Static covers the screen as a Play ► symbol appears in the bottom right-hand corner.
Previously – one week ago, prior to the Main Event.
The smell is horrendous.
The first thing that hits his nostrils is the putrid smell of burning flesh. It lingers inside the confinement of the cremation chamber he now resides. He puts his hands down to find a scorched mask, hidden among the ash.
Placing the mask back on his face, he shuffles forwards, kicking at the door until it flies open. Carefully, he shuffles out – as naked as the day he was born.
It’s no surprise that he’s resurrected. After all, he’s immortal.
But even he didn’t know what to expect when that happened. One minute he was a living breathing human being and the next, a pile of ash. His body reappeared where it burnt, and he’s none the wiser as to how that even happened.
Answers though, they aren’t on the agenda.
Not right now.
Vengeance is.
He walks nakedly through the corridors until he reaches a large office. Pushing the door open, it’s there that he finds what he’s looking for – Igor Mortis.
Mortis immediately panics upon seeing him, leaping from his chair.
Drewitt doesn’t speak, he just charges at him, leaping over the wooden desk and into action, taking Mortis down to the floor. With thunderous rights and left hands, he beats the living hell out of the old man, punching him until blood covers his knuckles.
He stands up, wiping the blood on his chest and reaches out for a pair of underpants on a clothing hook, reluctantly putting them on.
Mortis groans in agony, watching helplessly as Drewitt approaches one last time.
“That fuckin’ hurt,” he groans, his voice hoarse. “But so will this.”
The Foley Household.
Mrs. Foley has been struggling since Doom took her captive. She spent a good week with that monster holding her prisoner and now sits alone, waiting for her son to come home.
Red Light.
And home he has come.
When the light slowly fades, Mrs. Foley now stands alone in her living room, Scissors stood opposite.
“I’m glad you’ve come home, Felix,” she says, pottering her way over to him.
She slowly does the unthinkable and removes his mask.
What was once Scissors, now becomes Felix Foley.
That’s Mrs Foley’s Baby Boy.
“Our family curse has its hooks in you,” she says sadly, putting her hands on his face. “I can see that blank look in your eyes, baby. I can see that you’re suffering.”
Felix doesn’t say anything.
It’s like he’s mute.
“It doesn’t have to be the way that it was. It doesn’t have to end the same way for you, okay?” She assures him, squeezing his face. “You can break this curse. You’re strong enough to beat it, son. I know that you are. I raised you to be the puppetmaster, so that you wouldn’t be the puppet.”
She takes a deep breath, releasing it as a sigh.
“But before you beat it; before you come back home for good, you need to do one thing,” she asks with a finger in the air. “Just one thing.”
Felix leans in as she whispers.
“Kill the man who hurt me,” she hisses.
Foley smiles.
He reaches out and grabs her face, kissing her softly and slowly on the forehead.
Red Light.
The Ring King Quarter Finals begin here tonight as the Burned Man takes on Drewitt in a battle for who will move onto the Final Four
The bell sounds as the burned man rushes forward, taking Drewitt by surprise with a running palm strike, stunning the bigger man before pummeling him with several strikes, a hard knee to the jaw dropping the Explorer to one knee before Burnie backs up and drops him with a pinpoint BACKDRAFT! Spinning elbow right to the point of the jaw drops Drewitt like a shot as TBM tries for the cover.
ONE…NO! Drewitt easily gets the shoulder up, getting to one knee as TBM tries to lift him up to his feet but he reaches up, GOOZLE…could he be looking for an Arduous Journey here…? NO! TBM manages to fight his way out, rocking Drewitt with a stiff uppercut before spinning him around, ASHES! Half Nelson Suplex, but TBM holds on, pulling Drewitt up as he tries for the second.
Drewitt manages to spin out of the second, nailing TBM with a stiff headbutt before gripping him around the neck, SIGHTSEER IMPLANT DDT! Drewitt rocks The Burned Man into the mat, lifting his right hand high as he looks to take TBM on a journey. BURNING BREAKER! Maxwell taking a page out of his sons book there as he rocks Drewitt with that leaping headbutt to the gut.
TBM wastes no time, grabbing the stunned Drewitt in a pumphandle but Drewitt manages to flip out of the lift, GOOZLE…ARDUOUS JOURNEY! Brutal Chokeslam shakes the ring as Drewitt drops down for the pinfall and the one…two…three!!!
