“You won’t escape,” [says a voice.] “After all, the devil is in the details.”
[Damien Levi steps into frame, stood just outside the flames.]“What do you want from me?” [Eve exclaims nervously.] “We’ve never met, you and I.”
“I only want justice, Adam,” [Damien says, stroking his chin.] “Justice for you, justice for all the people like you.”
[That surprises the Made Man.]“But first, we need to shine a spotlight on who you are. The world has long become ignorant to the plight of people such as yourself. They pretend they have the answers, when all they’re doing is reading from a cheat sheet designed to make them appear affable. That my friend, is an injustice.”
[Adam interrupts, confused.] “And what do you intend to do about it, huh? You entrap me within flames and proclaim you’re going to help me, but here I am, trapped all the same.” [Damien clicks his fingers and the flames go out. Just like that. He approaches Adam and stands before him, smiling.]“You’re right, you’re trapped. You’re trapped inside the body of a woman, Adam. You’re trapped inside the narrow minds of the world. Don’t you see what I’m trying to tell you? I can free you from that misery.”
“So, this was a song and dance, is that it?” [Eve says, pushing Levi backwards.] “A little show and tell? I don’t need your help, Damien. I don’t need the devil’s son on my side. I’ll take your justice and at Invasion, I’ll shove it up your ass.”
[Levi smirks at the suggestion.] “If you choose it, then it shall be. But at Invasion, I will write your name in the Book of Levi and whether you like it or not, the world will finally see you for the man you are because of it.” [Damien nods, exiting the room as Adam looks on, not quite sure what to make of what’s just happened.] [Cut.]THE SHARKMAN VS. JAKANDE VS. EVE VS. LEVI
“You look tired,” [he remarks.] “Aren’t you getting enough rest?”
[Newton takes off his glasses and rubs his eyes.]“Minutes at a time, but you know that, don’t you? My alarm is scheduled to wake me in ten minutes, but I intend not to need it, so let’s talk.”
[Sleep folds his arms.] “Talk? There’s nothing to say. I’m going to kill you, Edward.”“I don’t want to talk to you. I want to talk to Bruce Van Chan.”
[The Doctor shakes his head and laughs.]“There’s no chance. In the real world, perhaps, but inside here there’s no way he can escape my mind.”
[The Riddler smiles.] “I considered as much.” [Suddenly, Bruce Van Chan appears. Like a visage, he just arrives.]“This is my dream, Sleep. If I want to talk to Bruce Van Chan, then I will. We have a lot to discuss, Bruce. But first, I need you to take back your body.”
[Sleep worriedly looks at Newton, then at Bruce and realizes he has to lunge. He runs towards Edward, only Bruce runs too, leaping at him. They combine, melding together.] [What’s left is Bruce Van Chan.]“What do you want, Newton?” [he barks.]
“I haven’t slept properly in weeks. Enforced Insomnia, they call it. I need to know what it’ll take for you to return to yourself and end this nightmare?”
[Bruce shakes his head.] “You spent all that time trying to end me, and now you want me back? You retired me, Edward. You put me out to pasture. You took my career, and tried to take my life.” [The Riddler looks desperate.]“I didn’t come here without a bargaining chip, Bruce. Your wife and kids aren’t safe whilst you’re gone. They’re vulnerable. Doctor Sleep doesn’t care for their safety, he only wants one thing; blood. You can quench that thirst, can’t you? You want it too. You see, the only reason he craves vengeance is because you do. He’s a manifestation of your desires. Until you control them, you’ll never be in control.”
“Do you think threatening my family will help you?” [Bruce says, stepping closer to Newton.] “You know what I want.”
“Very well. Return to the ring and fight once more. At Invasion, I will stand opposite you and we will wage war. But if you want to control your life, and return to your family, you’re going to have to put an end to Doctor Sleep.”
[Suddenly, Bruce starts changing. Sleep is fighting back.]“Fight him, Bruce. Fight him!”
[Doctor Sleep regains control, and lunges for the throat of The Riddler.] [Beep. Beep. Beep.] [Deep breath.] [And once again, he’s awake.] [Cut.]THE RED WALKER
“I know the truth of what you speak.” [The Scarecrow taunts.] “Yet your mission will not come to fruition. Your true hero will never do as you request.”
[El Salvador looks up, defiant in the face of the Hayman.]“I will find another.”
