The Chain

El Mariachi MuerteEMM, Promo

♫ Listen to the wind blow, watch the sun rise
Running in the shadows, damn your love, damn your lies ♫

Why fit in if you were born to stand out?”

“Standing out from the crowd seems noble. Yet, our connections to that crowd are chains we bind, anchoring us to the world. By design, humans are social creatures, made to create these bonds, linking ourselves to our herd.”

“The chains we create are essential for our very survival.”

“Many bonds we form in our lives help to keep us grounded. Friendships we form. Passions we discover. Yet, the familial bond of love unconditional is the strongest bond of all.”

Family. The unbreakable chain.”

“For you can outlast friendships with disloyalty and lies. Passions can falter as the heart wanes. But one cannot outrun family, amigos.”

“However, some feel the weight of that anchor pulling them downwards. They feel the chains strangling them, suffocating them with their confines. CJ Thorpe is one such troubled soul.

Running in the shadows. Desperate to break those chains and live his own life in perceived freedom.”

♫ If you don’t love me now
You will never love me again
I can still hear you saying
You would never break the chain ♫

“You’ve been chipping away at breaking these chains for some time, CJ. Turning your back on your family has found your freedom, but only you seem to not see how toxic your new bonds truly are.”

“Last week, you stood atop the world, mi amigo. The chains shattered around you as you stood above all of the Lambs at Slaughter. Finally, the binds that held you shackled hold you no more.”

“Yet each link of that chain you’ve shattered is important.”

Friendships shattered in exchange for an Uprising built on strained relationships.”

“A past shattered in exchange for the promise of a future unfulfilled.”

“A Family, shattered at seeing their son and brother turn away from them.”

“You think you’re breaking chains, mi amigo… But you’re really just quitting on those who truly love you. You’re not a chainbreaker, Joey Cade. You’re a quitter.

Death comes for us all in time. For those who get close to Jasper Redgrave, it seems to come quickly. Your song will end in its time.”

“The ones that will cry at your funeral are those whose chains you shattered along the way. Not Narcissa, and sure as death, not Jasper Redgrave. True bonds never quit. You may try, but the chain will never be broken so long as your brother has breath.”

“Because that which never quits, is love.”

“Your brother. Your parents.”

“Even as you sever your ties, they still hold you in their hearts. They weep for you out of love.”

“And just as their love never quits, my determination never will either. For love drives my song. Love anchors me with the most unbreakable chain of all. The promise of seeing mi amore again.”

“That is a chain that I will never break. It is why I will not ever quit, I cannot.”

For I will never break the chain.