Discipline, Part II

In Jash Khan, Promo by Jash Khan

/ In the stalls of Bahaarat, a young boy stands accused of shoplifting by an angry shopkeeper. The shopkeeper yells at him in hindi, angrily scolding the boy for his theft. /

/ An act that stops when Jash Khan wonders by. /

/ Jash asks the man for a private chat and the two step aside to have a conversation. After listening intently to what the angry shopkeeper had to say, he returned to the boy. /

Jash Khan: Discipline, that’s what separates a yute like you from a wasteman, brudda.

/ He empties the boys pockets. /

Jash Khan: I don’t like Master Ken, innit. But if there’s one thing that man ain’t, it’s a wasteman. You know why, young blood? He has discipline. Discipline stops you from becoming a waste of space. It stops you from doing the shit you know you shouldn’t do.

/ Jash finds food in his pockets and shakes his head. /

Jash Khan: DOOM lacks discipline, brudda. If that mang were hungry and he couldn’t afford to eat, he’d steal. He’d take what he needed. That’s the kinda man he is, innit. But where does that lead him, huh? Jail.

/ He smirks, looking at the old man. /

Jash Khan: Or worse….

/ He tosses the food item back to the shopkeeper and tells the boy to come with him. They walk together. /

Jash Khan: Master Ken would say that we train our minds and our bodies. Discipline isn’t gifted, it’s earned. It’s not somethin’ you wake up in the mornin’ with, boyo. It’s not something that comes easy. When you’re hungry and you can’t afford to eat, and you gotta steal, then discipline is how you do that, innit?

Young Boy: You mean I should steal?

/ Jash laughs. /

Jash Khan: You hungry, yeah?

/ The boy nods. /

Jash Khan: The discipline comes in not getting caught. It comes in patience. If there’s one thing Doom and Foley don’t have, it’s patience, brudda. Knowing when to do the right thing for you at the right time, that’s discipline. They ain’t shown that, have they? And you? You ain’t shown that either, innit?

/ Jash kneels before the boy. /

Jash Khan: Don’t be a wastemen like them, brudda. Be disciplined. Go with Hollywood, he’ll show you how to take care of yourself.

Young Boy: What you gonna do about Foley and Doom?

Jash Khan: Same thing I gotta do with you, young blood. Show them some discipline.