The Explorer does it here, putting down the Burned Man as he etches his entrant into the Ring King Semi-Finals
We find ourselves in The Slums, amidst some hustle and bustle as Colt Ramsey can be seen talking to one of the denizens of the area…but the Journo is not alone. Standing beside him is TEC, looking as though the Automaton is keeping watch on their surroundings. As it does, Ramsey points to a picture of Jinx while continuing his questioning.
“So you’re telling me you know nothing about this woman? Not even seen her around?”
The older gentleman standing in front of him takes a single look at the picture and shakes his head as he speaks.
“No sir, I haven’t seen the likes of her around these parts, not since…”
The man’s voice trails off as he catches himself, raising his hand to his face with a look of concern. Colt catches onto this quickly, but before he can ask another question the man hastily walks away. TEC takes a step as if to pursue the man, but is stopped with a hand to its chestplate by the Journo.
“Nah, I don’t think he’s talking to us anymore. Something is up though, and I’m determined to find out what.”
Colt turns to the Automaton, realizing a possible clue being left behind.
“TEC, buddy, you may need to help a guy out. You sure there isn’t something in that APD database about her?”
The Automaton begins to shake its head in denial, until it finds itself stopping. A small whirring can be heard just faintly, before the Automaton responds to the question.
“There appears to be one small detail regarding the hacker’s last known whereabouts…The Library.”
Colt takes a moment to think on this before nodding in agreement.
“Right, then. What are we thinkin’, TEC Deck?”
TEC just gives a cold stare at the Journo before responding once more.
“It would seem the wisest place to search for more answers.”
Colt can’t help but smirk slightly as he nods in agreement.
“The Library it is, then! Let’s go dig up some info.”
With that, the pair begin to make their exit from The Slums, prepared for a journey to track down some more information.
We find ourselves once more in the Groves. Luther Grim is back on the trail, but this time it is not of decay. The lush growth of the Groves seems healthy as ever, but a trail of a black substance has Grim’s attention. He is knelt down, inspecting the goo but seems somewhat weary of it.
He stands, smiling.
Someone, or something, has left this trail of blackened blood. Something wounded. Grim knows exactly what this means, that his spear had done it’s job and wounded Nergal. The small droplets soon turn to a thick trail as Grim scrambles after his prey. This is every hunters favourite part of the hunt, the pursuit for the kill once the initial blow is struck. The further into the Groves he ventures, the easier the blackened blood is to follow. Grim knows the sights of his prey slowing as its wounds overcome it, and slows his pace.
“Come out, Nergal. The first blow is to wound. It is the second one that finishes the job.”
His voice is met with silence, but he feels the presence. Eyes watching him.
“My spear must have hit cleanly, for this wound seems mortal. Allow me to finish the job.”
Again, the Hunter’s voice is met with silence. Then, a rustling in the bush ahead of him. He readies his blade to strike the killing blow. But what escapes out of the bush is not quite what he is expecting. An elk-like creature, dripping with black blood from a large spear wound on its side.
The elkish beast staggers forward a few steps before falling dead at Grim’s feet. As it breathes its last breath, flies and locusts and escape its wound and begin swarming around Grim. The beast had been infected, its blood turned black.
“You hunt what cannot be hunted.”
A voice seems to whisper from all around him as Grim angrily swats at the pesky insects buzzing around him.
“I warned that if you got involved, you would become the prey.”
Luther’s own spear comes hurtling out of the bushes nearby, narrowly missing him and embedding itself in a tree. Nergal steps forward, completely unscathed, her tongue darting out of her mouth.
“Hunt or be hunted.”
Grim needs no other invitation, he leaps forward, his hunting knife aimed at Nergal’s throat. Nergal parries the blow, disarming him and sending the knife soaring.
But when he stands, he finds from the ground, Nergal is smiling. She looks at Grim, who retreats for another day of hunting, then to the dead beast nearby. She draws a deep breath and exhales a swarm of her pestilence, and gives them a simple command.
The swarm take to the disease-ridden beast as we cut. Grim has made it clear that he won’t back down, but what can he possibly do to take the hunt to the Queen of Pestilence herself?
We have Ring King Quarter Finals action here as the Designer goes head to head against the Psychopathic Marionettist
The bell sounds as Scissors rushes forward, looking to deliver that lethal Pump Kick but Narcissa slides underneath, leaping off the ropes and showing the psychopath some Silk Perfection with the wrap around headscissors. Scissors rolls to his feet right into a flurry of blows, Narcissa backing up for the superkick, FAST FAS….SCISSORS CATCHES THE FOOT!
