Parental Failure


They say that the moment a parent first locks eyes on their child, time itself stops as an entire lifetimes flashes before their eyes.

They hope it’ll be everything they deserve, they mourn for the hardships that will surely come.

The disbelief they could create something so beautiful and the apprehension that they can be what this child truly needs.

But of the cavalcade of emotions that flow through them in that single moment, there’s two that forever remain. Joy and Fear.

The Joy from knowing every moment that is to come, from their first words and steps to the moment they no longer need you.

And the Fear that somehow, you’ll fuck it all up in the end.

Many a parent have walked through my doors in attempt to fix their mistakes but there’s one that stand out most of all.

The hero who saved a thousand souls, who was the singular light in the darkness, who was the reason why the broken had reason to survive another day.

Yet the confident and pure savior was a broken and forlorn mess when he meekly walked my way for though he had spent his entire life saving this world,

His fear became reality and he failed to save his own.

He didn’t desire power or peace, all he wanted was a second chance to fix his mistake. And I granted it.

A rose of Hope that would become a twisted bush of thorns wrapping around his very soul.

For he found the child he needed, a young boy broken and afraid and he took his pain away and made him better.

Made him stronger, showed him a better path then the darkness he was destined to walk but in the end, he failed again.

Just like you’ll fail him too Burned Man.

It’s funny, you and the hero have so much alike I’d almost believe you were the same person. Both driven by their failures to save those they loved they channeled every ounce of their heart and soul into protecting others.

And you both latch onto that boy as a second chance to prove you can do something good in this world.

But did you ever ask why the kid needs to save the world so badly or did you just assume his head is just full of stories?

He’s lost, broken, desperate to ensure he doesn’t fail again and it doesn’t matter what you teach him Bernie, because he won’t stop until the worst happens.

The only way to fix it is to do what the hero couldn’t and send him away for his own good. Ensure he realizes he’s out of his depth before it’s too late.

Yet you won’t. Because he’s more then just a protege, just like that boy clings to you, you need him too.

Because you wished for a second chance at a son.

But be careful what you wish for Bernie, because just like the hero,

You’ll just be another father that fails him.

And this time Bernie, there’s no hope that he’ll survive.