“The mind can be a dangerous thing.”
“In the right hands, the power of intelligence can do a lot of good. A strong mind has the power to lead people away from despair and into greener pastures.”
“But too many times has someone used their high intelligence for things that can only be considered as pure evil.”
“We’ve all heard of many of world leaders that rose to power simply because their minds operated on a higher level than everyone around them.”
“Too many times have we been told of historical events where one man rose to power over a nation, using that nation to do their evil deeds.”
“They use their minds to position themselves as a leader amongst regular men. They use this as a tactic to herd their flock of sheep in the direction that they see fit.”
“But, the feeling of all of that power can also topple the most beautiful of minds.”
“The feeling of superiority starts to coarse through their veins and they begin the feeling of becoming untouchable.”
“They think that they are on top of the world and everyone below them will never be able to climb the pedastal of which they sit.”
“Yet each of their stories end in the same way. No matter if they become assassinated, attacked by an uprising that they cannot defeat or fall victim to their own powerful mind.. they all end in death.”
“In Arcadia, there is a man who’s mind operates on an entirely new plain than the normal man’s.”
“His name is V1sion, and although he may be blind.. his visions are clear within his mind.”
“He possesses a very beautiful mind. One that is capable of seeing the world around him, despite his handicap.”
“He calls it the Third Eye, and he uses it to manipulate those lost souls wandering the lower levels of Arcadia to follow him and his path.”
“He uses his intelligence to gather those lost masses with no purpose to follow him and carry out what he sees as beneficial to him.”
“And to a point, it’s worked thus far.”
“But I am a man who specializes in death, V1sion.”
“I am a man who knows full well that the key to defeating the blind man is to defeat the very weapon that he uses to hold his superiority over his cult of followers.”
“This week at Clash I will be there lying in wait for you.”
“I am the hot iron poker that was used to remove your vision all that time ago, and I’m still burning hot.”
“This week, I will put you down for good. I will leave your following devastated as I drive that scolding hot iron poker right through your most valuable weapon.”
“Becuase when you become blind in your Third Eye, you will be nothing more than a sitting duck. Another vegetable left to wander the lower levels.”
“A true exhibit for all of those who use to follow can revel in.”
“At Clash, the third eye becomes just as blind as those who follow it.”