HEADBUTT! Narcissa is rocked as Scissors hooks the arms and begins TO ROCK THE CRADLE WITH THE TRAPPING HEADBUTTS! Balenciaga is limp in his arms as Scissors giggles with pure glee before lifting her up high. POWERBOMB! A SECOND! Scissors showing shades of Archimedes here as he looks for the Trifecta…NARCISSA KNEES HIM LOW!
Scissors winces in pain, Narcissa kneeing him three more times for good measures before leaping over his doubled over body with a Sunset Flip. ONE…TW….SCISSORS KICKS OUT! The Marionettist quickly gets up to his feet, HIGH FASHION! Brutal Spinning Heel Kick right to the jaw as Narcissa rolls through, getting onto the apron as she’s looking for the end here.
Scissors slowly gets to his feet, stumbling around right into HAUTE….BUMPED HER HEAD! Narcissa leapt right into that brutal Double Handed Chokebomb as that may well be it, Scissors stacking her up for the pinfall and the one…two…three!!!
The Madman picks up the victory here over the very game Balenciaga but it’s Scissors who moves onto the Ring King Semi-Finals
A familiar place.
A holding cell.
Harold Attano sits on his bed inside a holding cell, having been kept there since he snapped last week and destroyed members of the Arcadia Police Department.
With nothing but his thoughts to occupy him, he takes a moment to consider everything has happened – just as footsteps approach.
They belong to Jackson Cade.
Upon seeing him, Harold immediately jumps up, storming towards the bars.
“There’s talk of sending you back to Deathrow,” he says confidently. “Sheriff Gordon is saying that you’re a danger and potential threat to the way of Arcadian life. You dispatched many of my colleagues – most of them deserve it, if you wanted to know.”
Attano shakes his head.
“I don’t give a fuck about your colleagues or your opinion, you son of a bitch,” he angrily roars back at Cade, who steps backwards. “I’m a danger to anyone responsible for my daughters murder or the lack of fucking suspects thereafter.”
Cade nods in agreement.
“That’s what I hoped would happen. You’re not here by accident, Harold. I mean, I’m not a mastermind – far from it. I just knew that you’d not be able to contain yourself once you learned the truth. Now that they’re likely to send you back to Deathrow, I feel we can finally talk.”
Mr. Nobody grabs the cell bars and pulls himself in close to them, looking Cade right between the eyes. He’s furious.
“Do you really think I’m the kind of man you can set up, Jackson?” He asks with a sinister tone.
He backs away from the bars and calmly takes a seat.
“I told you, I want my brother safe and sound. I need to know what Deathrow is, Attano. I need to know everything you know.”
Harold lays down on his bed and looks up at the ceiling, saying nothing more.
“If you don’t tell me, you’re going back…”
Again, Attano says… nothing.
The Ring King Quarter Finals continue here tonight as Doom faces off against Grimskull.
The bell sounds as Grimskull rushes forward at Doom, pounding down on with everything he has but his blows can’t quite get through the metal surrounded Doom who opens his arms wide, inviting the Martyr to strike him harder. The Martyr backs up, delivering a running hook to the jaw that staggers Doom back who caresses his jaw, nodding
BEFORE NEARLY SPLITTING GRIMSKULL IN HALF WITH A MAMMOTH GORE! Grimmy staggers back up to his feet into a flurry from the Scientist but Grimskull dodges a hard right hook before rearing back. HEADBUTT…HURTS GRIMSKULL! Steel met skull and steel won as Doom just sneers, delivering a mammoth headbutt of his own that drops Grimskull down to one knee
THE SCRAMB…NO! Grimskull grabs the knee in mid-run, swinging around as he drops Doom to the mat with a lightning fast Dragonscrew Legwhip. Doom stumbles back to his feet into a flurry of headbutts, Grimskull powering through the pain before a leaping one leaves Doom loopy before Grimskull backs up, SUPERKICK!
Doom is groggy on his feet as Grimskull rushes to the ropes, bouncing off with a Superkick to the back of the head. FINAL LESSON AND DOOM CRASHES TO THE MAT! Grimskull doesn’t cover, instead heading up to the top rope but Doom shakes the ropes! Grimskull gets crotched on the top rope before Doom grabs him by the neck, pulling him down before spinning him around into DOOM IS ETERNAL! OMEGA DRIVER! That has to be it as Doom places one finger on Grimskull’s body for the one…two..three!!!
Doom emerges victorious here over the Martyr as he walks one step closer to the Ring King semi-finals and King Doom.
The Library.
