Grandfather Clock

In Gemini, Promo by Gemini

Illumination Antiques is a fascinating place, hosting the solemn dance of antiques, each step a ponderous waltz with time itself.

Picture, if you will, a grandiose grandfather clock, its once resplendent face tarnished by the relentless march of years.

Each tick a stubborn protest, each tock a surrender to the inevitable.

This clock, much like the world of antiques, is a monument to the eternal struggle against time – a struggle fated to end in silent defeat.

And there, in the heart of this wistful rebellion, stood you, Albert Lamplight.

Custodian of relics, keeper of bygone tales. In your quaint shop, you surrounded yourself with fragments of a past you so desperately sought to preserve. Each item, a defiance against the ravages of time, each artifact, a feeble bulwark against the relentless tide of oblivion.

But let us not delude ourselves with romantic notions of preservation and memory. For in your quest to immortalize the past, you, Albert, became blind to the most inexorable truth of all – the truth I embody with every fiber of my being.

The truth of death, of decay, of the ceaseless march towards an end that spares none.

In the shadows of your shop, amidst the dust-covered relics of a time that no longer breathes, your defiance was but a flickering candle against the tempest of time.

How pitifully ironic, Albert, that in your fervent pursuit to safeguard history, you became ensnared by the very force you sought to escape.

You’ve become a relic yourself, a mere echo in the vast, unyielding expanse of eternity.

Your antiques whisper stories of lives once vibrant, now extinguished. They were not triumphs over time, but trophies of its conquest. In your hands, they became symbols not of life, but of its inevitable end.

But now I, pestilence personified, have taken dominion over your legacy. It’s the ultimate irony – that in your endeavor to cheat time, you fell prey to its oldest companion, decay.

Your Illumination Antiques, a mausoleum of dreams and memories, is now under my reign. Here, in the hushed corridors of your once cherished shop, I find no kinship with the past you so adored. Instead, I find a hollow echo, a reminder of the futility of your efforts, of the transient nature of all things.

For in the grand spectacle of existence, you are but a fleeting shadow, here one moment, gone the next. Your relics, like your ambitions, were destined to fade, to be consumed by my inexorable decay.

In my hands, your antiques will not stand as defiant symbols of a time gone by, but as harbingers of the inescapable truth – that all things must end.

Because in the end, everything succumbs to time and death.

Your antiques, your shop, your very existence, were always fated to be reclaimed by the void from which they sprang.

And as I stand amidst the ruins of your legacy, I deliver the final verdict on your futile rebellion against time.

In your quest to immortalize the past, you became just another grandfather clock. For in the end, Albert, everything…


returns to dust.

To me.

Tick tock.