OSW Champion Seeking to “Pull Off a Miracle” at Double Tap

Colt RamseyPromo

The eyes of Arcadia are firmly upon Olympus ahead of Double Tap, a tournament that pairs up sixteen of the finest Titans in tag team action, and one look at the eight teams set to compete might make it difficult to figure out who is going to leave the tournament with the OSW Tag Team Championship…unless you ask our roving reporter, Colt Ramsey. We had a chance to sit down with the man on the scene and chat before the big event, seeking his thoughts on the competitors vying for the titles.

“Oh, I’ve seen what most of these folks are like up close and personal,” stated the Journo, raising his half of the titles onto his shoulder. “I know what it’s like to be on the wrong side of the wrath of nearly all of these Titans, in fact. If this was a singles competition, would I be scared to face them? That’s for me to know and you to find out!”

Sensing the confusion that statement would cause, Ramsey quickly clarified:

“Nearly everyone in this tournament is out of their element. You’ve got guys that don’t mesh well with others teaming up to go after this prize, and I gotta be honest…I don’t see the partnerships of Scandium Sulphur, Day of the Dead, OR the Apex Predators working out past the first round, much less carrying them to a run with these bad boys.”

When asked about the pairings of Kaleidoscope and Black Plague, Ramsey chortled before responding:

“Ol’ Grimmy and Eyes Wide Shut have some BAD vibes going on between them, and that’s gonna cost them against the reigning OSW Tag Team Champions! As for Blacktooth and…whatever Gemini’s become? That’s some bad romance for ya, and there’s as much chance of them winning this thing as there is one of them is gonna be the other’s next meal.”

Looking at the pairings of .kill/Exploit and Atomic Eagle, the Journo seemed to wax philosophical.

“A hacker and a criminal on the one hand, and the police squad on the other? How oddly poetic,” said Ramsey with a smirk on his face. “I’ve heard about the reputation of Harold Attano and the speculation over where he’s come from, but he’s teaming with an absolute wild card to say the least…and then you’ve got Jackson Cade teaming up with what I can only assume is a replacement for the buddy cop he doesn’t have anymore.”

Statements like these would seem cocky and arrogant from most, but from Colt Ramsey they are simply a reflection of his confidence in the chemistry—in-ring, that is—between he and Narcissa Balenciaga. Ramsey refused to comment on where the two stood beyond that, or on the rumors surrounding the Designer’s connection to Zeus, simply stating:

“Listen, the people aren’t worried about my love life anymore. The people just want to see the tag champs pull off what some would call a miracle at Double Tap…and you’ve got to give the people what they want!”