Some time has passed since Colt Ramsey and TEC were in The Slums, and their journey to find information on Jinx has led them here, to the home of vast information and knowledge. Unfortunately for the pair of investigators, Dionysus does not see eye to eye with the request Colt has made to enter the library.
“How dare you, sir,” the God of Culture states firmly, taking the Journo by surprise. “We do not harbor criminals inside these walls, and I am appalled that you would insinuate as much!”
Colt is shocked to say the least, but before he can try and smooth-talk his way through this situation the Automaton standing beside him speaks with its matter of fact tone.
“We are on official Arcadia Police business, Dionysus. We apologize for the inconvenience, and will make sure your Library receives a sizeable contribution for the trouble.”
A slow nod of the black hood indicates that the God of Culture accepts this as suitable.
“Very well, then. Ten minutes are you allowed inside this sanctuary, and you are not to take anything from within.”
Both the Journo and his robotic compadre nod in agreement as they make their way inside. They find themselves going through hallway after hallway, for what seems like an eternity…before the Automaton stops at one book in particular.
It’s hard to tell exactly what the front cover says before TEC opens it, carefully turning a set of pages until it reaches what seems to be a specific point…and a faint click can be heard. To any untrained ear that would go unnoticed…but not to Colt Ramsey, who steps over to the Automaton with a raised eyebrow and a hushed whisper.
“Takin’ a snapshot, are you?”
TEC turns its head to meet the Journo’s gaze.
“Retrieving necessary information for the search.”
Colt slowly nods his head in agreement as TEC closes the book, setting it back on the shelf. Colt looks around some more before shaking his head in frustration.
“This is getting a little out of hand, TEC ol’ pal. I got things to do, places to be…champions to dethrone. I sure hope you found what you needed here, but I think this is a dead end.”
We hear that final statement repeated, though much more modulated as we realize it’s coming from a speaker…and listening to said speaker? Narcissa Balenciaga and Jinx. The Designer has a smile on her face as she rests a hand on the Fatal Error’s shoulder.
“Thank you again for this, Jinx. This little trip to The Library has served the Uprising well.”
Jinx simply gives a nod of understanding, staring at the screen to look over the page they’ve just taken a picture of…an illustration of a group of hunters.
Deep within the confines of The Eden Club, past the many drug fueled and drink filled patrons, inside the back rooms, we find a shameful sight to behold. Before us, arms chained above his head, the bandages on his chest having been pulled off to reveal his scorched skin beneath. New scars cover his already damaged body, a tray of blades and other objects next to him.
“A man who can barely feel pain and a body just ripe for play.” The voice of Aarman Fidel joins the scene, the devilish man walking into the room with a wicked grin on his face and a cigar between his fingers.
“Let me down.” The Burned Man’s voice is quiet yet blunt as he demands his freedom. However, Fidel just chuckles, walking up to him and examining the damage done to him.
“You’ll be free to go… For today. But you’ve become quite heavily requested, Maxwell. You’re a tough nut to crack, my friend. I have clients just dying to see if they can break you.”
“Let. Me. Down.” The Sole Survivor raises his voice, though Aarman is undeterred. The owner of the Eden Club reaches up, uncuffing the Burned Man and watching him collapse to the ground onto his hands and knees.
“Power through, Maxwell. Keep being a good boy and I’ll make good on my deal to help find your boy. Go clean yourself up.” Fidel punctuates the order, putting his cigar out on Burned Man’s skin! The Mummy fights with all he has to not make a sound, refusing to give Fidel the satisfaction.
The Burned Man slowly gets to his feet, walking away without another word.
What won’t he do to save his son?
The Ring King Quarter Finals continue as the former two time world champion faces off against the Rewind Champion to see who can get to the semi-finals
The bell sounds as EMM immediately rushes to the ropes, bouncing off with a dropkick that staggers Tombstone back. EMM trying to stick and move here, blasting Tombstone with quick strikes and aerial jabs that seem to annoy Tombstone more than anything. A spinning kick to the back of the head rocks the Ferryman as Mariachi springboards off the ropes once more
BUT HE CAN’T RUN FROM THE FERRYMAN! BOSSMAN SLAM nearly plants Mariachi through the mat but he doesn’t stay for long before he peels him up and begins rocking him with the finger uppercuts. One…Two…The Ferryman Kn….NO! Mariachi ducks underneath the third, rocking Tombstone with an uppercut before leaping to the ropes
THE LAST CARNIVAL….IS CAUGHT! Tombstone catches EMM in mid-leap, lifting him up high before throwing him high across the ring, ODE TO CHARON RIGHT INTO THE BUCKLES! EMM’s back looks like it’s broken in half but Tombstone doesn’t cover him, instead lifting him up into a bearhug and begins to CARRY MARIACHI’S SOUL!
