Fallout Fight Night

In Promo by Jay Fury

[Scene: A grimy boiler room deep within the Commonwealth. Sunlight struggles to penetrate the grimy porthole window, casting long shadows across rusted pipes and flickering fluorescent lights. The air is thick with the smell of burnt oil and overheated metal.]


A gravelly voice comes from the shadows of the boiler room


“The bombs fell, turning the world into a wasteland. Society crumbled, leaving behind only scraps and scavengers. In this irradiated graveyard, one thing remains constant: the fight to survive.”


[Camera pans across a workbench cluttered with salvaged weapons and Nuka-Cola caps – the Wasteland’s twisted currency. A figure emerges from the shadows. This is Jay Fury, a warrior clad in patched armor and scavenged power armor plating.]


Jay Fury (Lighting a cigarette): “Some folks chase glory in shiny Vaults long buried under the dust. Me? I fight for what matters: seeing another sunrise, collecting enough caps for a decent meal, and scoring some Nuka-Quantum for a little buzz.”


[Cut to a montage of Jay Fury’s wasteland battles. He fights a feral ghoul with a jury-rigged pipe wrench, dodges Molotov cocktails from a raider gang wearing Raider Power Armor, and uses a scavenged laser rifle to blast a mutated Mirelurk Queen.]


Jay Fury: “I ain’t some pre-war athlete competing for ribbons in a holotape simulation. I’m forged in the fires of the Commonwealth, a walking advertisement for the dangers of Radaway withdrawal.”


[Jay Fury slams a massive sledgehammer against a glowing boiler, sparks flying.]

Jay Fury: “This isn’t any Diamond City fighting ring, Master Ken. This is the Boiler Room Brawl. It is a fight where the only trophy is air in your lungs and the only points are the number of bullets you dodge.”

[Camera focuses on the shadows lurking in the corners of the boiler room. A guttural growl echoes in the distance.]

Jay Fury: “But something lurks in the shadows of this metal tomb. Something with more teeth than a Deathclaw and a taste for fresh meat. This brawl isn’t just about two fighters. It’s a descent into the belly of the beast.”

Jay Fury: “Master Ken, you may be a pre-war legend, a Karate Kid who trained with dusty holotapes, but let me tell you somethin’. This boiler room ain’t big enough for both of us. And when the dust settles, there’ll only be one Sole Survivor left standing.”

(Camera zooms in on Jay Fury’s face, the single red glow of his Pip-Boy illuminating his battle-scarred features. A feral grin spreads across his lips.)

Jay Fury: (Voice drops to a low whisper) “…Unless something even nastier decides to join the party.”

(Suddenly, a monstrous roar erupts from the depths of the boiler room. The lights flicker wildly. A long, shadowy claw bursts through a rusted pipe, dripping with a sickly green ooze. Jay Fury raises his sledgehammer, a look of steely determination in his eyes.)

Jay Fury: (Shouting over the roar) “Looks like the pre-fight entertainment just arrived! Buckle up, Master Ken, because the Boiler Room Brawl is about to get a whole lot more interesting!” (Fades to black)