[Scarecrow steps back with a chuckle.]“We both know that’s not how these things work.”
[Before Scarecrow can continue, his head darts to the side in surprise.] [All around the rock, the red void seems to distort. It twists and swirls in golden tones, even resembling flames. Scarecrow cocks his head to the side as the swirls intensify, creating a vortex effect that causes the Hayman to step towards it.] [Only to be knocked back as the vortex fully opens and a man steps through.] [Not just any man, but Tommy Hawk himself. His body seems empowered with the strength of the spirits he communes with.]“I told you, harbinger of death, that I would not allow you to kill him. This path of death ends now.”
“You fool! [Scarecrow snorts.] This is my domain. You may be able to invade it, but you do not control it.”
[Taking a moment to seemingly summon some kind of power, Scarecrow pauses. Tommy Hawk’s eyes narrow in anger as he leaps forward and the golden energy surrounding him leaves his body through his hand.] [In the shape of a Tomahawk.] [The golden energy strikes Scarecrow, knocking him backward. Hawk rushes forward to use that same energy to sever the bonds holding El Salvador.]“Come. We will return to safety.”
[El Salvador looks at the recovering Scarecrow.]“Yes. You must consult the fires, Tommy. Then and only then will you be able to summon the power you need.”
[Hawk seems confused by El Salvador’s sudden energy, but quickly shakes it off. The two men rush towards the vortex, leaping into it and vanishing from the void.] [As the crimson nothingness returns to its normal consistency, the Scarecrow sits up.] [And he has a smile on his face.] [Crows flutter in the distance as black takes the screen.]DTR VS. JACKSON GRANT FITZGERALD
Without so much as turning to address them, it speaks in an unknown and unrecognisable dialect. In the transmission, the dialect is somehow converted to recognisable English as a breathy voice doubles the captain’s words.]
“The moment is upon us. We now await but one final piece of the puzzle before the invasion can begin.”
[The Captain’s eyes scan the vastness of black before him, the billions of stars that span the various galaxies. His eyes lock on one location – the tiny blue speck ahead of him. Earth. Blissfully unaware of the impending liberation fleet that stand idle just outside their potential view. He speaks once more, the strange dialect being translated before us.]“Agent Starchild is yet to send word that her mission has been success. We wait for her. The ties between Earth and the Zetas must be severed before the invasion begins. To avoid… collateral damage.”
[He now turns, his back to the advisers before him.]“We come to liberate. Earth’s pitiful technology and ignorant populous will never see it coming. They are blissfully unaware of how perfect their planet is to sustain a vast array of life. Blissfully unaware of how, even now, the stars align for their impending liberation.”
[He turns back to the blue speck.]“Once Starchild has removed the Chosen One the attack will commence.”
[The feed is cut and the screen returns to static.]WOMAN
“So, you’ve been the one stalking me?”
[No response from the faceless one, but a laugh echoes through the room. Doubt’s gaze doesn’t leave from No Face. Out from the darkness steps Hysteria with his arms folded behind his back. He circles around the room as Doubt does not budge.]“He’s not exactly the most… chatty… person, is he?”
[Doubt doesn’t budge.]“You see, sometimes he has difficulty communicating. So he brought me along.”
“What do you want?” [says Doubt without his gaze leaving No Face.]
“We just want you to relax, Doubt. Just… let the other guy take the wheel for a bit.”
[The Masked Emotion doesn’t budge as its hands begin to clench. No Face’s head tilts to the side as if waiting patiently for a response.]“No. Only Doubt is here. He is gone, forever.”
[A wild laughter as Hysteria joins the side of No Face. He places his hand upon his shoulder as they both begin sinking into the darkness.]“Don’t worry, buddy. Next week, SHE will be here.”
[They disappear into the darkness as only Doubt is left standing alone. Its hands unclench as it stares ahead.]“Syndi…”
“Where are they.” [Her voice cold, the words dripping like poison from her lips.]
“They are gone, mother.”
“Where. Are. My. CHILDREN!”
[Mother lunges towards Phoenix! Jacob backs up and is able to block Mother’s wild scratching. He tries to fight back against her but her fury is impossible to stop!]“GIVE ME BACK MY CHILDREN!”
