Cheese Before Bed

Felix FoleyFelix Foley, Promo

[The door is locked.]

“C’mon..” [I’m panicked.] “C’mon!!”

[The handle rattles but won’t open.]

[Quickly, turn around.]


[I barely duck it. The swing of a baseball bat at my head misses and connects with the door, splintering the wood.]

“Oh, come on son. Batter up!”


[There must be another door around here somewhere. These halls are endless and coated in fear.]

[A dead end.]

[My father stands there, bat in hand. He slaps it in his other palm.]

“You’re a pussy, do you know that?” [I do.] “I’m just tryin’ to toughen you up, boy. Do you know what pain can do for ya?”

[Hurt me?]

“It can turn you into a man. You should relish it. Let it make you better than the piece of shit you are today.”

“What do you know about pain, daddy?” [I scream back at him, as if I was ten once again.] “If there’s anyone who knows about pain, it’s me. You’ve been beating me since I was old enough to walk!”

[He runs at me, his face turning into Grimskull. I put my hands up in protection, but he disappears.]

[There’s a sound of music.]

[It’s enticing…. Comforting.]

[I follow the sound through to my old bedroom. I knew I recognized these halls and this house. Sat on my bed, playing a guitar, is daddy.]

“You know, I had dreams. I wanted to sing and play the guitar. I always thought the music would find me, and then you came along.” [His strumming abruptly stops.] “The day you were born, the music died, Felix.

[Daddy stands up.]

“And I wished you did instead.”

“I could’ve been your song. [I try to convince him.] “I could’ve been the greatest piece of music that you’d ever written. Look at me, dad. You didn’t have to beat me. You didn’t have to punish me for your failed dreams. I could’ve lived them!”

[Dad rushes at me with the guitar, swinging it for my head. I run away, closing the door behind me.]

[But I bump into him anyway.]

[This time, he’s holding a dead dog.]

“Barney?” [I call out.]

[Dad smiles.]

“I loved this fuckin’ dog.” [He says showing emotion. Tears. I’d never seen them.] “I loved him more than you.”

“I’m sorry…” [I know what I did.] “I didn’t mean to.”

[He tosses the dead dog at my feet.]

“Imagine loving a dog more than anything else. You, your mom, you’re worthless and pathetic.”

[He runs at me, his hands around my throat.]



[I woke up.]

[It was a nightmare.]

[I’m sweaty. My pillow is soaked with sweat. I can barely breathe.]

[The monster in my dreams, it wasn’t just my father. I look over at the poster on my bedside table that advertises my match with Drewitt, El Mariachi Muerte and Grimskull.]

[Each of them visited me in the guise of my dad.]

[They chased me through a maze of my old torment.]

[Thank Zeus it was just a dream.]

“That’s the last time I eat cheese before bed…” [I say, taking a bite of my left over cheese and bacon sandwich.] “Oh crud…”