The Greatest

In Promo, Spiros The Great by Spiros the Great

// It’s a house show. Old School Wrestling are putting on a little ditty for the fans in Arcadia and backstage, Spiros the Great is stood with Nick Diamond. //

// Spiros looks fly. He stands proudly, hands on hips, listening to the crowd’s distinctively mixed reactions. //

Nick Diamond: I’m stood here tonight alongside newest OSW acquisition…

// Spiros puts his hand in his face. //

Spiros the Great: Silence.

// He listens to the crowd who now boo. //

Spiros the Great: Can you smell that?

// Nick takes a whiff and shakes his head. //

Spiros the Great: It smells like… Slum whores. Yeah, that’s it. Spiros didn’t know your wife was around, Nick? Or is it the people of Arcadia? Is Spiros smelling… the people?

// Spiros turns his nose up. Boos. //

Spiros the Great: Is that what Old School Wrestling is? Spiros thought it was an elite promotion but from the minute he stepped inside the doors, the stench of these people has infiltrated his very being. The Great One feels dirty just standing here next to you, Nick. How about you beat it? Go on, give Spiros the microphone and go get some air fresheners for The Greek God.

// Nick skulks off, handing the microphone to Spiros. //

// STG rolls his shoulders and snaps the microphone to his mouth. //

Spiros the Great: Old School Wrestling is officially on notice. Spiros the Great has arrived to put all you monkey asses in your place. You see, Spiros is a real entertainer. He’s the real deal, baby. He’s educated, calibrated and greatness in all the right places!

// Spiros flashes his pearly white teeth. //

Spiros the Great: Soon. Sooner rather than later, Spiros will grace the wrestling world by stepping into that ring. He’s listened to the Narcissa’s, running their mouths about Uprisings and the like. Bitch, Spiros has an Uprising in his pants with your name on it. Just keep talkin’ trash and you’ll find out.

// The fans cheer that. //

Spiros the Great: Shut your damn mouths!

// Boos. //

Spiros the Great:  Jackson Cade sits in a corner whining about his brother like a kid who didn’t get a yo-yo at Christmas. Mother fucker, Santa ain’t real but Santa Spiros will leave a chunk of coal in your stocking and beat you over the skull with it. Speaking of skulls, Grimskull wants pain? Spiros has a boot for his ass too. You people have no idea what’s coming. You want entertainment? This… is… entertainment.

// Spiros stops, taking a deep breath. //

Spiros the Great: If you wanna be great, you gotta beat great and none of you have beaten Spiros.

// He smiles. //

Spiros the Great: Come get some! 

// Cut //