[Phoenix is forced into the ropes! BLACK MIST TO THE EYES! HAPPILY EVER- HE DUCKS UNDER! Jacob Phoenix rushes and slides under the ropes towards the entrance! Mother runs to the ropes, glaring down at Phoenix as he backs up the entranceway.]“You want to know where they are, Mother? Those poor children you abused are FREE Mother. I’ll never tell you where they are. As far as you’re concerned, this isn’t about them anymore. It’s just about you and me.”
[Mother bites her lips in rage, shouting again at Phoenix, her wrath undying.]“YOU’LL NEVER BE ABLE TO SAVE THEM, JACOB. JUST LIKE YOU NEVER SAVED STEPHANIE!”
[Phoenix’s lip curls as he looks up at Mother.] [But slowly, his grimace turns into a smile.]“That’s where you’re wrong, Mother. I may have failed before. I may have been beaten down more times than I can count trying to save those I care about. But today, I can say without a doubt, I didn’t fail. I saved those children, and you’ll never get your hands on them again.”
[Mother tries to run after Phoenix, the vigilante backing out of the entrance.] [She chases him down.] [But by the look in her eye, we can see Phoenix has evaded her grasp.]JENSEN CUSSEN VS. BRENT KERSH
Captain Zappa.] [He opens a pair of bloodshot eyes, looking up to the sky with a strange grin on his face.]
“The vision… The stars align. Time draws near.”
[He looks around him as he pushes himself to his feet, taking in his surroundings as if for the first time. It soon becomes clear that he has no idea how he got here or where he is.]“A marker. Landing site. The Zetas visions must have drawn me here. This is the spot where they will come.”
“Yes. And you led me right to it. Thank you ‘Chosen One’.”
[Lyra Starchild. She appears from between the rows of corn into the crop circle that Zappa stands in, a plume of light accompanying her. Zappa turns to face Starchild, blowing another puff of smoke in her direction.]“You always seem to be a step ahead, but never realise that you are actually one step behind.”
[Lyra smirks as she points her weapon at him, confidently stepping forward.]“Yet I am the one holding the power to erase you in the palm of my hand. There is no eclipse this night, no energy shift to save you from your fate. This marker you stand in… This marks the end of the connection between Earth and the Zeta.”
“Don’t be too sure of that.”
[Several figures materialise behind him, flanking him from behind as if to guard him. Zappa reaches up and lowers Lyra’s weapon with one hand.]“As we speak there are forces at play that the human inhabitants of this Earth will never understand. This galaxy, on the brink of an intergalactic war and we, the two representatives of the different sides of that war find our destinies intertwined. You need me this week, as I need you.”
[Lyra holsters her weapon, grunting in frustration as she knows that Zappa somehow speaks sense. Yet, she makes it clear that things are not over.]“In exactly one week’s time, at the aptly named ‘Invasion’ we will witness the Galaxy Quest match. A battle – the stakes, advantage in this war. Should I win, the connection to the Zetas will finally be severed.”
[Zappa smiles, taking another draw of his joint.]“Should I win, your fleet never receives the message that your mission has been completed. They will lose their element of surprise and any advantage that they have in this war. At Invasion… The Galaxy Quest determines the outcome of our galaxy.”
[Lyra nods without word, tapping a button on her belt and disappearing in a bright beam of light. With her gone, the silhouettes of the Zetas that protect Zappa materialise behind him. He is left, knowing that the path to the Zeta invasion must go through Lyra Starchild.]THE RED LIGHT
“Soon the Bowl of Death will be full.”
[Bellator grins beneath his mask as his mission carries on with the same reliability as the sound of the dripping.] [Yet a harsh voice cuts through the sound.]“What effect can the Bowl of Death have on those that are not dead nor alive.”
[Bellator turns with a pursed face to look at his intruder.] [The Scarecrow. Fresh off of Tommy Hawk’s rescue of the captive Pedro El Salvador.]“You have once again invaded my private sanctum.” [Bellator states, no fear in his voice.] “I will not allow it again.”
[Scarecrow snorts.]“I go as I please. It is where you do not go that should inspire fear.”
[Lux seems to consider that before continuing without a second thought.]“I have no place for fear.” [Bellator steps closer to Scarecrow to prove that.] “Why are you here?”
[In a departure from his usual response, Scarecrow actually responds without threat.]“Your Father. He escaped my grasp.”
[The Light Warrior seems suddenly interested.]“I know. I felt the Spirit Walker using the power of the dead.” [Lux responds in an attempt to hide his interest.] “And?”
