Finish Him

Jackson CadeJackson Cade, Promo

“Last week, I was shown what it looks like to see the end of my life.”

“To watch what it means when the cold grip of death takes you by the hand and leads you to the finish line.”

“Tombstone didn’t know it, but what he did to me didn’t deter me, it didn’t scare me, it enlightened me.”

“Being made to see the end, to understand just how real it felt to see my life come to a close before my very eyes, I realized that I had so much left to do.”

“I couldn’t spend my life saying I wanted to do something, that I needed to do something.”

“I just had to suck it up, face reality, and finish what I intended to. Be it bring law to Arcadia, save my brother, retain my title…”

“Or even something as simple as defeating you, Doom. I don’t need to sit back and wait, I just need to finish it before I no longer can.”

“Have you ever finished something, Doom?”

“I mean really taken the time to sit back and finalize something you were working on? Because when I look at what you’ve done in OSW, all you’ve set out to do? All I see is a string of failures trailing behind you, a slew of half finished projects and unrealized dreams festering in your wake.”

“From the moment you entered the Odyssey pool you’ve done nothing but make empty promises about what you were going to do.”

“Capturing Destructo Boy for your sick experiments, forcing him into that vat and watching as nothing you did could change him? Trying to play with his brains only for him to slip out of your grasp and escape back to his father’s waiting arms? He was your project and you were never able to bring your experiments to fruition.”

“And even last week, as he snuck into your lab, you failed to recapture him. Because you were unable to finish the job he not only escaped, he stole your hard drive, deprived you of whatever was on it.”

“Worst of all? You set out to put down the ACA last week, defend your titles, and when you punted Tucker in the skull? You were unable to finish the match and pin him.”

“But don’t worry, I understand.”

“Like I said, I have so much left to do, so much that needs to happen before I die.”

“I won’t allow myself to become like you.”

“I couldn’t finish Jasper Redgrave myself.”

“I haven’t finished my search for TEC’s saboteur.”

“But you know what I did finish?”

“I finished the world title match. I put OSW’s most important prize around my waist.”

“I finished my night in the mortuary leading the locker room against Tombstone.”

“And on Thunder? I’m going to finish you.”

“One kick.”

“One hostile down.”

“And once the match is over you’ll know…”

“No one is above the Law.”

“And I am the Law.”