Dutiful Dog

Kaiju ChibaPromo

It’s always been the case that man relies upon animals.

Perhaps none more so than a dog.

I know of no time in the history of Arcadia where dogs were not used by man. Not merely for companionship, however, but work.

It seems to me that dogs were bred for work. They are highly trainable. They are adept at following commands.

And they take their duty seriously.

It is an easily verifiable fact about dogs that they are at their happiest when they perform the functions of their duty. Be that hunting, herding,

Or in one particular dog’s case, protecting and serving.

To protect and serve.

Nothing mattered more to this dog than doing just that.

He had a sense of pride about his work. A sense of purpose in the fulfillment of his duty.

And every so often? When he did a particularly great job in the fulfillment of his duty?

His owner would give him a treat.

A happy dog, indeed.

But then one day, this very dutiful dog ran into something he never could’ve anticipated.

A wolf.

And the wolf was most unlike the dog.

He had no sense of duty. No desire to protect or to serve.

The only thing the wolf wanted to do was to sink its sharp canines into the flesh of man.

And the wolf was conniving and clever in its own work.

Because he knew that the dog was ultimately duty-bound.

The dog could do many things. The only thing the dog couldn’t do?

Abandon his duties.

And the wolf got to eat as many men as he wanted.

Because the dog was bound by his duty to stop the wolf, but not to kill it.

And unfortunately for the dog, killing the wolf was the only way to stop it.

Jackson, perhaps it is time to stop waiting on a treat from your owner.

Perhaps it is time to abandon your duties.

There is nothing wrong with being duty-bound.

But there is a better way to go about handling your little wolf problem.

I would encourage you to be bound by honor, rather than duty.

You see, Deputy, duties are handed down from your superior.

But honor? Honor is self-inscribed, written by the heart and followed through by action.

And an honor-bound dog would’ve never allowed his duties to get in the way of stopping a wolf who was attacking people he loved.

You see Jackson, duty places you in a box. You can do whatever you want, except act outside of that box.

Is it any wonder, then, that the wolf brought you a box of your own?

Had honor been the code you followed?

Well, the wolf would be the dead, or the dog would’ve died trying.

Because duty? That makes you a dog.

But honor? Well… Honor makes you a hero.

And honor gives you permission to put a bullet between the eyes of a wolf.

Perhaps its time I taught you the difference in honor and duty.

If not me, then who?