[Menace floods the room as Scarecrow suddenly seems everywhere.]“I know the truth now, Lucas. I know who you are. I know what you are expected to do. And more importantly, I know why. And you have no idea the truth behind your life. You have no idea why you have been imbued with powers that would destroy a normal man.”
[Bellator opens his mouth, but Scarecrow cuts him off.]“I told you the old powers were beginning to awaken, but even I did not know the extent to their rise. Their power fills the halls of this world beyond what I have seen in some time.”
[Crow nudges past Bellator to look over the book and the bowl below it.]“Your mission concerns the living and the necessary end that awaits them.”
[The Hayman turns back to Bellator.]“I will not interfere with that mission, Warrior of Light. I care not for the fate of the living.”
[The two square up with one another, the full menace of the Scarecrow being laid bare on the resolute Lux Bellator.]“But you come for the gold that I hold. And that I will not allow. I will destroy you, fool boy, before the seals are broken and before the bowls are poured. I implore you to keep your eyes on that mission.”
[Lux Bellator snorts.]“I will take your gold, abomination. I will pour the bowls. I will break the seals. Because that is what my Lord wills. So He speaks, so I will do.”
[Crows begin to flutter in the small room as Scarecrow backs away.]“That’s what I expected you to say. I will force you to endure the same fate as you have promised them.”
[Scarecrow is gone, and Lux Bellator is left with nothing but his own thoughts.] [And the dripping.] [Neverending.]KNOCK KNOCK VS. STARCHILD & ZAPPA
Captain Zappa starts off against Smiley – and they’re brawling in the centre of the ring. Smiley whips Zappa into the ropes and catches him with a big knee to the midsection. Zappa’s hunched over. DOUBLE-UNDERHOOK DDT from Smiley. Smiley stalks his prey as Zappa staggers to his feet. Right hands from Smiley, followed by a SNAP SUPLEX! Zappa uses the ropes to get to his feet. Smiley approaches, ONLY — DROP TOE HOLD FROM CAPTAIN ZAPPA! SMILEY’S THROAT CRUSHES AGAINST THE MIDDLE ROPE! Captain clutches onto Smiley and executes a FALLAWAY SLAM! Zappa scoops Smiley up onto his back, runs towards the nearest turnbuckle and INTERGALACTIC INERIA! Zappa makes the pin in the corner…1…2…TAG! WHAT!? Lyra Starchild just reached over the ropes and TAGGED HERSELF into the match before the ref could finish the 3 count.
Starchild pulls Smiley to his feet for a RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP. Lyra climbs the tope rope. MOONSAULT! PERFECTLY EXECUTED!! Lyra hooks the leg, making the pin…1… STRONG KICK OUT! Lyra positions Smiley for a NECK BREAKER — NO!! Smiley spins Starchild around and hit her with a BULLDOG! But Lyra is first up to her feet. She whips Smiley into the ropes. CLOTHESLINE — DUCKED! Smiley bounces off the opposite the ropes and hits Starchild with the SHOCK THERAPY!! WHAT A SPEAR! But a tag is closer than the pin. TAG! HERE COMES DOUBT!
Doubt makes the pin…1…2… KICK OUT! Doubt with right hands. Pulls Starchild up. SNAP SUPLEX from Doubt. Another SNAP SUPLEX! Doubt whips Starchild into the ropes and catches Lyra in a HIP TOSS INTO A BACK BREAKER! Doubt makes the pin…1….2…CAPTAIN ZAPPA BREAKS THE PIN! Zappa whips his own teammate into their corner turnbuckle. And before Doubt can stop him, Zappa leaps back over the ropes and tagged himself into the match. Right hands from Zappa! Doubt tries to return fire — ZAPPA DUCKS! JAWBREAKER FROM ZAPPA! Doubt pops back up, but right into THE LAUGHING HYPERDRIVE! Zappa’s reverse pile driver! Zappa climbs to the top rope… BUT WAIT!! SMILEY THUNDERS INTO THE RING — OH NO! — SMILEY’S MET WITH A FLYING DROPKICK FROM STARCHILD! Zappa composes himself and hits the ZETAVARIUM on Doubt. CAPTAIN ZAPPA MAKES THE PIN…1…2…3!
