards,” the main thug says as she walks towards the door. “Remember lady, Mr. Rahn takes what he wants.”


Twenty years later, Jash Khan walks into the office of Mr. Rahn, in Bahaarat, surrounded by young men with weapons.

“Listen boys,” Rahn tries to plead with them. “You’ve come tooled up for a fight, I see. Go home, yeah? Don’t make me call my men in.”

“Your men, brudduh?” Jash asks with a smirk. “They’re dead, innit.”

Rahn gulps.

“Why’re you doing this?” He begs as Jash grabs him by the throat and pushes him backwards over the table. Rahn rolls across the floor to the rest of the men, landing at their feet.

“Twenty years ago, your men walked into my house, gassed about how Mr. Rahn takes what he wants. They put my mums out on the street, bruv. They made us fuckin’ homeless,” Jash angrily says, taking a seat at the main desk. “What you do with that house, mandem? You sold it, right?”

Rahn is now on his knees begging for his life.

“Bahaarat is under new leadership and Jash Khan, the Raja Roadman, doesn’t take from his own.”

Jash nods at his fellow young men who start hitting Mr. Rahn with their crowbars and weapons, beating him to death.


In the present, Jash Khan sits in the same chair he did twenty years ago, still in charge of Bahaarat. His face is older and more worn, with battle scars of defending his position over the years from any young roadman that dares try to do to him what he did to Mr. Rahn.

“Master Ken, it ain’t personal, brudduh.”

He shrugs.

“But many years ago, a man walked into my mums house and took it. That was the way of it back then. Prime real-estate got took by the mans in power and if you didn’t like it, tough shit. It was accept it or die.”

Jash stands up.

“I ain’t run that shit. That’s not my game, innit? I told him then like I’ll tell you and all my people’s now – The Raja Roadman doesn’t take from his own.

He walks towards the door, meeting up with his crew. They’re heading to the Dojo.

“And you gots a prime piece of real-estate, innit? You gots somethin’ I want, Ken.”

He smirks.

Which means I’ve got the wrath of Khan for you, brudduh.”

They leave.

“It’s not personal, it’s just business.”
