There is a great journey to behold, one that sees its fair share of danger. It inevitably involves an ascension, a climb to step out of where we once were to get somewhere beyond.
This is by no means an easy journey, however. Everyone who seeks to go on this trip will reach a point where they can feel overwhelmed, disillusioned by circumstances
If they’re not careful, they could lose sight of the destination…or worse, lose grip on that which they hold dear. As a journalist I’ve seen what that looks like, and boy is it a hard rut to climb out of.
For some, that journey entails building up a reputation over time. They look to soar above the rest as a shining example of what doing things by the book means in a corrupt society…until one simple slip forces them to relinquish all they accomplished.
Their eagerness to do right makes them overwhelmed, and they come crashing back down in the end, never to achieve such great heights ever again.
For others, it’s a journey they’ve been on so long that they grow weary, tired from all the travel. They’ve had one climb too many, their hands and feet aching as a result.
They become disillusioned with the world they’ve explored, and they want nothing more than to put an end to their journey…only to find that the choice has been taken away from them. They’ve lost their grip on being put out of their own misery.
But the most curious case of all belongs to those who seek power for nefarious means, collecting as much of it as they can. They try to take and take until nothing is left…but they get caught red-handed in the act.
And all that power they’ve collected slowly slips between their fingers. They lose grip of that power, with nothing to stop their fall from glory. Eventually they come crashing down into obscurity, never to be seen or heard from again.
We all reach a point of feeling like we’ve lost grip, haven’t we?
Jackson Cade became one of the top officers in Arcadia PD, only to lose his grip on his morality.
Drewitt has been on one journey too many, and in the process lost his grip on death itself as it refuses to give into his demands.
And at the center of it all? Dr. Death, a man who has collected so much power that he remains OSW World Champion…only to lose grip of his precious Nurse.
These three men have traveled so far, but their actions are coming back around, forcing all three of them to lose their grip…and now, they all fall.
One by one, they crash to the very bottom as ol’ Colt Ramsey continues to ascend to something greater.
A Journo who has his eye on the prize. A chance to give the people what they deserve, what they want…a World Champion to believe in.
And you’ve got to give the people what they want!