[Somehow Captain Zappa and Lyra Starchild have managed to put their differences aside and pull off the unlikely victory here tonight!]DRAGON’S PEAK
Ethan Bird – only he looks different. His usual raggedy attire replaced by a set of leathern armour. He stands like a Warrior, approaching the altar.]
“Long has Ethan Bird journeyed for this moment. A journey that has been rocky and full of twists and turns. Ethan Bird has sought the power of the ancients, the power required to slay a dragon. It is a journey that has led Ethan Bird here. To this peak – for within this chest layeth the power of the Dragonheart.”
[Bird steps forward towards the altar and reaches out to touch the chest he has come for. Only, as his fingers grace the wood of the chest, he is knocked off his feet by a mighty wind. Before he can find his feet again, a voice erupts seemingly from the mountain itself.]“Fire and blood, Blood and fire.
Be it this power that thee desire.
A heart of strength and bravery.
For worthy your soul must be.”
“You seek to use my hide as a trophy to be remembered. Many have before you – their bones still lie within my lair. What makes Ethan Bird any different to the warriors who have tried to slay me and failed?”
[Ethan Bird looks upon the dragon without fear.]“True, Ethan Bird has never slayed a dragon. But those other warriors were nothing like Ethan Bird, who studied the Dragon as an ally and as a foe. Now Ethan Bird stands here, the final piece of the puzzle and the final element to Ethan Bird’s quest.”
[The Dragon laughs, each laugh like a clap of thunder.]“You seek the power to slay the Dragon. That is why you have come. To be remembered as the warrior who slew the mighty unslayable beast. The power lies before you, open the chest.”
[With that, the Dragon takes off into the air. Ethan Bird approaches the altar once more. He takes the wooden box into his hands an opens the lid. Expecting to see some magical trinket or secret inside the box, he is disappointed to see the box is empty.]“What?” [He exclaims in his surprise.] “You deceitful beast.”
[The beating of wings sounds once more, yet this time not the beast but Solomon Rhodes appears standing at the altar opposite Bird. He smiles as he shuts the box and lays it back on his altar.]“The power to slay the Dragon lays within those that are worthy. Whether you are worthy or not will soon be answered when you challenge the Dragon in battle. Be remembered or be forgotten, that much is up to you.”
[With that, Rhodes is gone. Bird is left standing at the altar. An empty box for his troubles and a challenge yet to be played out.]FOREIGN AFFAIRS
“My fellow Americans, I stand before you a man worried about the future of this great country. We have stood idly by as illegal immigrants invade our borders, plunder our resources, and take advantage of our hospitality…and I say, enough is enough! I’m calling for tougher security of our borders, and to send back those who would try to tarnish the reputation of our nation and those who lead it!”
[A smattering of applause fills the room, much to the delight of the President.]“We’re going to be a nation that calls the rest of the world out on their attacks against democracy…but more importantly, we’re going to be a nation that bears the torch of human decency for the rest of the world to follow! I’m Jackson Grant Fitzgerald, and I approve this message!”
[A loud round of applause for JGF, as he steps down from the podium. His security walks with him down the hallway, when the President’s phone rings.]“Hello?”
[JGF’s grin quickly fades, turning into a snarl.]“What do you mean, he’s out? What happened?”
[Some murmuring on the other end makes JGF even more angry.]“He broke out? How is that even possible!?”
[JGF shakes his head furiously.]“No, don’t tell me you’re sorry. I need this taken care of now!”
[He hangs the phone up, throwing it against the wall as he storms off, his Secret Security following close behind.] [Cut.]THE SCARECROW VS. NO FACE
“I’m sorry.”
[Those words seem to give Smiley pause. He considers them and does not see as Hysteria’s hand wraps around the handle of his bat.]“I’m sorry I didn’t kill you years ago.”
[THWACK!] [Smiley goes flying through the wall into a dark room, blood coming from his midsection from the barbs. Hysteria rises to his feet, seemingly taking each step in agony. He holds his bat up for Smiley to behold.]“Do you remember where I got this?” [He queries, his voice broken.] “Because they do.
[The spirits of the Harrison family seem to dance around him as he stands over his foe, digging the barbed wire into Smiley’s face with no remorse.]“Be careful what you wish for, Smiley.”
[Hysteria pulls the bat away, taking in the blood mixing with paint that makes up Smiley’s visage. Somehow the Deranged One still smiles beneath it.]“I wished for years that my family would be with me. Now they are.”
