Lamb of the Media


We slowly fade into the Red Light District, which over the past few weeks has had a bloody swathe cut right through it yet seeing the large crowd surround the soon to be reopened Eden, you’d think nothing of the sort had happened. There’s a quiet uproar in the crowd, everyone on the edge waiting for the Grand Re-Open and it almost reaches a frenzied point when Aarman Fidel himself opens the doors to greet the crowd.

“I have missed you all. Only a few hours my dears, and everything you ever desired will be yours again. Until then, anticipation makes it all the sweeter”

Aarman blows a single kiss at the crowd with a warm smile etched onto his face before he walks back into Eden, and the smile instantly vanishes into a scowl.

Give the people what they want, he says. The people of Arcadia wouldn’t know what they truly wanted if it skull fucked them 24/7. Just look outside, the finest citizens Zeus could ever create and they have the collective survival instinct of a fucking Dodo. This place was a horror show not one month ago, a complete and utter massacre and yet they converge back to their pleasure hole like it never even happened. And they call me a monster for the things that happen here when really I call it a public service. Kinda hard to feel bad for the lamb after all if they keep placing their neck in the wolves mouth.

But the problem is what none of you people can understand is monster or not,  I am the only thing saving this district from itself. I allow the freedom to be whoever you want, the space to indulge and let out those demons and the intelligence to ensure it all stays within these walls. After all, Nergal didn’t go after her little boyfriend or the Jamaican Shark, she went after the one with real power. Because bitches aren’t lining the walls for Drexl’s worm and you don’t see lambs running to be meat on Blacktooths menu but these people need Eden like they need oxygen. But maybe she should have gone for you instead Colt, because my words last but moments when your writings last millenia.

And you still refuse to use it your own advantage. 

A single headline from you becomes law to those sheep and not one, but two perfect stories fall into your lap and you toss them aside. Your integrity, your cowardice, your head so far up Narcissa’s vagina she’s wearing you like a hat. For although we have cunts that are making our lives miserable, the difference between you and me is I’m fully prepared to make mine bleed. And if you won’t use your power for the good of Arcadia, I will.

As Eden reopens and the Goddess of Pestilence rears her ugly head, I desire a simple story from you, the tale of Gemini trying to destroy Aarman Fidel and failing miserably. Because you’ve got to give the people what they want and what I want is to make that bitch fall.

And thanks to you, soon everyone else will too.