EMM is screaming in pain, looking like he’s slowly fading away in the iron grip of the Ferryman before he leans forward and BITES TOMBSTONE! The Ferryman drops Mariachi in more shock then pain but that allows Singing Death to rear back and punt Tombstone right in the balls! Tombstone doubles over in agony, Mariachi quickly leaping onto the apron before slingshotting forward…right into a GOOZLE! FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS! That has to be it as Tombstone places on hand in cover onto Mariachi’s chest, the referee counting, one…two…three!!!
Tombstone does it here, weathering every bit of El Mariachi’s offense to put him down and advance to the Ring King Semi-Finals
There are hundreds of people, clamouring, piling up to get closer to the figure that stands in front of them.
It’s been a few weeks since they last saw him up close and personal. Their leader. The one who looks after them through the hard times here in the Slums.
And he stands, a stern look on his face. They quieten at the raise of his hand. Grimskull has them exactly where he wants them.
“People of The Slums,” he starts, pleading with his purple eyes. “I’m sorry that I have not preached upon this stage for a while. Believe me when I say that I have had big things to worry about that have demanded my attention. This is not because I did not want to be here. This is because of the responsibility I feel to protect you.”
He walks to the front of the makeshift stage.
“But I have returned to let you know of the danger we are in. The Third Eye have declared a war on us, and we must strike them before they strike us. But I need your help.”
He paces.
“You have given me so much, my people, but I unfortunately have to ask for something more. I need you to give me your everything. And trust me. Trust me completely.”
The crowd begin to clamour once more as he exits the makeshift stage.
El Mariachi Muerte walks towards the exit of Olympus, his cracked and rotting guitar slung over his shoulder.
Like a ghost, a hooded figure is standing at the exit door.
The same hooded figure that spoke to EMM last week.
“La Mariachi Vida remains in danger,” they say, no greeting in their tone. “Whatever your plan to occupy Dr. Death has not been sufficient.”
EMM takes it in, offering a grim frown.
“I’m afraid it is working.” He responds. “Dr. Death is chasing shadows.”
The cloaked figure raises a hand to point at themselves, revealing a feminine hand.
“Me?” She queries. “You’ve dangled me like a carrot in front of a monster who will not hesitate to do… I know what he is capable of.”
“My duty is to protect the Mariachi, old friend.” EMM responds, coldly. “You know what I am capable of, as well.”
The hooded woman seems shocked as Muerte continues.
“Arcadia has many eyes and ears in the shadows. Did you think you were the only one keeping track of Mariachi for me? La Mariachi Vida will not fall into his clutches. I will not allow it.”
Silence reigns between the pair.
“Don’t let your emotion override your duty.” The hooded figure says after a moment. “I assure you, Dr. Death will not.”
More silence before El Mariachi Muerte nods.
EMM and the hooded figure separate, with the shadow walking deeper into Olympus and the crowded backstage hallways.
As they round a corner, the World Champion, Dr. Death, comes from the opposite direction. Neither pays the other a second thought, just people passing in a crowded hallway.
Until Dr. Death stops.
He turns, doing a double take at the hooded figure, who has now disappeared into the throng. For a moment, he considers following them, as he did last week.
But he has a match up next.
Dr Death puts up his championship against the Journalist here tonight. Ramsey has been so close to the gold on many occasions but can he make that picture perfect headline or will Death send him packing to the funny pages?
The bell sounds as Colt rushes forward, trying to take Death’s head off with a Lariat but the good Doctor slips underneath, leaping up behind Colt before swinging him down to the mat with a sudden crucifix.