[The agony is evident in the eyes of Hysteria as he forces himself to continue.]“You wish to destroy me from the inside. And now…”
[Hysteria looks down at the bat, once the signature weapon of the Ozric Mortimer, the Nightmare that destroyed his family.]“… You will beg for the Nightmare to end.”
[Hysteria staggers out of the room, each step a fight to regain control of his body. Inside the room, Smiley sits up, his tongue darting out to taste the blood on his face.]“This is easier than I thought.” [He mutters.] [And then he smiles.]
“You’ve got to watch your back. The Sharkman will not always be around to save you. A hero stays vigilant.”
[He turns to walk away, and Gable looks even angrier than he was, all thanks has been washed from his face. He holds his ribs, but then Sharkman turns back.]“Oh yeah, heroes also wash their hands.”
[He turns and walks away, leaving Gable to pick up the pieces amongst the ruins of his foes.]VIKTOR NORTH VS. SOLOMON RHODES
“By God.” [An officer is heard, the camera panning to reveal him looking over case files.]
“Some of these children have been missing for months, some for even a year or so. How did you find all of them?”
[The camera pans once more to reveal their savior. Jacob Phoenix.]“That’s not the important part, officer. All I want to know is if you can get them back to their families.”
[The officer looks as if he wants to prod further, but he merely nods his head.]“Of course. It’ll take some time but we will attempt to get into contact with their parents as soon as possible. I’m assuming you want to be here for that?”
[Phoenix thinks for a moment before shaking his head.]“The longer I’m here the more likely it is their captor will come back for them. Just, please get them to their rightful homes.”
[With that, Phoenix turns to leave, the children watching as he goes to exit. Just as he opens the door, a voice stops him.]“Goodbye, Mr. Phoenix.”
[Jacob looks back for just a moment, the little girl that started all of this looking at him, a smile on her face. Phoenix smirks the smallest bit.]“Goodbye.”
“Here you are, trying to save the world again,” [DTR mocks angrily.] “And here I am, about to end yours. You tried to take my child away, Kersh. And in my world, an eye for an eye.”
[He lowers the knife to Nicole’s belly.]“Wait!” [Kersh interrupts. He’s torn between the truth and Jensen’s desire to save his daughter.] “It wasn’t me,” [he admits.] “Jensen kidnapped me and brought me to your home. I had no choice.”
[The Virus looks at Cussen who bows his head, ashamed.]“You did this?” [DTR asks.] “You tried to save your daughter? You tried to stop my baby?”
[Cussen closes his eyes.] “I’m sorry. I made a mistake. I didn’t know what I was doing and…” [The Virus strikes, stabbing the knife straight through Jensen’s shoulder. Vengeance bellows in pain as black ooze seems from the wound.] [Kersh quickly grabs Nicole, escorting her outside to where a car is waiting.] [By the time DTR turns around, Brent and Nicole are gone. He angrily kicks over a chair, snapping the knife from Cussen’s shoulder.]“I’m sorry David,” [Jensen says shamefully, holding his arm.] “I don’t know what came over me.”
“Where are you?”
[A hurried voice responds.] “Outside. Just don’t harm her, Piotor.” [The camera turns around to reveal an elderly woman sat bound to a chair.]“Enter, slowly.”
[Piotor stands up and grabs the woman, turning to face the door. With the pistol pointed at her head, the door creeks open and in walks Sergei Sokolov and General Dzagoev.]“Let my mother go,” [Sergei protests.] “She has nothing to do with this.”
“It’s funny, isn’t it General? After all those years working together, I never thought even despite your brutality, that you’d turn your back on and betray me. We’ve been through wars, fought in silence, for years.”
[The General tries to reason with him.] “I couldn’t let you hurt him, Piotor,” [he admits.] “I’ve known this family too long.”“This was just another mission,” [Piotor interjects, pushing the gun closer to her temple.] “But now its personal. You’ve made it personal.”
“Please,” [Sokolov begs once more.] “Just release her.”