Ramsey rolls away as Death gets to his knees, taunting his opponent with just how quickly he came to defeat. Colt scowls, rushing forward once more as Death ducks underneath the Lariat but this time Colt is ready for him as he quickly turns
Death goes down hard holding his neck as Colt begins stomping out the world champion, driving him into the mat with heavy blows before muscling him up to his feet as he tries to lift him up high for a Suplex. Death lands on his feet thou, nailing a turning Colt with an enziguri to the back of his head before rushing to the ropes, leaping off
Colt looks out on the mat, Death could have an easy cover here but the good Doctor wants to make sure of his victory as he climbs up to the top rope, sizing up the Journalist for a moment before diving off
CARDIAC…. NO! Colt moves but Death sees just in time as he manages to stop the 630 and land on his feet, rushing forward
Death looks out on his feet as Colt grips him around the throat before swinging him down to the mat with the B-ROLL CUTTER! That very well could be it as Colt drops down for the cover, the referee sliding in for the pinfall and the
Colt doesn’t let him get up to his feet though, kicking Death hard in the back to send him down to the mat before dropping onto his back and locking in a modified Camel Clutch. Death is yelling out in pain, Colt working over the neck with all his strength as the bigger man in the match but Death manages to crawl his way to the ropes, and grab hold of the bottom rope breaking the hold
The referee tries to count him down but DQ’s aren’t a thing in Olympus as Ramsey just sneers at the referee who eventually pulls Colt off. The Journalist jaws away at the referee for a moment, furious he’d get in the way before he turns back to the good doctor.
Dr Death used the momentary distraction to nail Colt low, Ramsey doubled over as Death rushes to the ropes, bouncing off before leaping over Colt with the CODE BLUE! Sunset Flip Powerbomb slams Ramsey into the mat but Death doesn’t stay down for the cover, instead rolling through as he heads onto the apron, leaping up to the top rope as Colt staggers to his feet
Death goes down hard but he doesn’t stay down for long as Colt quickly picks him up, spinning him around and leaving the world champion
Colt has it won here, the world championship in his grasp as he turns Death over, hooking both legs for the pinfall
Colt is beside himself, a second away from a world championship as he screams at the referee for a moment before calming himself down. He turns back to Death who rears up but Colt catches the kick to the balls this time, turning Death inside out with a brutal Lariat before backing up into the corner as he curls up the legs of his jeans, exposing his bare knees.
Colt stares daggers at the rising Death, sizing him up for a moment before rushing forward
PICTURE OF PERFECTIO….NO! Death dodges the meteora, Col turning around into the COMATOSIA! Tornado Kick knocks Ramsey for a loop before Death rushes to the ropes, leaping off
The Springboard Cutter hits flush as Death quickly heads up to the top rope once more, leaping off
CARDIAC FAILURE! 630 HITS FLUSH! Death drops down, hooking both legs for the pinfall as the referee slides into position
The Good Doctor retains the world championship here in a very hard fought defense against Colt Ramsey
A door explodes into splinters as a bullet pierces where the lock was.
This is the Blood Runners Compound.
And a gun-wielding Drexl has kicked down its door. A hand-picked group of his finest hired guns fan out as Drexl saunters in like a man on a mission, ready to shoot anyone who moves.
Except none of the Blood Runners are taking action. The filthy cannibals don’t resist at all, just watching as Drexl and his men storm towards the main chamber.
“Hands where I can see ‘em, motherfuckers!” Drexl yells as he walks into the main chamber.
He takes pause as he sees what’s unfolded before him.
In a cage in the center of the room is the girl he picked out last week to be used as bait.
Freaked the fuck out.
But untouched, nonetheless.
And sat on his throne is Blacktooth, and he is not happy.
“Tell me why I shouldn’t kill you.” Blacktooth asks. “You and your goons would make a fine feast, especially after you stormed in here. My men were instructed not to touch you. You could have walked in like a man, and we’d have talked about it. Like men.”
Drexl shakes his head and points at the girl.
“Same question.” He retorts. “This isn’t the first time your thugs have been taking my girls.”
Coming off his throne, Blacktooth nods in agreement.
“Yes, we did have some issues in the past about that, didn’t we? But other than this fine specimen, we haven’t touched any of your girls.”
Standing face to face, Blacktooth nods at the girl.
“Your little assistant made it clear what was going on. He’s not very subtle, is he?”
“He tasted real fine though.”
Drexl’s eyes widen, but Blacktooth is fired up now.
“I didn’t eat your little bitch because my boys got sick from the last ones we took. We ain’t in the business of taking girls from the fine businessmen of Arcadia.”
Saying that last bit with sarcasm, Tooth Rot nods to one of his men who goes to free the scared girl.
“Bitches disappear in Arcadia. When did you start to give a damn?”
Drexl pauses.
The girl falls to the ground, a neat hole through her skull.
“I don’t give a damn about a bitch.” He says. “I give a damn about my money.”
He points the gun to Blacktooth’s head.
“And since you’ve got your finger on the pulse, I’ve got my finger on the trigger.”
Blacktooth gulps as the metal digs into his forehead and Drexl’s finger brushes the trigger.