[Piotor shakes his head.] “And I know why. I know why you turned your back on me. I know why Russia hid you away-“ [Suddenly, a loud bang echoes throughout the tiny room. The General had somehow pulled a pistol from his waistband and fired it at Piotor Svetolav.] [The bullet ricochets off his metal arm, piercing the chest of Mother Sokolov.] [Blood, as if in slow motion, spurts from the wound.] [Svetolav drops her in shock as Sergei runs across the room towards his dear mother. He drops to his knees, cradling her as Piotor makes his escape, running towards the door and exiting the hut.] [Dzagoev can’t believe it. His face is white – gaunt even. He stands still, unable to move as Sergei holds his mother in his arms.]“Mama! Please, no, mama!”
[Her chest beats one last time.] [And then stops.] [Cut.]THE RED FLAME
“You must look into the fires once again.” [Pedro says to Hawk, who already intended to do just this.] “There is something you must see.”
[Hawk raises an eyebrow at the presumption of El Salvador, but does not otherwise acknowledge the other man. He closes his eyes and begins to chant in a lost dialect as the fires slowly change colors before him.] [Then his eyes open.] [The fires open as well, showing Hawk the truth.] [The past.] [A skull lies in a field of black rotten soil, water dripping from its overflowed cavities. Two armies stand on opposing sides of this empty field, rain pouring around them.]“Judgement has arrived for you.”
[The voice of Lux Bellator calls out of the fire. A broken voice replies.]“There is still a sacrifice demanded.”
[A body falls before the warrior of light, eyes still open in shock.] [Pedro El Salvador.]“So it begins.”
[Two forms fight over a sea of glass, flames dancing from underneath, beckoning for sacrifice.]“No.” [The dark priest chokes Lux Bellator on the glass.] “It ends.”
[A throne of skull and bone.]“A dark wish from a boy who denied God.”
[Pedro El Salvador sits upon it.]“Welcome to the end.”
[The fires rage as the dark warrior is swallowed by their lancing teeth. Latin words seem to dance upon the image as the fires rage.]“Domine, tolle filium tuum. Animam suam vitam semel. Multum tamen potest.”
[The fire seems to shift into the present as the voice of El Salvador speaks out of the fire as it did to Tommy Hawk in person several weeks ago. A smile forms behind Tommy Hawk on the face of the present El Salvador.]“I am here because I have been searching for he who will rise to stop my son from doing what he has come to do.”
[A naked man scrambles for air as his eyes flash open. His eyes seem to be consumed by the flames until they turn inward on themselves. Tommy Hawk scrambles backwards as the flames seem to shrink into themselves.]“Watch out!” [Hawk calls, grabbing El Salvador and pushing him away.] [Instead of an explosion, the flames just vanish, their tendrils hanging in the air for a moment before dissipating. Hawk and El Salvador look at the flames for just a moment before El Salvador speaks calmly into the now-cool air.]
“So it is as I expected. As I foresaw.”
[Hawk turns to Pedro with a confused expression on his face. The other man now wears a crooked grin.]“Did you truly believe it was you, Spirit Walker?” [El Salvador taunts, suddenly seeming more sinister than before.] “Or did you wish it to be so.”
[Hawk curls his nose.]“I do not desire to be your hero. This is not about you. I will do what I must, regardless of your foresight.”
[El Salvador backs away with a smirk as the fire rekindles.]“Oh, I know you will.” [His eyes bore into Hawks with fervor.] “I can feel your anger. It gives you focus. Makes you stronger.”
[The Spirit Walker looks the former priest up and down. His nose curls as the flames behind him have returned, stronger than before.]“What are you?”
[The question doesn’t surprise Pedro. Instead, he opens his arms in welcome.]“Perhaps you can ask him.”
[Hawk doesn’t even wait to look. Instead, he whirls around with his arm already in punching motion. His arm is caught by a hulking figure with a grin.] [The Scarecrow.] [The Hayman wastes no time in grabbing Tommy Hawk by the neck and throwing him.] [INTO THE FIRE!] [The raging flames consume the form of the Spirit Walker to the point that nothing can be seen but flame and smoke. The white tendrils curl around the Scarecrow as he turns to Pedro El Salvador. Before one of them can even speak, a bolt of lightning crashes down from the barren sky to hit the ground before them. Standing in that crater is now Lux Bellator.] [Thunder rumbles in the distance as Bellator and Scarecrow are joined by another form.] [Tommy Hawk has walked out of the fire. His eyes burn with rage as the three men stand ready to fight.] [Without a word, the three combatants rush forward towards one another, battle cry in the air.] [Cut.]